Optimizing mobile robot power efficiency

Optimizing mobile robot power efficiency

Optimizing mobile robot power efficiency

The basic physical body of the robot should be understood and optimized first. Robot should be as lightweight as possible, unless high mass (for weight or inertia) is needed for a specific reason. Friction between moving parts should be minimized except for the parts that need a certain amount of friction.

The components must be energy efficient, such as motors, sensors, microcontrollers.

Sensor data should be obtained and processed efficiently, to avoid unnecessary data and processing. For this, data from multiple sensors should be efficiently integrated. Also see “sensor fusion”

Some tasks use a lot of power such as image processing, analysis of input data, navigating environment and avoiding obstacles. Algorithms for these should be optimized. For example, while navigation environment, the shortest path that involves the least obstacles will mean less energy usage. Data compression alsohelps save power during processing.

Using smart battery usage optimization / management systems, including real time monitoring of performance that can identify areas for improvement

Optimized wireless communication is a good way to save power. This should be used as much as possible.

Robot’s movements should be kept at a minimum, as long as the desired objectives are reached. In other words, efficient motion planning where only essental tasks should be performed when and where necessary by prioritizing tasks.

Some components are not always in use. They should have sleep or low power mode.

Using kinetic energy recovery systems

Making use of solar power is always a good idea, if available area and weight problems can be solved.

Some tasks can be taken care of with multiple / swarm robots better.

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