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Today’s Robotics Innovation Landscape and the Role of IP in The Field of Robotics

Patent protection is best suited for inventions that are at risk of being publicly detected or independently developed. Innovation that will likely not become publicly available or would require significant work to recreate may be a good candidate for trade secret protection.

RoboBusiness Direct Online Series

RoboBusiness Direct is built to foster robotics innovation in all its forms, expand robotics business opportunities, and build a community of like-minded problem solvers with the goal of driving the growth of robotics businesses. More than a webinar or virtual event, RoboBusiness Direct is an ongoing, integrated series of presentations and media coverage delivered by brightest minds from the leading robotics and automation companies from around the world - Nuro, FedEx, Lockheed Martin, Samsung, Siemens and more.

Rocos Partners With Boston Dynamics to Upskill Autonomous Spot Robots With Remote Operation – All the Way From New Zealand

The importance of autonomous robots has been highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic where many have been used to encourage social distancing, clean public spaces and hospitals, and even deliver vital medication.


Manufacturing the Hand-Held in a plastic injection molding process makes it possible to offer a more stable and cost-effective alternative to 3D printing. Installing it is fast and very easy and it is compatible with most commercially available door handles (Ø 18 - 22 mm).
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