With New Patent Granted, AKA Brings a Step Closer to More Affective Human-Robot Interaction
Santa Monica, CA, April 12, 2019 — AKA, an AI development company, today announced the issuance of PCT Patent (PCT/KR2018/006493, REG 1019653720000) for “Method of Determining Emotion of Computer Dialogue Agents.”
The patented technology involves a method for determining the emotions of computer dialogue agents.
Developed based on a psychoevolutionary theory–Plutchik’s wheel of emotions–which classifies emotions to eight basic categories, AKA’s new patented technology makes it possible to determine the emotion of a computer dialogue agent by using dimensionality reduction techniques to map sentences into a color-emotion space.
To determine the emotional content of a sentence, the method employs dimensionality reduction techniques to map emotions as points in the three dimensional space. It uses sentences’ pleasure, arousal and dominance values produced by a regression algorithm trained on in-house data to project a point into the 3-dimensional coordinate system. The point is then mapped into a color-emotion space as specified by Plutchik’s wheel of emotions. The final value of the emotion is determined by the point’s position in the color-emotion space: the type of emotion, the intensity of emotion, as well as a color to represent it. This information is finally used to determine the facial expression of Musio, the color of its heart, and as a parameter in guiding the dialogue between the user and Musio.

“We believe this is a very important patent received,” said Raymond Jung, CEO of AKA. “it will further strengthen our AI Engine, MUSE, with more accurate emotional expressions in human-robot communications.”
For more information about AKA’s patent in Method of Determining Emotion of Computer, please visit here.
About AKA
AKA is developing AI engines to help improve communication between people and all things digital. AKA’s technology integrates artificial intelligence and big data to more effectively deliver essential communication tools, such as speaking, writing, facial expressions, and gestures, that are often overlooked.
Learn more
Official Homepage: http://www.akaintelligence.com/
Musio Product page: https://themusio.com/
Media inquiry
The press release above was provided to Roboticmagazine.Com by AKA Intelligence in April 2019.
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