#278: IROS 2018 Exhibition (Part 3 of 3), with Ryan Gariepy, Lars Grimstad and Péter Fankhauser

#278: IROS 2018 Exhibition (Part 3 of 3), with Ryan Gariepy, Lars Grimstad and Péter Fankhauser

In this interview, Audrow Nash interviews Ryan Gariepy, Lars Grimstad, and Péter Fankhauser.

Ryan Gariepy, Chief Technology Officer of ClearPath and Otto Motors in Canada, speaks about Boxer, a robust research platform that has been used extensively in an industrial context over many years. Gariepy discusses how Boxer can be used in investigating human-robot interaction questions because of its expressive lighting, including for autonomous cars.

Lars Grimstad, Chief Technology Office of Saga Robotics in Norway, discusses a lego-like agriculture platform. He speaks about the platform’s design, including its power systems and communication protocol. Grimstad also talks about a project using this platform to pick hanging strawberries.

Péter Fankhauser, Chief Business Development Officer and Co-founder of ANYbotics in Switzerland, speaks about ANYmal, a quadrupedal robot. Fankhauer discusses going from research to industry, using ANYmal for inspection, and the future of ANYbotics.



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