Designing a new motor or a gearbox often requires calculating how much torque will be required to perform a primary task of the application. Undersizing or underpowering can lead to premature failure of the equipment.
Comparing drone inspection time to relevant manual inspections across the 4 sites, we saw an increase in inspection efficiency of 97%. On a per MWdc basis, cost savings due to efficiency gains ranged from $1074 to $1717 per MW, for an average of $1254/MW cost savings.
Calling robotics innovators in Silicon Valley, Austin, Boston, and Pittsburgh
PACK EXPO International takes place at McCormick Place in Chicago, IL October 14th - 17th. This Special Tradeshow report aims to bring you news, articles and products from this years event.
Booth #N5853 - KEBA offers KeMotion which is a complete solution for robot and machine automation. PLC, motion, robotics, drive technology, safety technology and HMI are all combined in a compact system.
Booth #S2373 - Pack Expo will allow us to introduce our MotoMini robot to the packaging community.
There are numerous approaches to robot guidance using machine vision techniques, such as stereo vision and photogrammetry, time of flight, structured light, light coding, and laser triangulation.
Developed in the lab of Yale's Rebecca Kramer-Bottiglio, NASA-inspired robotic skins enable users to turn soft objects - a stuffed animal or a foam tube, for instance - into robots.
Exponential technology advances, strong economy propel
North America’s premier manufacturing show
Specialized AI applications will become both progressively ordinary and more useful by 2030, improving our economy and quality of life.
IDC was briefed to develop a humanoid robot that was capable of typing with fingers like a human to mimic the typing of a user, at a typing speed of 3-4 keys/second.
As part of a research project, scientists at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have developed a robot that can independently assemble the individual components of an IKEA chair without interruption in less than ten minutes.
Saheli Roy Choudhury for CNBC: The outlook for job creation is more positive today because companies better understand what kind of opportunities are available to them due to developments in technology, according to WEF.
Does your battery have the ability to report battery statistics to you while it is airborne? Are you sure that battery will work for your important demo?
In autonomous vehicles, should the information in the vehicle’s storage be transparent (to all vehicles nearby) or should it all be kept private unless the vehicle’s owner wants to share that information publicly?