Here’s our daily update in tweets, live from IJCAI (International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence) in Macau. Like yesterday, we’ll be covering tutorials and workshops.
Now attending the #tutorial "Argumentation and Machine Learning: When the Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts" by @CeruttiFederico, & learning about #ML mechanisms that create, annotate, analyze & evaluate arguments expressed in natural language.#AI #IJCAI2019 @IJCAIconf
— Dagmar Monett (@dmonett) August 12, 2019
Getting dirty hands on the new @TensorFlow 2.0 in the Deep Learning Tutorial at #IJCAI2019 by @random_forests using Google Colab #deeplearning #machinelearning #tensorflow
— Daniele Di Mitri (@dimstudi0) August 12, 2019
Now: "Dialogues with Socially Aware Robot Agents – Knowledge & Reasoning using Natural Language," an invited #IJCAI2019 talk by Prof. Kristiina Jokinen
Her start: "The quality of #intelligence possessed by humans and #AI is fundamentally different."#Bridging2019 @IJCAIconf
— Dagmar Monett (@dmonett) August 12, 2019
At the #Bridging2019 #IJCAI2019 workshop now.
The second talk by Rodolfo A. Fiorini: "New Approach to Computational Cognition and Predicative Competence."
On his second slide: #AGI "needs fresh methods with cognitive architectures and philosophy of mind."#AI @IJCAIconf
— Dagmar Monett (@dmonett) August 12, 2019
#HAI19 is now over! Amazing day with lots of great discussions, talks, poster sessions and so on!
Congratulations to Shane and Sharmila for winning the best paper and best lightning talk award!
Thank you everyone, and see you again next year! @IJCAIconf— Puneet Agrawal (@puneet1622) August 12, 2019
#HAI19 is half done! Great keynotes from Rui Yan and @danmcduff – you guys gave nice insights! Very interesting Lightning Talks followed! After lunch, a poster session is lined up followed by more invited talks from @vdignum @rafal_rzepka and Pascale Fung. @IJCAIconf
— Puneet Agrawal (@puneet1622) August 12, 2019
SCAI Workshop
#SCAI_Workshop poster session is happening in the Hall A. Here is an approximate map on how to get there from the workshop room (2501): go behind the escalator and turn right.
— SCAI Workshop (@scai_workshop) August 12, 2019
Looking forward for an exciting program tomorrow at #SCAI_Workshop @IJCAIconf ! Great speakers from academia and industry! Full schedule is available at
See you all in the room 2501, right next to the escalators (detailed map available in tho Whova app).
— SCAI Workshop (@scai_workshop) August 11, 2019
Xiaoxue Zang from @GoogleAI presenting the work on multi-domain conversations #SCAI_Workshop @IJCAIconf #ijcai2019
— SCAI Workshop (@scai_workshop) August 12, 2019
Done with the presentation in SocialNLP 2019 @ IJCAI-2019, Macau, China.#SocialNLP @IJCAIconf #ijcai2019 @PurdueCS
Presentation Slide:
Paper link:
— Tunazzina Islam (@Tunaz_Islam) August 12, 2019
Line: yet another messager most people in the West don't know about. 200M users and the right expertise to build a conversational system w/ Naver #SCAI_Workshop #ijcai2019
— Aleksandr Chuklin (@varphi) August 12, 2019
Tomorrow is our #IJCAI2019 workshop on #AIforSocialGood! Invited talks by @5harad, Lilian Tang, and @ermonste. Co-organized with @erichorvitz @RecklessCoding @ezinne_nwa @nhaghtal. @MilindTambe_AI @HCRCS
— Bryan Wilder (@brwilder) August 11, 2019
Thanks to @5harad a great invited talk on the difficulty of formalizing fairness! #AIforSocialGood at #IJCAI2019
— Bryan Wilder (@brwilder) August 12, 2019
#ijcai2019 #day3 workshop on ‘AI for social good’ Invited talk on ‘The Measure and Mismeasure of Fairness: A Critical Review of Fair Machine Learning’ by Sharad Goel(Stanford)
알고리듬에 따른 결정이 공정 할까요? 공정성을 확보하기 위해 주로— Woontack Woo (우운택) (@wwoo_ct) August 12, 2019
Liz Bondi on game theory for conservation at the #IJCAI2019 workshop on #AIforSocialGood. @MilindTambe_AI @BDilkina @fangf07
— Bryan Wilder (@brwilder) August 12, 2019
Talk on fairness and efficiency in ridesharing by Xiaohui Bei at #IJCAI2019 workshop on #AIforSocialGood
— Bryan Wilder (@brwilder) August 12, 2019
. @frankdignum in the #AI4SocialGood WS #ijcai2019 talking about #AI in #healthcare.
— Andreas Theodorou
#IJCAI2019 (@RecklessCoding) August 12, 2019
AI Safety
The Human side of AI safety: presentation by @raja_chatila at #AIsafety2019 #ijcai2019 @IJCAI_2019
— Virginia Dignum (@vdignum) August 12, 2019
Accepted paper 1. Implicitly Learning to Reason in First-Order Logic. Vaishak Belle and Brendan Juba #DeLBP #ijcai2019
— Guo, Quan (@guoquan_) August 12, 2019
Accepted paper 7. Query-driven PAC-learning for reasoning. Brendan Juba #DeLBP #ijcai2019
— Guo, Quan (@guoquan_) August 12, 2019
The #semdeep5 workshop is happening right now at @IJCAIconf #ijcai2019! Proceedings are now online at the ACL Anthology website (@read_papers)! Regular papers + WiC submissions @CamachoCollados @tpilehvar @Dagmar_G @ThierryDeclerck
— Luis (@luisanke) August 12, 2019
Stay tuned as I’ll be covering the conference as an AIhub ambassador.