Archive 16.09.2022

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Keeping Your Data Secure 100% Of The Time With VoIP: 5 Things To Implement Right Away

Have you finally ditched landlines for the better and more advanced VoIP? If so, great! There’s so much more than you can get with it compared with the older communication tech. One of our favorite things about it is there’s no business income barrier preventing you from accessing the full potential of the system. You...

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Sharing a laugh: Scientists teach a robot when to have a sense of humor

Since at least the time of inquiring minds like Plato, philosophers and scientists have puzzled over the question "What's so funny?" The Greeks attributed the source of humor to feeling superior at the expense of others. German psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud believed humor was a way to release pent-up energy. U.S. comedian Robin Williams tapped his anger at the absurd to make people laugh.

Intelligent cooperation to provide surveillance and epidemic services in smart cities

There has been a lot of interest in mobile robots and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in recent times, primarily because these technologies have the potential to provide us with immense benefits. With the rise of 5G technology, it is expected that UAVs or drones and mobile robots will efficiently and safely provide a wide range of services in smart cities, including surveillance and epidemic prevention. It is now well established that robots can be deployed in various environments to perform activities like surveillance and rescue operations. But to date, all these operations have been independent of each other, often working in parallel. To realize the full potential of UAVs and mobile robots, we need to use these technologies together so that they can support each other and augment mutual functions.

Expressing and recognizing intentions in robots

The digital and physical worlds are becoming more and more populated by intelligent computer programs called agents. Agents have the potential to intelligently automate many daily tasks such as maintaining an agenda, driving, interacting with a phone or computer, and many more. However, there are many challenges to solve before getting there. One of them is that agents need to recognize and express intentions, Michele Persiani shows in his thesis in computing science at Umeå University.

Can a robot’s ability to speak affect how much human users trust it?

As robots become increasingly advanced, they are likely to find their way into many real-world settings, including homes, offices, malls, airports, health care facilities, and assisted living spaces. To promote their widespread use and implementation, however, roboticists should ensure that robots are well-perceived and trusted by humans.

Tiny, caterpillar-like soft robot folds, rolls, grabs and degrades

When you hear the term "robot," you might think of complicated machinery working in factories or roving on other planets. But "millirobots" might change that. They're robots about as wide as a finger that someday could deliver drugs or perform minimally invasive surgery. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Applied Polymer Materials have developed a soft, biodegradable, magnetic millirobot inspired by the walking and grabbing capabilities of insects.

ep.360: Building Communities Around AI in Africa, with Benjamin Rosman

At ICRA 2022, Benjamin Rosman delivered a keynote presentation on an organization he co-founded called “Deep learning Indaba”.

Deep Learning Indaba is based in South Africa and their mission is to strengthen Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning communities across Africa. They host yearly meetups in varying countries on the continent, as well as promote grass roots communities in each of the countries to run their own local events.

What is Indaba?

An indaba is a Zulu word for a gathering or meeting. Such meetings are held throughout southern Africa, and serve several functions: to listen and share news of members of the community, to discuss common interests and issues facing the community, and to give advice and coach others.

Benjamin Rosman

Benjamin Rosman is an Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, where he runs the Robotics, Autonomous Intelligence, and Learning (RAIL) Laboratory and is the Director of the National E-Science Postgraduate Teaching and Training Platform (NEPTTP).

He is a founder and organizer of the Deep Learning Indaba machine learning summer school, with a focus on strengthening African machine learning. He was a 2017 recipient of a Google Faculty Research Award in machine learning, and a 2021 recipient of a Google Africa Research Award. In 2020, he was made a Senior Member of the IEEE.


How our principles helped define AlphaFold’s release

Our Operating Principles have come to define both our commitment to prioritising widespread benefit, as well as the areas of research and applications we refuse to pursue. These principles have been at the heart of our decision making since DeepMind was founded, and continue to be refined as the AI landscape changes and grows. They are designed for our role as a research-driven science company and consistent with Google’s AI principles.

How our principles helped define AlphaFold’s release

Our Operating Principles have come to define both our commitment to prioritising widespread benefit, as well as the areas of research and applications we refuse to pursue. These principles have been at the heart of our decision making since DeepMind was founded, and continue to be refined as the AI landscape changes and grows. They are designed for our role as a research-driven science company and consistent with Google’s AI principles.

Erotophilia and sexual sensation-seeking are good predictors of engagement with sex robots, according to new research

Advances in technology, in particular artificial intelligence (AI), are impacting our everyday lives in ever more ways—including our sex lives. Sex robots—life-size, lifelike machines powered by AI and used for sexual purposes—are one such emerging technological system. While they remain very niche, those who make, use and study them believe the market offers room for growth.
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