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New MiR Fleet Enterprise Software Raises the Bar in Scalability and Cybersecurity for Autonomous Mobile Robots

This latest release enhances its ability to deliver a full solution for advanced AMR hardware, sophisticated capabilities such as traffic management, and streamlined deployment processes, addressing the complex needs of enterprise-level customers seeking end-to-end solutions

Reliable Industrial Robots with AI – Enhancing Fail-Safe Operations with Predictive Maintenance

With industrial robots’ hourly operating rate of $2500, the financial impact of their failure can escalate quickly. Thus, it is crucial to avoid such technical disruptions in operations, whether it involves one singular robotic arm or several hundred industrial robots.

Robotic solutions for pharmaceutical packaging – Automated system addresses key limitations of manual processes

In collaboration with robotics expert, TM Robotics, its South American partner Questt has developed an innovative vial packaging solution that addresses the limitations of manual processes and elevates productivity and performance for life sciences production lines.
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