The main IJCAI2019 conference started on August 13th. The organizers gave the opening remarks and statistics, and announced the award winners for this year.
The Opening Ceremony
#ijcai2019 opening
— tamura
(@y7amura) August 13, 2019
Let the fun begin. #ijcai2019 @IJCAIconf
— Rui Maranhao (@rmaranhao) August 13, 2019
It’s the start of #ijcai2019 in Macau. I was last here 22 years ago, and it’s nice to be back. Over the next 2-3 days I’m hoping to post a few links and descriptions of the exciting search work my students and colleagues will be presenting here.
— Nathan Sturtevant
(@nathansttt) August 13, 2019
#ijcai2019 starts with a great tiger dance!
— Ashish Kulkarni (@kulashish) August 13, 2019
#IJCAI2019 has started off with a bang
— Tathagata (@tchakra2) August 13, 2019
IJCAI2019 numbers
#ijcai2019 @IJCAIconf #ijcai numbers
— Oktie H. (@oktie) August 13, 2019
Special track
Proud of @_JSchaeffer for organizing and chairing #ijcai2019 Special Track on the #AI for Improving Human Wellbeing – critically essential research area for #humanity #Canadian #innovation #leadership #cdnpse
— JGSchaeffer (@JGSchaeffer) August 13, 2019
Some of the IJCAI2019 Awards
Congratulations @frossi_t for winning the IJCAI Distinguished Service Award!
— Marie desJardins (@mariedj17) July 26, 2019
Amedeo Cesta @cesta_rome awarded by @BarryOSullivan with #EurAI fellowship in Macau during @IJCAIconf great honour for a great researcher @StampaCnr @cnr_istc @AI_x_IA
— PST@ISTC-CNR (@CNRPst) August 13, 2019
Super proud that our paper got distinguished paper honorable mention today @IJCAIconf #ijcai2019
. Link to the paper –
— Sri Krishna (@skrish_13) August 13, 2019
“Doing for robots what Evolution did for us” by Leslie Kaelbling.
Official opening session of #IJCAI2019 is over.
1000+ people listening to Leslie Kaelbling, MIT, now: keynote: "Doing for our robots what evolution did for us"
There is no single strategy for designing a general-purpose #robot but more & from different fields#AI @IJCAIconf
— Dagmar Monett (@dmonett) August 13, 2019
“Human-level intelligence or animal-like abilities” by Adnan Darwiche.
#ijcai2019 #day4 invited talk on ‘Reasoning about the Behavior of AI Systems' by Adnan Darwiche (UCLA) – Ijcai2019 at Cotai Expo in the Venetian Macau에서
— Woontack Woo (우운택) (@wwoo_ct) August 13, 2019
Now live from the @IJCAIconf on #artificialintelligence "Reasoning About the Behavior of AI Systems", a talk given by Adnan Darwich.
— IJCAIconf (@IJCAIconf) August 13, 2019
In his 2019 IJCAI-JAIR Best Paper Prize talk, Matti Järvisalo nicely emphasises the enormous impact of automated reasoning in #AI and beyond and shines a bright light on one of #AI's largest intellectual and commercial successes to date.
— Holger Hoos (@HolgerHoos) August 13, 2019
Diversity in AI panel discussion
Thanks to panelists Edith Elkind, @pascalefung, @frossi_t, @siminyu_kat, and @TobyWalsh for a lively and stimulating panel on #diversity in #AI #ijcai2019. Lots of great ideas for ways to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion of many underrepresented groups!
— Marie desJardins (@mariedj17) August 13, 2019
What can be done to CHANGE the current unfortunate issues of #diversity (not only but especially) in #AI?
A lot!!
#IJCAI2019 @IJCAIconf
— Dagmar Monett (@dmonett) August 13, 2019
Demos and booths
Demos and booths of different companies took place next to different poster sessions.
@Sony is the main sponsor of #IJCAI2019. We are preparing our booth now.
— Naoya Takahashi (@zuNaoya) August 12, 2019
Our fearless leaders @casey_dugan @dinahtravels Jim and Shirin in full force at the @IBMResearch booth at #IJCAI2019— Tathagata (@tchakra2) August 13, 2019
Paper presentation sessions were happening at the same time in other venues.
Robot challenge
Why buying a #robot when you can #doityourself !#robotchallenge @ #ijcai2019
— Daniele Di Mitri (@dimstudi0) August 13, 2019
Stay tuned as I’ll be covering the conference as an AIhub ambassador.