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Machine Vision of Tomorrow: How 3D Scanning in Motion Revolutionizes Automation

Advancements in machine vision drive industrial automation and push the boundaries of what is feasible. Yet one limitation of machine vision could long not be overcome, which seriously restrained the range of tasks that could be automated. This changes now.

Evolution in the Press Shop – Intelligent, Camera-based Tool Protection in Stamping and Forming Technology

Boosting efficiency through digitalization - almost no branch of industry can evade it. Also operators of press shops are increasingly networking their production. But - it's not always necessary to replace the entire plant in order to stay up to date.

Boston Dynamics and IBM Join Forces to Bring Mobile Edge Analytics to Industrial Operations

The demand for AI-driven robotics is increasing in operations like those in manufacturing and warehouse settings to help organizations with data and analytics that identify problems in real time, improve decision making, and perform tasks more efficiently.

Behind the Robot: HITT’s Construction Site Monitoring Husky UGV

“S.A.M.” will be used as a communication intermediary, connecting a superintendent with a subcontractor from across a job site through two-way communications. It will also be able to traverse the site to remotely inspect work and capture progress photography and video.
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