AI Robotics Pro

AI Robotics Pro


Are you ready for more?

We are here to serve your needs. And if you’d like to learn more, let’s get started.


Our Vision

We can make Robots as smart as a human by using a cloud brain.
Helpful humanoid robots will be affordable for homes by 2025

This will be achieved by cloud-connected robots,
where diverse models of robots share a brain hosted on a cloud platform.

Your robot will have access to an ever-growing number of skills
similar your smart phone’s access to apps today.

Our Mission

Operating Smart Robots for People.

We make helpful robot services possible; and to make them safe, secure and affordable.

Our mission is to implement the Vision. As breakthroughs continue along the way to the Vision becoming reality, AIRoboticsPro is preparing to be an operator of diverse models robots
for people with a wide range of interests and needs.

We Make Robots SmarterTM

Have a robot?  We can make it smarter. 
Have AI skills?  We can integrate them into ever-expanding cloud brains.

AIRoboticsPro is the creator of an emerging fabric to connect a multitude of AI skills to cloud robots (and other smart devices).

We are a catalyst that increases the value of AI developed anywhere in the world
by creating seamless interoperability with robots (and other smart devices).

Let’s build something together!

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