Top tweets from the Conference on Robot Learning #CoRL2021

Top tweets from the Conference on Robot Learning #CoRL2021

The Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) is an annual international conference specialised in the intersection of robotics and machine learning. The fifth edition took place last week in London and virtually around the globe. Apart from the novelty of being a hybrid conference, this year the focus was put on openness. OpenReview was used for the peer review process, meaning that the reviewers’ comments and replies from the authors are public, for anyone to see. The research community suggests that open review could encourage mutual trust, respect, and openness to criticism, enable constructive and efficient quality assurance, increase transparency and accountability, facilitate wider, and more inclusive discussion, give reviewers recognition and make reviews citable [1]. You can access all CoRL 2021 papers and their corresponding reviews here. In addition, you may want to listen to all presentations, available in the conference YouTube channel.

In this post we bring you a glimpse of the conference through the most popular tweets written last week. Cool robot demos, short and sweet explanation of papers and award finalists to look forward to next year’s edition in New Zealand. Enjoy!

Robots, robots, robots!

Papers and presentations



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