InSystems and Model Engineering Solutions jointly developed a Simulink model of an adaptive fleet of InSystems’ proANT collaborating transport robots. The goal was to capture the desired adaptive system behavior to more effectively deal with the typical goals and challenges of collaborative embedded system groups (CSGs). A fleet of robots has to react to dynamic changes in the policy of the manufacturing execution system or the number and nature of its members to safeguard its functionality. The consistent application of a model-based development process for automation systems offers a variety of benefits to deal with these challenges. First and foremost, the specification of the CSG in the form of executable models allows for a fully virtual simulated representation of the robot fleet. This provides a sound foundation to efficiently develop and maintain the actual system. To exploit the full potential, a model-based approach relies on the reusability of models and test beds throughout the different development phases. Secondly, the model-based development process profits from a fully integrated tool chain that highly automatizes associated development activities. These include requirements management, modelling, and simulation as well as integrated quality assurance tasks, most notably, model-based static analysis and requirements-based testing. Tools such as the MES Model Examiner® and the MES Test Manager® are beneficial in streamlining the process.

Image Source: Model Engineering Solutions – GmbH
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