Next-Gen AI Assistants: Innovations from OpenAI, Google, and Beyond

“In the new future, every single interaction with the digital world will be through an AI assistant of some kind. We will be talking to these AI assistants all the time. Our entire digital diet will be mediated by AI systems,” Meta’s Chief AI Scientist Yann LeCun said at a recent Meta event. This bold prediction underscores a transformative shift in how we engage with technology, hinting at a future where AI personal assistants become indispensable in our daily lives.

LeCun’s vision is echoed across the tech industry. Demis Hassabis, CEO of Google DeepMind, emphasized their commitment to developing a universal agent for everyday life. He pointed out that this vision is the driving force behind Gemini, an AI designed to be multimodal from inception, capable of handling a diverse range of tasks and interactions.

These perspectives illustrate a consensus among leading AI researchers and developers: we are on the cusp of an era where AI personal assistants will significantly enhance both our personal and professional lives. Comparable to Tony Stark’s JARVIS, these AI systems are envisioned to seamlessly integrate into our routines, offering assistance and enhancing productivity in ways that were once the realm of science fiction.

However, to gauge our progress towards this ambitious goal, it is essential to first delineate what we expect from an AI personal assistant. Understanding these expectations provides a benchmark for evaluating current advancements and identifying areas that require further innovation.

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What We Expect from AI Personal Assistants

While certain features of an AI personal assistant might carry more weight than others, the following aspects form the foundation of an effective and useful assistant:

Intelligence and Accuracy. An AI personal assistant must be capable of delivering precise and reliable information, drawing from high-quality, credible sources. The assistant’s ability to comprehend and accurately respond to complex queries is essential for its effectiveness.

Transparency and Reliability. One critical expectation is the AI’s ability to acknowledge its limitations. When it lacks the information or is uncertain about an answer, it must clearly communicate this to the user, instead of ‘hallucinating.’ Otherwise, it doesn’t make much sense to have an assistant whose responses you always need to verify.

Multimodal Functionality. A robust AI personal assistant should be multimodal, capable of processing and understanding text, code, images, videos, and audio. This versatility ensures it can handle a wide range of tasks and inputs, making it highly adaptable and useful in various contexts.

Voice Accessibility. An AI assistant should be easily accessible via voice commands. It should respond quickly and naturally, mirroring the pace and quality of human communication. This instant accessibility enhances convenience and efficiency.

Real-time Streaming. The assistant should be always-on, omnipresent, and available across multiple channels. Whether through smartphones, smart speakers, or other connected devices, the AI must provide real-time assistance whenever and wherever needed.

Self-learning Abilities. You want your assistant to know your specific routines and preferences, but it is impractical to define exhaustive rules for every potential interaction. Therefore, an AI personal assistant should possess self-learning capabilities, allowing it to adapt and improve through interactions with a specific user. This personalized learning helps the assistant become increasingly effective over time

Autonomous Actions. Beyond providing information, a valuable AI assistant should have the autonomy to take action when necessary. This could include various tasks like managing calendars, making reservations, or sending emails, thereby streamlining tasks and reducing the user’s workload.

Security and Privacy. In an era where data security is paramount, AI personal assistants must ensure robust security measures. Users need confidence that their interactions and data are protected, maintaining their privacy and safeguarding against potential breaches.

Progress and Current Innovations

So where are we now? We obviously don’t yet have AI personal assistants that meet all the above criteria. But there are some tools that introduced significant breakthroughs in this area. Not surprisingly, they come from leading AI tech companies.

OpenAI’s GPT-4o

This May, OpenAI introduced their new flagship model, GPT-4o (“o” for “omni”). It marks a significant step towards more natural human-computer interaction. The model accepts input in any combination of text, audio, image, and video, and it can generate outputs in text, audio, and image formats. This multimodal capability positions GPT-4o as a versatile assistant for a variety of tasks.

Crucially, GPT-4o can be easily accessed via voice commands, supporting natural conversations with an impressive response time averaging 320 milliseconds, comparable to human interaction speeds. This accessibility and speed make it a strong candidate for real-time assistance in everyday scenarios.

In terms of intelligence, GPT-4o matches or exceeds the performance of GPT-4 Turbo, which currently leads many benchmarks. However, like other large language models, it remains prone to mistakes and hallucinations, limiting its use in tasks where accuracy is paramount. Despite these limitations, GPT-4o includes self-learning features, allowing it to improve responses based on user feedback. This partial self-learning ability helps it adapt to user preferences over time, though it is not yet as advanced as the personalized assistance envisioned in a JARVIS-like system.

While GPT-4o offers enhanced interaction capabilities, it does not perform autonomous tasks. Moreover, privacy remains a significant concern, as with many AI-powered tools, underscoring the need for robust security measures to protect user data.

Finally, OpenAI has not yet released GPT-4o with all the multimodal capabilities showcased in their demo videos. Currently, the public can only access the model with text and image inputs, and text outputs. Real-world testing of the model may uncover additional weaknesses.

Google’s Astra

Announced just a day after OpenAI’s GPT-4o, Google DeepMind’s Astra represents another significant leap in AI personal assistant technology. Astra responds to audio and video inputs in real time, much like GPT-4o, promising seamless interaction and immediate assistance.

The demo showcased Astra’s impressive capabilities: it could explain the functionality of a piece of code simply by observing someone’s screen through a smartphone camera, recognize a neighborhood by viewing the scenery from a window, and even “remember” the location of an object shown earlier in the video stream. Notably, part of the demo featured a user employing smart glasses instead of a phone, highlighting the potential for more integrated and innovative user experiences.

However, this remains an announcement, and the public does not yet have access to Astra. Thus, its real-world capabilities are still to be tested. It is likely that Astra, like other AI models, will still be prone to hallucinations and does not yet perform autonomous tasks. Nevertheless, the Google DeepMind team behind Astra has expressed a vision of developing a universal agent useful in everyday life, which suggests future iterations may include autonomous task performance.

Other Promising Players

As the race to develop advanced AI personal assistants heats up, several other major tech companies are making strategic moves, hinting at their imminent entries into this competitive arena. Although their next-generation AI personal assistants are yet to be launched, recent developments indicate significant progress.


Earlier this year, Microsoft acqui-hired Inflection, the company focused on developing “Pi, your personal AI.” While technically not an acquisition, Microsoft hired key staff members, including Mustafa Suleyman and Karen Simonyan, and paid approximately $650 million, mostly in the form of a licensing deal that makes Inflection’s models available for sale on the software giant’s Azure cloud service. Considering Mustafa Suleyman’s strong belief in personal artificial intelligence, this might be an indication that Microsoft is likely to offer its own personal AI assistant in the near future.


Amazon, a pioneer in the voice assistant market with Alexa, remains committed to its mission of making Alexa “the world’s best personal assistant.” Recently, Amazon executed a strategy similar to Microsoft’s by hiring the co-founders and key employees of Adept AI, a startup known for developing AI-powered agents. The technology developed by Adept AI was licensed to Amazon, with the team joining Amazon’s AGI division to build real-world digital agents. Whether Amazon’s new product will cater primarily to enterprise customers or also introduce a personal AI assistant remains to be seen. However, integrating this technology could finally transform Alexa into a more powerful, conversational LLM-powered assistant. Currently, the old Alexa is hindering progress as Amazon has not yet figured out how to integrate the existing Alexa capabilities with the more advanced, conversational features touted for the new Alexa last fall.


Another leader in voice assistants, Apple, is also busy improving Siri. The company is partnering with OpenAI to power some of its AI features with ChatGPT technology, while also building its own models. Apple’s published research indicates a focus on small and efficient models, aiming to have all AI features running on-device, fully offline. Apple is also working on making the new AI-powered Siri more conversational and versatile, allowing users to control their apps with voice commands. For example, users will be able to ask the voice assistant to find information inside a particular email or even surface a photo of a specific friend. Apple places a strong emphasis on security, with the system automatically deciding whether to use on-device processing or contact Apple’s private cloud computing server to fulfill requests.

These strategic moves by Microsoft, Amazon, and Apple reflect a broader trend towards more sophisticated, user-friendly AI personal assistants. As these companies continue to innovate and develop their technologies, we can anticipate significant advancements in the capabilities and functionalities of AI personal assistants in the near future.

The Road Ahead

The race to develop the next generation of AI personal assistants is intensifying, with major tech companies like OpenAI, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Apple making significant strides. Each of these players brings unique innovations and perspectives, pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve in our daily lives. While we are not yet at the point where AI personal assistants meet all the ideal criteria, the advancements we see today are promising steps toward a future where these digital companions become an integral part of our personal and professional lives. As the technology continues to evolve, the vision of having a truly intelligent, multimodal, and autonomous AI assistant appears closer than ever.

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Top AI Tools for Research: Evaluating ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, and Perplexity

In the fast-paced world of technology and information, staying ahead requires the right tools to streamline our efforts. This article marks the second installment in our series on AI productivity tools. Previously, we explored AI-driven solutions for scheduling and task management. Today, we shift our focus to a critical aspect of our professional and personal lives: research.

Research is a cornerstone of innovation, whether it’s for academic pursuits, business strategies, or personal projects. The landscape of research tools has been revolutionized by AI, particularly through the power of large language models (LLMs). These models enable a dynamic chatbot experience where users can ask initial questions and follow up with deeper inquiries based on the responses received.

In this article, we will delve into four leading AI tools that can be leveraged for research projects: ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, and Perplexity. We will assess these tools based on key criteria such as the quality of their responses, their access to current information, their ability to reference original sources, their capacity to process and analyze uploaded files, and their subscription plans. We hope that this brief overview will help you choose the best tool for your various research projects.

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Top AI Research Tools

ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, and Perplexity are the leading LLM-powered tools that can speed up your research for both business projects and personal tasks. Let’s briefly review their strengths and weaknesses across key factors.


ChatGPT is a state-of-the-art LLM-powered tool developed by OpenAI, designed to assist with a wide range of tasks by understanding and generating human-like text.

Quality of Responses. ChatGPT, powered by the top-performing GPT-4o model, delivers well-structured and highly informative responses. Its advanced language processing capabilities ensure that the information provided is both relevant and comprehensive, making it a great tool for diverse research needs. 

Current Data Access. ChatGPT is equipped with real-time web access, allowing it to pull the latest information available online. Additionally, CustomGPTs built on top of ChatGPT can tap into specific knowledge bases, offering enhanced responses tailored to particular fields of study. Notable examples include Consensus, Scholar GPT, SciSpace, Wolfram, and Scholar AI.

Source Referencing. While ChatGPT does provide links to its sources, these references are often grouped at the end of the response. This can make it challenging to trace specific statements back to their original sources, which may require additional effort to verify the information.

File Processing Capabilities. ChatGPT supports file uploads, enabling users to analyze and extract information from various documents. This feature is particularly useful for in-depth research, allowing for the incorporation of external data directly into the chat.

Subscription Plans. ChatGPT offers a Free plan that grants access to GPT-3.5 and limited features of GPT-4o, including basic data analysis, file uploads, and web browsing. For more advanced capabilities, the Plus plan is available at $20 per month. This plan provides full access to the state-of-the-art GPT-4o model, along with comprehensive data analysis, file uploads, and web browsing functionalities.


Gemini is a cutting-edge AI tool designed by Google, leveraging powerful language models to assist with various research needs.

Quality of Responses. The application is powered by strong Gemini models. The responses are generally of high quality and effectively address the research questions posed. However, like all LLM-powered solutions, it can occasionally produce hallucinations or inaccuracies.

Current Data Access. Gemini has access to real-time information, ensuring that it provides up-to-date responses. 

Source Referencing. Gemini does not provide direct links to sources within its responses. However, it includes a unique feature called the “Double-check the response” button. When used, this feature verifies the model’s statements through Google Search: confirmed statements are highlighted in green, unconfirmed or likely incorrect statements in brown, and statements with insufficient information are left unhighlighted. Additionally, links to the relevant Google Search results are provided for further verification.

File Processing Capabilities. Gemini supports file uploads, allowing users to analyze and extract information from various documents.

Subscription Plans. The basic version of Gemini is accessible for free and can handle complex requests using one of the latest models from the Gemini family, though not the most powerful. For more advanced features, users can subscribe to Gemini Advanced for $20 per month. This premium version leverages Google’s most powerful AI model, offering superior reasoning and problem-solving capabilities.


Claude is a sophisticated AI tool developed by Anthropic, designed to provide high-quality research assistance with a strong emphasis on safety and reliability. Known for its advanced language models and thoughtful design, Claude aims to deliver accurate and trustworthy responses while managing user expectations effectively.

Quality of Responses. The LLM models powering Claude are among the best in the industry, resulting in high-quality responses. Claude stands out for its focus on safety, reducing the likelihood of providing potentially harmful information. It also frequently states its limitations within its responses, such as its knowledge cutoff date and the scope of information it can access. This transparency helps manage user expectations and directs them to more accurate and up-to-date sources when necessary.  

Current Data Access. Claude is designed to be a self-contained tool and does not access the web for real-time responses. Its answers are based on publicly available information up to its knowledge cutoff date, which is currently August 2023.

Source Referencing. Claude does not provide direct links to original sources in its responses. This can make it challenging for users to verify specific statements or trace information back to its origin.

File Processing Capabilities. Claude supports the upload of documents and images, allowing for more in-depth and relevant research.

Subscription plans. Claude offers a Free plan that provides access to the tool, with responses powered by the Claude 3 Sonnet model. For enhanced features, the Claude Pro plan is available at $20 per month. This plan provides access to Claude 3 Opus, the most advanced model, along with priority access during high-traffic periods.


Perplexity is a powerful AI research tool that utilizes advanced language models to deliver high-quality responses. It is designed to provide detailed and accurate information, with a particular emphasis on thorough source referencing and multimodal search capabilities.

Quality of Responses. Perplexity is powered by strong LLMs, including state-of-the-art models like GPT-4o, Claude-3, LLaMA 3, and others. This ensures that the quality of responses is generally very high. The tool is focused on providing accurate and detailed answers, supported by strong source referencing. However, it sometimes provides information that is not fully relevant, as it tends to include extensive details found online, which may not always directly answer the research question posed.

Current Data Access. Perplexity has real-time access to the web, ensuring that its responses are always up to date. This capability allows users to receive information on current events and the latest developments as they happen.

Source Referencing. One of Perplexity’s major strengths is its source referencing. Each response includes citations, making it easy to trace every statement back to its original source. Additionally, Perplexity’s search is multimodal, incorporating images, videos, graphs, charts, and visual cues found online, enhancing the comprehensiveness of the information provided.

File Processing Capabilities. The ability to upload and analyze files is available but limited in the free version of the tool, and unlimited with the Pro plan.

Subscription plans. Perplexity offers a Standard plan for free, which allows for unlimited quick searches and five Pro (more in-depth) searches per day. For more extensive use, the Pro plan costs $20 per month and allows up to 600 Pro searches per day. This plan provides enhanced capabilities for users with more demanding research needs.

Conclusion: Choosing the Right AI Research Tool for Your Needs

Each of the tools we reviewed – ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, and Perplexity – offers unique strengths tailored to different research requirements.

ChatGPT excels in delivering well-structured and informative responses with robust file processing capabilities. Gemini stands out with its unique verification feature, though it lacks direct source referencing. Claude prioritizes safety and transparency, making it a reliable choice for users concerned about the accuracy and potential risks of AI-generated information. Perplexity offers unparalleled source referencing and multimodal search capabilities, ensuring detailed and visually enriched responses, though its relevancy can sometimes be hit-or-miss.

When choosing an AI research tool, consider the specific needs of your projects. By understanding the strengths and limitations of each tool, you can make an informed decision that enhances your research capabilities and supports your goals effectively.

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AI-Powered Tools Transforming Task Management and Scheduling

In today’s digital landscape, where efficiency is the new currency, AI-powered productivity tools have become essential allies.

This article marks the beginning of a series dedicated to exploring various AI productivity tools that are reshaping how we work. In this first installment, we delve into AI-enhanced scheduling and task management tools, offering a comprehensive look at some of the market leaders.

From automated scheduling to intelligent project management, AI tools like Motion, Reclaim AI, Clockwise, ClickUp, Taskade, and Asana are designed to streamline workflows and boost productivity. These tools leverage machine learning algorithms to predict and optimize our daily tasks, making it easier to manage time and resources effectively. We will examine their key features, strengths, weaknesses, and pricing to help you make informed decisions about integrating these tools into your workflow.

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Top AI Scheduling and Task Management Tools

In this section, we will explore AI-powered tools that are tailored to streamline the scheduling of meetings and individual tasks, manage projects and tasks efficiently, and even combine both functionalities for a comprehensive solution. The first tool we’ll examine exemplifies this combined approach.


Motion (funding of $13.2 million, Series A) offers a unique blend of project management and scheduling features, essentially acting as a personal assistant but with enhanced capabilities. This tool is designed to streamline team workflows by integrating advanced AI scheduling with robust project management functionalities.

Key Features

  • Project Work Scheduling: Motion integrates project tasks directly into the team’s calendar, allowing for seamless planning and task allocation. Think of it as a combination of Asana and an AI scheduling tool.
  • AI Meeting Assistant: This feature automates meeting scheduling and communication, handling the logistics so your team can focus on the work that matters. Tasks are automatically scheduled based on deadlines, priorities, and team availability, with tasks appearing directly in team members’ calendars.
  • Native Integrations: Motion connects with Google Calendar, Gmail, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Zapier, Siri, and more, ensuring smooth workflow integration across various platforms.
motion AI productivity tool



  • Capacity Evaluation: Motion has full access to team calendars, enabling it to accurately assess the available hours for task completion outside of meetings and personal engagements.
  • Voice and Email Task Assignment: Using Motion apps on your desktop or phone, you can assign tasks by talking to Siri or forwarding emails to a specific Motion address. Tasks are automatically added to Motion and the calendar, complete with priorities and deadlines.


  • Reliability Issues: Some users report that task priorities can change unexpectedly, leading to rescheduling issues. Similarly, project steps may occasionally alter by themselves, causing potential disruptions in workflow.


  • Individual: $19 per month (billed annually) or $34 billed monthly.
  • Team: $12 per user per month (billed annually) or $20 billed monthly.

Motion aims to enhance productivity by combining powerful scheduling features with project management tools, but it’s essential to consider the reported reliability issues when integrating it into your workflow.

Reclaim AI

Reclaim AI (funding of $13.3 million, Seed) is designed to enhance team efficiency through intelligent scheduling and time management. This app leverages a smart calendar to optimize time, fostering better productivity, collaboration, and work-life balance. By integrating with various work tools and providing detailed analytics, Reclaim AI aims to streamline the scheduling process.

Key Features

  • Automated Task Scheduling: Reclaim AI syncs with your task list to optimize daily planning automatically.
  • Focus Time Protection: The app safeguards time for deep work, preventing meeting overruns.
  • Time Tracking Report: By connecting your calendar, Reclaim AI offers insights into how you’ve spent your work hours over the past 12 weeks.
  • Integrations: Reclaim AI integrates natively with Google Calendar and supports task list synchronization from tools like Asana, ClickUp, and Google Tasks. It also integrates with Zoom for meetings.
reclaim AI productivity tool



  • Direct Task Scheduling: Users can set deadlines, and Reclaim AI will find the optimal time slots. If tasks aren’t completed, the tool automatically reschedules them.
  • Habit and Routine Scheduling: Reclaim AI allows users to set up recurring habits and routines that auto-schedule in the calendar with flexibility based on user settings.


  • Setup Process: The initial setup of Reclaim AI can be cumbersome and not very user-friendly.
  • Limited AI Functionality: For example, while Reclaim AI can account for travel time between meetings, users must manually input the travel duration. More advanced AI tools can calculate the travel time automatically based on the location information.


  • Free Tier: Offers basic tools at no cost.
  • Starter Plan: $8 per seat per month (billed annually) or $10 per seat per month (billed monthly) for smaller teams.
  • Business Plan: $12 per seat per month (billed annually) or $15 per seat per month (billed monthly) for larger teams.

Reclaim AI focuses on enhancing productivity through smart scheduling and robust integration capabilities, although its setup process and limited AI functionalities might pose challenges for some users.


Clockwise (funding of $76.4 million, Series C) is a scheduling tool designed specifically for teams, promising to save an hour per week for each user. Clockwise allows you to adjust settings to craft an ideal day where work, breaks, and meetings coexist harmoniously.

Key Features

  • Calendar Integration: Integrates seamlessly with popular productivity tools to streamline scheduling.
  • Smart Task and Routine Scheduling: Automatically finds the best time for tasks and routines.
  • Personal Time Protection: Safeguards personal time for meals, travel, and appointments.
  • Meeting Optimization: Optimizes meeting times to free up uninterrupted blocks of Focus Time for each meeting participant.
  • Focus Time Protection: Auto-schedules Focus Time holds to ensure deep work periods.
  • Seamless Scheduling Links: Facilitates scheduling outside an organization using scheduling links.
  • Organizational Analytics: Measures meeting load and focus time across the entire organization.
  • Native Integrations: Integrates with Google Calendar, Slack, Zoom, and Asana, allowing tasks from Asana to be scheduled directly in Clockwise.
clockwise AI tool



  • Smooth Setup Process: The setup is user-friendly and convenient.
  • Automated Buffer Time Calculation: Automatically calculates travel time between meetings based on your primary work location and meeting destinations.


  • Very Team-Oriented Design: Clockwise may not be ideal for freelancers or those working independently, as it is tailored more towards optimizing schedules for teams and maximizing focus time for team members.


  • Free Tier: Provides basic smart calendar management tools at no cost.
  • Teams Plan: $6.75 per user per month, billed annually, suitable for smaller teams.
  • Business Plan: $11.50 per user per month, billed annually, ideal for larger organizations.
  • Enterprise Plan: Offers advanced security and customization options, with pricing available upon request.

Clockwise excels in creating an optimal schedule for team environments, ensuring that work, breaks, and meetings are perfectly balanced to enhance productivity and focus. However, its team-oriented features may not cater well to individual freelancers.


ClickUp (funding of $537.5 million, Series C) is a robust project management platform designed to enhance team communication, goal setting, and deadline management. It offers a suite of features that support various aspects of project and resource management, making it a versatile tool for teams of all sizes.

Key Features

  • Project Management: ClickUp provides advanced functionalities for managing multiple projects and product development workflows.
  • Knowledge Management: Users can create Docs or Wiki-based knowledge bases, perform searches, or consult an AI assistant for information.
  • Resource Management: Features include time tracking, workload views, and goal reviews to effectively manage team resources.
  • Collaboration Tools: Enhances team collaboration through Docs, Whiteboards, and Chats, among other tools.
  • Extensive Integrations: Integrates with over 1,000 tools, including Google Calendar, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, GitHub, and Slack.



  • Automations: ClickUp offers over 100 automations to streamline workflows, manage routine tasks, and handle project handoffs.
  • Advanced AI Features: Includes AI-powered functionalities such as task summaries, progress updates, writing assistance, prioritizing urgent tasks, and suggesting what to work on next.


  • Lack of Scheduling Functionality: ClickUp does not include scheduling features, requiring users to use a separate tool for meeting scheduling and time allocation.
  • Cost: The tool is more expensive compared to alternatives, with AI features priced separately.


  • Free Plan: Limited storage and some advanced features not available.
  • Unlimited Plan: $7 per user per month (billed annually) or $10 per user per month (billed monthly), suitable for small teams.
  • Business Plan: $12 per user per month (billed annually) or $19 per user per month (billed monthly), ideal for mid-sized teams.
  • Enterprise Plan: Designed for large teams with additional security features; pricing available upon request.
  • Advanced AI Features: Available with any paid plan for an additional $5 per user per month.

ClickUp stands out with its comprehensive project management capabilities and advanced AI features, although it requires supplementary tools for scheduling and comes at a higher cost.


Taskade (funding of $5.2 million, Seed) is a comprehensive productivity assistant designed to help teams manage and complete projects more efficiently. This tool integrates AI throughout its functionality, making it a powerful option for various productivity needs.

Key Features

  • AI Workflow Generator: Create custom workflows for your projects with the help of AI.
  • Custom AI Agents: Design AI agents tailored to specific roles such as marketing, project management, research, etc. These agents can be enriched with specified knowledge bases, personas (e.g., financial analyst), and tools (e.g., web browsing).
  • AI Automation and Flows: Automate workflows by connecting Taskade AI with third-party apps to set up triggers and actions. For instance, you can create a WordPress post directly from Taskade.
  • AI Writing Assistant: Supports AI-powered writing tasks, including preparing outlines, writing articles, summarizing content, and making notes.
  • File and Project Interaction: Upload files and “chat” with them, or interact with your projects to get details. 
taskade AI productivity tools



  • Comprehensive Functionality: Taskade allows you to plan, research, create documents, and use AI for various tasks, all within the app. It also supports integration with external apps like WordPress.
  • Integrated AI: AI is seamlessly integrated throughout the app, enhancing nearly every feature rather than being an add-on.


  • AI Performance: The AI often provides inaccurate information, hallucinates, or omits important details.


  • Free Plan: Includes very limited AI functionality, like for example, 5 AI requests per month.
  • Taskade Pro: $8 per user per month (billed annually) or $10 per user per month (billed monthly).
  • Taskade for Teams: $16 per user per month (billed annually) or $20 per user per month (billed monthly).

Taskade excels as an all-in-one productivity assistant with deep AI integration, although its AI capabilities need refinement. Its extensive features make it a versatile tool for teams looking to streamline their project management and productivity workflows.


When discussing project management tools, it’s impossible to overlook Asana, one of the most widely used platforms in the industry. Despite its popularity, Asana’s current AI functionalities are relatively limited compared to some newer players. However, it does offer a few key AI-driven features that can enhance productivity and task management:

  • Generate subtasks based on action points in tasks or meeting notes.
  • Summarize tasks, including content from conversations and comments.
  • Improve writing by adjusting the tone and length of task descriptions and comments.

Excitingly, this is just the beginning for Asana. Tomorrow, on June 5th, they are set to launch Asana Intelligence, which they claim will make them the number one AI work management platform. This upcoming release is highly anticipated, as it promises to bring more advanced AI functionalities that could significantly enhance how users manage their workflows.

Stay tuned as we follow these developments closely. We will update you on how Asana’s new AI features stack up against other solutions in the market, providing a clearer picture of its capabilities and benefits in the ever-evolving landscape of AI-driven productivity tools.

Embracing AI: The Next Step in Work Management

As AI continues to revolutionize the way we approach productivity, tools like Motion, Reclaim, Clockwise, ClickUp, Taskade, and Asana are at the forefront of this transformation. Each of these platforms brings unique strengths and innovative features designed to streamline scheduling, enhance project management, and boost overall efficiency. While some tools like ClickUp and Taskade offer extensive AI capabilities, others like Clockwise and Asana are just beginning their journey into the realm of AI-driven productivity.

The future of work management is undoubtedly intertwined with AI, promising smarter workflows, better time management, and enhanced collaboration. As we continue this series, we will explore more tools and delve deeper into how AI is shaping the landscape of productivity. 

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The AI Arms Race in Big Tech: An Overview of Emerging Enterprise Solutions

Setting the Stage: The Shift from Consumer to Enterprise AI

In recent years, the surge of generative AI breakthroughs has not only generated global buzz but also significantly influenced consumer behaviors, prompting millions to embrace these technologies daily. Initially, the market saw a wave of startups racing to introduce innovative, buzzworthy generative AI products targeting individual users. However, a distinct shift is now observable as the focus pivots from broad consumer applications to more specialized enterprise solutions.

This strategic shift brings multiple advantages. Firstly, it allows companies to target a specific clientele, adapting and refining their products based on direct feedback, ensuring a better fit for specific business needs. Secondly, this approach opens avenues for more stable, recurring revenue streams – a critical factor in business sustainability. Thirdly, such targeted solutions are more appealing to venture capitalists, who see the clear path to profitability through focused application and scaling in enterprise environments.

This trend is not newly minted but is instead borrowed from the playbooks of Big Tech giants like Microsoft, Google, and Amazon. These companies have successfully leveraged the software-as-a-service (SaaS) model for years and are now embedding sophisticated AI capabilities into their product suites. 

As these leading firms infuse their products with heavy doses of AI, critical questions arise. Is there a clear leader among these solutions? How do they differentiate themselves in the marketplace? What factors influence their adoption within enterprises? n this article, we’ll explore in depth how enterprise AI solutions from Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and OpenAI are competing to enhance productivity among their enterprise customers.

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Generative AI Solutions for Enterprises by Big Tech

As leaders in the tech industry, Google, Microsoft, and Amazon boast unparalleled technical expertise and have long been pioneers in software and cloud services. Yet, the realm of generative AI is a frontier where even these giants find themselves in somewhat unfamiliar territory. The rapid development and deployment of generative AI features often mirror the dynamics of startup products, characterized by fluctuating performance stability and evolving feature sets. In their race to outpace competitors, these companies sometimes launch AI-driven functionalities that are still in their nascent stages, focusing on getting the technology into users’ hands quickly, even if it means initial limitations and instabilities.

However, it appears that the adoption of these AI solutions is less about being first to market and more about who already has a foothold in corporate environments. Due to the logistical and technical challenges associated with switching large-scale enterprise tools, companies are more likely to adopt new technologies that integrate seamlessly with the systems they already use. Therefore, existing customer bases play a pivotal role. For example, organizations deeply embedded in the Google Workspace ecosystem are inclined to adopt Gemini for Google Workspace, whereas those accustomed to Microsoft 365 might lean towards exploring Microsoft Copilot. Similarly, businesses that rely on AWS cloud services are prime candidates for Amazon Q.

Though early adoption patterns are influenced heavily by existing affiliations, other factors also shape how these solutions are received and integrated. Let’s dive deeper into each solution to understand how they are tailored to fit their respective ecosystems and what sets them apart from one another.

Gemini for Google Workspace

Gemini for Google Workspace emerges as a cutting-edge AI assistant deeply integrated within Google’s popular suite of Workspace applications, including Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Meet. Gemini also functions as a standalone tool that allows users to interact directly with the AI to research specific topics. 

AI Models. While Google claims that the most capable Gemini models power their AI integrations in Workspace, user experiences suggest a disparity in capabilities between the standalone Gemini chatbot and its counterparts embedded within the apps. The standalone version often outshines the integrated features in terms of intelligence and responsiveness, pointing to possible variations in the implementation of the AI models across different applications.

Integrations. Officially, Gemini’s generative AI features are integrated across several core applications such as Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Meet. However, in practice, substantial AI enhancements are only evident in Gmail and Docs. 

Functionality. In Gmail, Gemini aids in drafting, refining, and customizing emails by adjusting tone, length, and generating contextually appropriate email replies. Docs benefit similarly, with features that allow users to draft and refine documents, modify tone, summarize content, and transform selected bulks of text based on specific prompts. Conversely, Sheets currently only supports the creation of custom templates driven by user prompts, and in Slides, the generative AI features are restricted to generating images from text in selected styles – excluding depictions of people. In Meet, AI enhances the user experience by improving lighting, audio quality, and offering virtual background generation.

Overall Impression. While Gemini’s AI capabilities bring significant improvements to individual applications like Gmail and Docs, the integration across different applications remains limited. This lack of interconnected functionality means users cannot seamlessly transfer AI-generated content or tasks between different apps, such as creating a presentation in Slides directly from a Docs outline or syncing data from Sheets into a comprehensive email via Gmail. Despite these limitations, the available features operate with a commendable level of stability and reliability.

Pricing. Gemini for Google Workspace is available in two primary pricing tiers aimed at business users: the Gemini Business plan at $20 per user per month and the Gemini Enterprise plan at $30 per user per month, both requiring an annual commitment.

Microsoft Copilot

Microsoft Copilot stands as a dynamic digital assistant engineered to enhance productivity across the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, which includes applications like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Teams. Available also as a standalone tool for research purposes, Copilot’s primary function is to automate routine tasks and support data analysis and decision-making processes. This assistant is capable of accessing and analyzing all types of company data, from emails and meeting notes to chats and documents, streamlining workflows across the board.

AI Models. Microsoft Copilot primarily leverages the powerful capabilities of GPT-4 for its text generation tasks and DALL-E 3 for creating visually compelling images. Simpler tasks might be handled by other, smaller AI models, optimizing resource usage and efficiency. Looking ahead, Microsoft’s ongoing development of its own large-scale language models suggests that Copilot could soon be powered by Microsoft’s own AI models.

Integrations. Copilot boasts deep integration across the Microsoft 365 suite, including Teams, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Excel. 

Functionality. Microsoft Copilot offers a comprehensive set of functionalities that surpass those found in many of its competitors. In applications like Outlook and Word, its capabilities are similar to those of Google’s Gemini, such as drafting, summarizing, and querying documents. However, Copilot extends significantly beyond these features, especially in handling presentations and spreadsheets. In PowerPoint, users can generate presentations from textual prompts or existing files, with slides including high-quality images generated by DALL-E. Excel functionalities are robust, including adding formula columns, data sorting and filtering, and generating insightful visualizations. Copilot in Teams enhances collaboration through features like live meeting recordings and transcriptions, with the possibility to summarize meetings and list action items in real time, while meeting is still in progress.

Overall Impression. Microsoft Copilot is at a notably advanced stage of integrating generative AI within its suite, offering a broad spectrum of tools that significantly enhance enterprise productivity. Although there are opportunities for improving the interconnections among different applications and occasional issues with performance reliability, Copilot already represents a formidable productivity tool that can substantially benefit teams.

Pricing. Microsoft 365 Copilot is available at a cost of $30 per user per month, with an annual commitment. 

Amazon Q Business

Amazon Q Business is a sophisticated generative AI-powered assistant designed to enhance enterprise operations by answering questions, providing summaries, generating content, and completing tasks securely utilizing data from enterprise systems. Its capabilities are designed to streamline workflows and enhance decision-making processes across various departments.

AI Models. Amazon Q Business is powered by a suite of foundational models from Amazon Bedrock, ensuring robust performance and versatility in handling diverse data-intensive tasks across an organization’s digital landscape.

Integrations. Amazon Q Business boasts integration capabilities with over 40 applications, including popular tools like Gmail, Slack, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Amazon WorkDocs, Amazon S3, Microsoft Teams, Oracle Database, and Salesforce. This extensive array of integrations allows enterprises to leverage generative AI across a wide range of software tools, enhancing productivity and operational efficiency.

Functionality. The broad integrations enable Amazon Q Business to support a variety of use cases. For instance, its conversational interface can be used to create tickets in Jira, send notifications in Slack, and update various dashboards. Within Amazon QuickSight, the AI features enable users to analyze data, create visualizations, and generate custom reports. Importantly, the system respects the principle of least privilege, limiting access to information based on an employee’s specific role within the organization. This ensures that the security and access controls established in applications like Slack are maintained even when integrated with Amazon Q.

Overall Impression. As Amazon Q Business is a recent addition to the market, comprehensive user reviews are sparse. However, the information available suggests that Amazon has effectively utilized generative AI to serve as a conduit connecting various data sources, applications, and tools across an enterprise. This capability has the potential to substantially enhance productivity across different organizational functions.

Pricing. Amazon Q Business offers two pricing plans: Lite at $3 per user per month and Pro at $20 per user per month. 

ChatGPT Enterprise

ChatGPT Enterprise by OpenAI represents an enhanced version of the widely-used ChatGPT conversational model, tailored specifically for business applications. It offers exclusive access to the most advanced version of ChatGPT, delivering high-speed performance, extended context windows for processing longer inputs, and superior analytical capabilities. Additionally, it provides customization options and enhanced data privacy and security protections, making it ideal for corporate use.

AI Models. ChatGPT Enterprise operates on the latest and most powerful models from OpenAI. At the moment, GPT-4o is being integrated to become the default LLM for new conversations. However, users have the flexibility to select other GPT models, accommodating different needs and preferences. Furthermore, ChatGPT Enterprise incorporates DALL-E 3 for advanced image generation and Whisper for accurate voice transcription.

Integrations. Unlike solutions from other big tech companies, ChatGPT Enterprise does not integrate directly into existing tools and product suites. Instead, it maintains a standalone setup where users engage with the AI through the same conversational interface available to all ChatGPT users. However, this setup still allows for significant versatility, enabling users to work with various data types, including code and tables, either by uploading files directly to ChatGPT or developing custom applications via API access.

Functionality. ChatGPT Enterprise excels in its ability to assist with a broad spectrum of tasks through its conversational interface. Users can engage in research, draft various types of texts and documents, utilize the model for coding and debugging, analyze and visualize data from uploaded spreadsheets, and generate images from text prompts using the DALL-E 3 model. Additionally, companies can leverage API access to the ChatGPT model to develop specialized applications tailored to the specific needs of different departments such as HR, marketing, sales, customer support, finance, and legal.

Overall Impression. While ChatGPT Enterprise does not natively integrate with other work tools, its robust performance and flexibility make it a preferred choice among many Fortune 500 companies. These organizations benefit from the powerful models driving ChatGPT, which consistently deliver top-tier results. Additionally, they often have teams that can build specialized applications using API access to GPT models, effectively integrating powerful OpenAI models into the internal workflows.

Pricing. The pricing for ChatGPT Enterprise is not standardized and is typically customized based on usage volume and specific enterprise needs. While exact pricing details are not publicly disclosed, it is reported to be around $60 per user per month with a minimum of 150 users and a 12-month contract.

Final Thoughts: How Big Tech Competition is Redefining Productivity in Enterprise

As competition intensifies in the tech industry, Big Tech giants are rapidly integrating generative AI into their enterprise solutions, aiming not only to retain their current customer bases but also to expand them. This integration is driven by the need to stay competitive and relevant in an increasingly AI-centric world.

Microsoft has been at the forefront of this integration, pioneering the inclusion of AI within its Microsoft 365 suite. While it has made significant strides in embedding AI functionality natively into its applications, there is still room for improvement, particularly in enhancing the interconnectedness of these applications and stabilizing performance.

Google, known for its early work in large language models, is somewhat behind in the race, with only limited generative AI capabilities currently integrated into the Google Workspace. However, its established tech stack and infrastructure position it well to potentially catch up quickly as it continues to develop and deploy AI functionalities.

Amazon has taken a slightly different approach with Amazon Q, focusing on creating a robust AI conversational tool that integrates with a wide range of applications. This approach not only leverages AI to pull information from diverse sources but also enables it to initiate actions across various platforms, paving the way for a more interconnected and productive enterprise environment.

These developments herald an exciting era for AI in enterprise applications. As each company continues to evolve and refine its offerings, the landscape of enterprise AI is set to be transformed, promising enhanced efficiencies and new capabilities. We are indeed in exciting times for AI in the business world, and staying tuned to these advancements will be key to understanding how AI will reshape the enterprise landscape in the years to come.

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Advancing AI’s Cognitive Horizons: 8 Significant Research Papers on LLM Reasoning

Simple next-token generation, the foundational technique of large language models (LLMs), is usually insufficient for tackling complex reasoning tasks. To address this limitation, various research teams have explored innovative methodologies aimed at enhancing the reasoning capabilities of LLMs. These enhancements are crucial for enabling these models to handle more intricate problems, thus significantly broadening their applicability and effectiveness. 

In this article, we summarize some of the most prominent approaches developed to improve the reasoning of LLMs, thereby enhancing their ability to solve complex tasks. But before diving into these specific approaches, we suggest reviewing a few survey papers on the topic to gain a broader perspective and foundational understanding of the current research landscape.

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Overview Papers on Reasoning in LLMs

Several research papers provide a comprehensive survey of cutting-edge research on reasoning with large language models. Here are a few that might worth your attention:

  • Reasoning with Language Model Prompting: A Survey. This paper, first published in December 2022, may not cover the most recent developments in LLM reasoning but still offers a comprehensive survey of available approaches. It identifies and details various methods, organizing them into categories such as strategic enhancements and knowledge enhancements. The authors describe multiple reasoning strategies, including chain-of-thought prompting and more sophisticated techniques that combine human-like reasoning processes with external computation engines to enhance performance.
  • Towards Reasoning in Large Language Models: A Survey. This paper, also from December 2022, provides a comprehensive survey of reasoning in LLMs, discussing the current understanding, challenges, and methodologies for eliciting reasoning from LLMs, as well as evaluating their reasoning capabilities. The authors present a detailed analysis of various approaches to enhance reasoning, the development of benchmarks to measure reasoning abilities, and a discussion on the implications of these findings. They also explore the potential future directions in the field, aiming to bridge the gap between LLM capabilities and human-like reasoning.
  • Large Language Models Cannot Self-Correct Reasoning Yet. In this more recent research paper from October 2023, the researchers from the Google DeepMind team critically examine the capability of LLMs to perform intrinsic self-correction, a process where an LLM corrects its initial responses without external feedback. They find that LLMs generally struggle to self-correct their reasoning, often performing worse after attempting to self-correct. This paper, to be soon presented at ICLR 2024, provides a detailed analysis of self-correction methods, demonstrating through various tests that improvements seen in previous studies typically rely on external feedback mechanisms, such as oracle labels, which are not always available or practical in real-world applications. The findings prompt a reevaluation of the practical applications of self-correction in LLMs and suggest directions for future research to address these challenges.

Now, let’s explore some specific strategies designed to enhance the reasoning capabilities of large language models.

Frameworks for Improving Reasoning in LLMs

1. Tree of Thoughts: Deliberate Problem Solving with Large Language Models

The researchers from Princeton University and Google DeepMind suggested a novel framework for language model inference called Tree of Thoughts (ToT). This framework extends the well-known chain-of-thought method by allowing the exploration of coherent text units, referred to as “thoughts,” which function as intermediate steps in problem-solving. The paper has been presented at NeurIPS 2023.

LLM reasoning research paper

Key Ideas

  • Problem Solving with Language Models. An original autoregressive method for generating text is not sufficient for a language model to be built toward a general problem solver. Instead, the authors suggest a Tree of Thoughts framework where each thought is a coherent language sequence that serves as an intermediate step toward problem solving.
  • Self-evaluation. Using a high-level semantic unit such as a thought allows models to evaluate and backtrack their decisions, fostering a more comprehensive decision-making process.
  • Breadth-first search or depth-first search. Ultimately, they integrate the language model’s ability to generate and assess varied thoughts with search algorithms like breadth-first search (BFS) and depth-first search (DFS). This integration facilitates a structured exploration of the tree of thoughts, incorporating both forward planning and the option to backtrack as necessary. 
  • New evaluation tasks. The authors also propose three new problems, Game of 24, Creative Writing, and Crosswords, that require deductive, mathematical, commonsense, and lexical reasoning abilities.

Key Results

  • ToT has demonstrated substantial improvements over existing methods in the assignments requiring non-trivial planning or search.
  • For instance, in the newly introduced Game of 24 task, ToT achieved a 74% success rate, a significant increase from the 4% success rate of GPT-4 using a chain-of-thought prompting method.


  • Code repository with all prompts is available on GitHub.

2. Least-to-Most Prompting Enables Complex Reasoning in Large Language Models 

This paper from the Google Brain team presents a novel strategy for improving the reasoning capabilities of large language models through least-to-most prompting. This method involves decomposing complex problems into simpler subproblems that are solved sequentially, leveraging the solutions of prior subproblems to facilitate subsequent ones. It aims to address the shortcomings of chain-of-thought prompting by enhancing the model’s ability to generalize from easy to more challenging problems. The paper has been introduced at ICLR 2023.

LLM reasoning research paper

Key Ideas

  • Tackling easy-to-hard generalization problems. Considering that chain-of-thought prompting often falls short in tasks that require generalizing to solve problems more difficult than the provided examples, researchers propose tackling these easy-to-hard generalization issues with least-to-most prompting.
  • Least-to-most prompting strategy. This new approach involves decomposing a problem into simpler subproblems, solving each sequentially with the help of the answers to previously solved subproblems. Both stages utilize few-shot prompting, eliminating the need for training or fine tuning in either phase.
  • Combining with other prompting techniques. If necessary, the least-to-most prompting strategy can be combined with other techniques, like chain-of-thought or self-consistency. 

Key Results

  • Least-to-most prompting markedly outperforms both standard and chain-of-thought prompting in areas like symbolic manipulation, compositional generalization, and mathematical reasoning.
  • For instance, using the least-to-most prompting technique, the GPT-3 code-davinci-002 model achieved at least 99% accuracy on the compositional generalization benchmark SCAN with only 14 exemplars, significantly higher than the 16% accuracy achieved with chain-of-thought prompting.


3. Multimodal Chain-of-Thought Reasoning in Language Models 

This research paper introduces Multimodal-CoT, a novel approach for enhancing chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning by integrating both language and vision modalities into a two-stage reasoning framework that separates rationale generation and answer inference. The study was conducted by a team affiliated with Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Amazon Web Services.

Key Ideas

  • Integration of multimodal information. The proposed Multimodal-CoT framework uniquely combines text and image modalities in the chain-of-thought reasoning process.
  • Two-stage reasoning framework. The framework separates the process into rationale generation and answer inference stages so that answer inference can leverage better generated rationales that are based on multimodal information.
  • Addressing hallucinations in smaller models. To mitigate the frequent issue of hallucinations in language models with fewer than 100B parameters, the authors suggest fusing vision features with encoded language representations before inputting them into the decoder.

Key Results

  • The Multimodal-CoT model with under 1B parameters significantly outperformed the existing state-of-the-art on the ScienceQA benchmark, achieving a 16% higher accuracy than GPT-3.5 and even surpassing human performance.
  • In the error analysis, the researchers demonstrated that future studies could further enhance chain-of-thought reasoning by leveraging more effective vision features, incorporating commonsense knowledge, and implementing filtering mechanisms.


  • The code implementation is publicly available on GitHub.

4. Reasoning with Language Model is Planning with World Model 

In this paper, researchers from UC San Diego and the University of Florida contend that the inadequate reasoning abilities of LLMs originate from their lack of an internal world model to predict states and simulate long-term outcomes. To tackle this issue, they introduce a new framework called Reasoning via Planning (RAP), which redefines the LLM as both a world model and a reasoning agent. Presented at EMNLP 2023, the paper challenges the conventional application of LLMs by framing reasoning as a strategic planning task, similar to human cognitive processes.

LLM reasoning research paper

Key Ideas

  • Limitations of the current reasoning with LLMs. The authors argue that LLMs fail in simple tasks like creating action plans to move blocks to a target state because they (1) lack an internal world model to simulate the state of the world, (2) don’t have a reward mechanism to assess and guide the reasoning towards the desired state, and as a result, (3) are incapable of balancing exploration vs. exploitation to efficiently explore vast reasoning space.
  • Reasoning via Planning (RAP). To address the above limitations, the research team suggests augmenting an LLM with a world model and enhancing its reasoning skills with principled planning through Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS). Interestingly, a world model is acquired by repurposing the LLM itself with appropriate prompts.
  • Reasoning process. In the reasoning process introduced in the paper, the LLM strategically constructs a reasoning tree. It iteratively selects the most promising steps and uses its world model to anticipate future outcomes. Future rewards are then backpropagated to update the LLM’s current beliefs about these steps, guiding it to explore and refine better reasoning alternatives.

Key Results

  • RAP is shown to be a versatile framework, capable of handling a wide array of complex reasoning tasks, consistently outperforming traditional LLM reasoning methods.
  • In the Blocksworld task, RAP achieved a notable 64% success rate in 2/4/6-step problems, dramatically outperforming the CoT method. Additionally, LLaMA-33B equipped with RAP showed a 33% relative improvement over GPT-4 using CoT.
  • RAP demonstrated superior results in mathematical reasoning tasks like GSM8K and logical inference tasks such as PrOntoQA, significantly surpassing baselines including CoT, least-to-most prompting, and self-consistency methods.


  • The code implementation is publicly available on GitHub.

5. Chain-of-Verification Reduces Hallucination in Large Language Models 

This research paper from the Meta AI team introduces the Chain-of-Verification (CoVe) method, aimed at reducing the occurrence of hallucinations – factually incorrect but plausible responses – by large language models. The paper presents a structured approach where the model generates an initial response, formulates verification questions, answers these independently, and integrates the verified information into a final response.

LLM reasoning research paper

Key Ideas

  • Chain-of-Verification (CoVe) method. CoVe first prompts the LLM to draft an initial response and then to generate verification questions that help to check the accuracy of this draft. The model answers these questions independently, avoiding biases from the initial response, and refines its final output based on these verifications.
  • Factored variants. To address persistent hallucinations where models repeat inaccuracies from their own generated context, the authors propose enhancing the method with factored variants. These variants improve the system by segregating the steps in the verification chain. Specifically, they modify the CoVe process to answer verification questions independently of the original response. This separation prevents the conditioning on prior inaccuracies, thereby reducing repetition and enhancing overall performance.

Key Results

  • The experiments demonstrated that CoVe reduced hallucinations across a variety of tasks, including list-based questions from Wikidata, closed book MultiSpanQA, and longform text generation.
    • CoVe significantly enhances precision in list-based tasks, more than doubling the precision from the Llama 65B few-shot baseline in the Wikidata task, increasing from 0.17 to 0.36.
    • In general QA challenges, such as those measured on MultiSpanQA, CoVe achieves a 23% improvement in F1 score, rising from 0.39 to 0.48.
    • CoVe also boosts precision in longform text generation, with a 28% increase in FactScore from the few-shot baseline (from 55.9 to 71.4), accompanied by only a minor decrease in the average number of facts provided (from 16.6 to 12.3).


  • Prompt templates for the CoVe method are provided at the end of the research paper.

Advancing Reasoning in LLMs: Concluding Insights

The burgeoning field of enhancing the reasoning capabilities of LLMs is marked by a variety of innovative approaches and methodologies. The three overview papers provided a comprehensive exploration of the general principles and challenges associated with LLM reasoning. Further, the five specific papers we discussed illustrate that there can be a variety of strategies employed to push the boundaries of what LLMs can achieve. Each approach offers unique insights and methodologies that contribute to the evolving capabilities of LLMs, pointing towards a future where these models can perform sophisticated cognitive tasks, potentially transforming numerous industries and disciplines. As research continues to progress, it will be exciting to see how these models evolve and how they are integrated into practical applications, promising a new era of intelligent systems equipped with advanced reasoning abilities.

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Navigating the Complexities of the Semiconductor Supply Chain

In a significant development that underscores the strategic importance of semiconductors in the global economy, the White House has recently announced a groundbreaking agreement with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC). The deal will see the U.S. government extend $11 billion in grants and loans to TSMC for the chip manufacturer to establish three advanced semiconductor factories in Arizona. The ambitious goal is to have 20% of the world’s leading-edge semiconductors manufactured on American soil by 2030.

This move is not merely about enhancing the United States’ semiconductor capabilities but is also a strategic maneuver to mitigate the risks associated with the heavy concentration of chip manufacturing in East Asia, particularly in Taiwan. As we highlighted in our previous article, Semiconductor Titans: Inside the World of AI Chip Manufacturing and Design, the dominance of TSMC in chip manufacturing and NVIDIA in chip design presents a significant concentration risk. However, the complexities of the semiconductor supply chain extend far beyond these giants’ dominance.

The semiconductor supply chain is a labyrinthine network of interconnected processes, each with its own set of vulnerabilities. In this article, we will delve into the key risks that threaten this vital supply chain. We will explore the major concentrations that pose significant challenges and highlight some of the most prominent choke points that can disrupt the flow of semiconductor production. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies involved in the semiconductor supply chain and the critical importance of ensuring its resilience in the face of evolving global challenges.

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Key Risk Areas in the Semiconductor Supply Chain

The semiconductor supply chain, essential for the modern world’s functioning, faces numerous risks that could significantly disrupt its operations. These risks include geopolitical tensions, climate and environmental factors, product complexity, critical shortages and disruptions, a shortage of specialized labor, and a complex regulatory environment.

Geopolitical Tensions

The semiconductor industry is deeply entangled in the web of global geopolitics, with tensions between China and Taiwan representing a particularly acute threat. Taiwan’s strategic importance in the semiconductor supply chain is unparalleled, as it is home to 92% of the world’s most sophisticated semiconductor manufacturing capabilities (< 10 nanometers). Any conflict between China and Taiwan could have devastating repercussions for the global semiconductor supply chain, disrupting the production and supply of these critical components.

Compounding the issue are the trade barriers and restrictions implemented by the U.S. and China. Given that each of these economic powerhouses accounts for a quarter of global semiconductor consumption, any trade measures they impose can have significant ripple effects throughout the industry.

Climate and Environment Factors

The semiconductor supply chain is also vulnerable to disruptions caused by natural disasters, such as earthquakes, heat waves, and flooding. A survey of 100 senior decision-makers in leading semiconductor companies revealed that more than half (53%) consider climate change and environmental factors as significant influences on supply chain risks. Furthermore, 31% of respondents identified environmental changes as underlying factors contributing to supply chain vulnerabilities.

A major concern is the geographical concentration of major suppliers in areas prone to extreme weather events and natural disasters. As the frequency and severity of such events increase due to climate change, the semiconductor industry must adapt and bolster its resilience to safeguard against these environmental challenges.

Product Complexity

One of the most pressing challenges is the increasing complexity of semiconductor products. According to the survey, mentioned earlier, 31% of respondents identified this as the primary factor underlying supply chain risks. The production of a single semiconductor requires contributions from thousands of companies worldwide, providing a myriad of raw materials and components. As these chips traverse international borders more than 70 times, covering approximately 25,000 miles through various production stages, the complexity of the supply chain becomes evident.

This intricate network makes it difficult to pinpoint vulnerabilities and develop strategies to mitigate them. A staggering 81% of executives in the semiconductor industry admitted that a lack of data, knowledge, and understanding poses significant challenges to addressing risks in the coming years. 

Additionally, the relentless demand for increased functionality in semiconductor products further complicates the manufacturing process and the supply chain.

Critical Shortages and Disruptions

The issue of product complexity is further compounded by critical shortages and disruptions in the supply chain. A significant portion of senior decision-makers in leading semiconductor companies (43%) believe that ongoing shortages of raw materials will have the most significant impact on their businesses in the next two years, closely followed by energy and other service interruptions (40%). These shortages and disruptions can have wide-reaching consequences, affecting everything from production timelines to market availability.

In the subsequent sections of this article, we will delve deeper into the major danger points for shortages and disruptions in the semiconductor supply chain.

Shortage of Specialized Labor

The scarcity of skilled technical talent is a critical issue that chip manufacturers are facing and is expected to intensify over the next three years. This shortage is not just a local issue but a global one, affecting the industry’s ability to keep pace with the ever-increasing demand for semiconductors. 

A notable example of this challenge is TSMC’s experience in the United States. The company has had to postpone the opening of its facilities, including the first fabrication plant in Arizona, due to the lack of specialized labor in the U.S. In an attempt to address this shortfall, TSMC considered bringing in foreign labor, a move that was met with strong opposition from local unions.

Complex Regulatory Environment

Another significant hurdle for the semiconductor industry is navigating the complex regulatory landscape, especially when it comes to environmental regulations. Chip factories are known for their high water usage and greenhouse gas emissions, making them subject to stringent environmental laws. 

In the U.S., companies looking to establish facilities must comply with several regulations, including the National Environmental Policy Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Clean Air Act. For many chip companies, especially those relocating operations from overseas, adhering to these laws can be a daunting task. 

The challenge lies in balancing the need for environmental protection with the demands of semiconductor manufacturing, a task that requires careful planning and execution.

Major Concentration Areas in the Semiconductor Supply Chain

The global semiconductor supply chain is a complex and intricate network that is crucial for a multitude of industries worldwide. However, this network is characterized by significant concentrations of production and expertise in specific geographic regions, posing potential risks and vulnerabilities.

An examination of the semiconductor value chain reveals that more than 50 points across the network are dominated by one region holding over 65% of the global market share. This concentration is not evenly distributed but varies significantly across different countries, each with dominance in specific areas of the supply chain.

The statistics from the graph above may be slightly outdated, but they still illustrate the key trends that remain relevant. For example, approximately 75% of the world’s semiconductor manufacturing capacity is located in China and East Asia. In terms of cutting-edge technology, 100% of the world’s most advanced semiconductor manufacturing capacity (< 10 nanometers) is found in Taiwan (92%) and South Korea (8%). These advanced semiconductors are not just components in consumer electronics; they are pivotal to the economy, national security, and critical infrastructure of any country, highlighting the strategic importance of these capabilities. 

At the same time, we need to consider that this region, while being a hub of semiconductor activity, is also exposed to a high degree of seismic activity and geopolitical tensions, further accentuating the risks associated with this concentration.

The concentration in the semiconductor industry extends beyond manufacturing capabilities. The United States is at the forefront of activities that are heavily reliant on R&D, accounting for approximately three-quarters of electronic design automation (EDA) and core IP. Additionally, U.S. firms have a dominant presence in the equipment market, holding more than a 50% share in five major categories of manufacturing process equipment. These categories include deposition tools, dry/wet etch and cleaning equipment, doping equipment, process control systems, and testers.

A high degree of geographic concentration is also present in the supply of certain materials crucial to semiconductor manufacturing, including silicon wafers and photoresist, as well as some chemicals and specialty gases. The concentrated sources of these materials pose additional risks to the stability of the global supply chain. Let’s review a few of the most prominent potential choke points in the semiconductor industry.

Potential Choke Points in the Semiconductor Supply Chain

The semiconductor supply chain is a complex network that relies on a variety of specialized materials and equipment. Certain key components and raw materials have highly concentrated sources of supply, creating potential choke points that could disrupt the entire industry. Below are a few specific examples.

  • Lithography Equipment. Advanced lithography machines are crucial for etching intricate circuits onto silicon wafers. ASML, based in the Netherlands, dominates this niche market as the sole supplier of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography machines. These machines are indispensable for producing the most advanced semiconductor chips, making ASML’s role in the supply chain critically important.
  • Neon Gas. Ukraine is a major producer of neon gas, an essential raw material for semiconductor manufacturing. Before the conflict in the region, the country accounted for up to 70% of the global supply of neon gas. The disruptions caused by Russia’s war have led to uncertainty and potential shortages, underscoring the vulnerability associated with depending on a single region for critical materials.
  • C4F6 Gas. C4F6 gas is crucial for manufacturing 3D NAND memory and some advanced logic chips. Once a manufacturing plant is calibrated to use C4F6, it cannot easily be substituted. The top three suppliers of C4F6 are located in Japan (~40%), Russia (~25%), and South Korea (~23%). A severe disruption in any of these countries could lead to significant losses in the semiconductor industry, with potential revenue losses of $10 to $18 billion for NAND alone. Recovering from such a disruption could take 2-3 years, as new capacity would need to be developed and made ready for mass production.
  • Photoresist Materials. Japan holds a dominant position in the photoresist processing market, with over a 90% share. Photoresist materials are vital for the lithography process, making Japan’s role in the supply chain crucial.
  • Polysilicon. China is a major player in the silicon market, accounting for 79% of global raw silicon and 70% of global silicon production. The concentration of polysilicon production in China poses a risk to the semiconductor supply chain, as any disruption in the region could have far-reaching effects.
  • Critical Minerals. China is also the main source country for many critical minerals required in semiconductor manufacturing, including rare earth elements (REEs), gallium, germanium, arsenic, and copper. The reliance on China for these essential materials adds another layer of vulnerability to the supply chain.

As evident from the above examples, the integrity of the semiconductor supply chain is closely linked to specialized suppliers and materials concentrated in specific geographical regions. This dependence creates vulnerable choke points that could significantly affect the industry’s global operations. Recognizing these vulnerabilities highlights the critical need for diversifying supply sources and implementing comprehensive risk mitigation strategies.

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Semiconductor Titans: Inside the World of AI Chip Manufacturing and Design

The surge of interest and investment in artificial intelligence (AI) has cast a spotlight on an industry that, while often operating behind the scenes, is fundamental to technological advancement: the semiconductor industry. Semiconductors, or chips, are the heartbeats of modern electronics, from the simplest household gadgets to the most complex supercomputers powering generative AI applications. However, the semiconductor industry is characterized by its complexity, intricate supply chains, and a high concentration of expertise and resources. This article aims to dissect the layers of this industry, focusing on the dominance of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) in chip manufacturing and NVIDIA in chip design, to understand the underpinnings of the current landscape and what the future might hold.

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The Concentrated World of Chip Manufacturing

At the heart of the semiconductor industry’s complexity is an extremely concentrated supply chain. One of the most telling examples of this concentration is the global reliance on a single company, ASML in the Netherlands, for the supply of extreme ultraviolet lithography machines. These machines are crucial for producing advanced semiconductor chips, and without them, the march toward ever-smaller, more efficient, and powerful chips would stall.

Then, when it comes to manufacturing state-of-the-art semiconductors for the AI industry, it turns out that only a handful of companies worldwide have the capability to manufacture chips using the leading edge of today’s semiconductor technology. Among them, TSMC, Samsung, and Intel stand out. However, when we zoom in on the production of advanced chips using technologies below 7 nanometers (nm), only TSMC and Samsung are in the race, selling these cutting-edge chips to other firms. Yet, TSMC distinguishes itself even further as the sole entity capable of reliably producing the most advanced chips, such as Nvidia’s H100 GPUs, which are set to power the next generation of AI technologies.

TSMC’s monopolistic grip extends beyond Nvidia, encompassing the entire advanced AI chip market, including products for tech giants like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, AMD, and other credible alternatives, like Cerebras and SambaNova Systems. 

The Financial Capacity Advantage

Producing semiconductors requires access to the purest metals, the deployment of the world’s most expensive and sophisticated machinery capable of etching features less than 100 atoms wide, and the employment of legions of specialized engineers. The production process is so sensitive that a single speck of dust can result in the scrapping of an entire batch of chips, leading to losses in the millions of dollars.

As a result, the financial barriers to entry in this sector are astronomical. For instance, in 2021, TSMC announced its plan to invest $100 billion over three years to expand its fabrication capabilities, highlighting the enormity of the capital expenditure required. The construction of its Fab 18, a facility legendary for producing the world’s most advanced chips, including Nvidia’s H100s, came with a $20 billion price tag. This level of investment has enabled TSMC to create a virtuous cycle of technological advancement and financial return. Companies seeking the pinnacle of chipmaking capabilities, from Apple to Tesla and Nvidia, inevitably turn to TSMC. This demand, in turn, fuels TSMC’s investments in further innovation, thereby perpetuating its leadership position.

Risks from the Potential China – Taiwan Conflict

The concentration of such a critical component of the global AI infrastructure in Taiwan poses a significant risk, magnified by the potential for geopolitical conflict in the region. Just recently, a top US admiral reported to Congress that China is building its military and nuclear arsenal on a scale not seen by any country since World War II and all signs suggest it’s sticking to ambitions to be ready to invade Taiwan by 2027. A China-Taiwan conflict could devastate the global AI ecosystem, a reality that underscores the precariousness of this single point of failure. 

In response to these risks and as part of a strategic diversification effort, TSMC announced in late 2022 its plan to invest $40 billion in building two state-of-the-art fabrication plants in the United States, located in Arizona. The first facility should start production of 4-nanometer chips in the first half of 2025, while the launch of the second facility has been delayed and is expected not earlier than 2027. Despite the importance of this diversification move, the output of these U.S. fabs is projected to be less than 5% of TSMC’s total production.

Realizing the risks, the U.S. government provides further strategic support of semiconductor manufacturing through a massive $20 billion package to Intel. This initiative aims to facilitate the construction of advanced chip factories, enhance research and development, and enable the transformation of existing plants into cutting-edge facilities. The deal also puts the U.S. on track to produce 20% of the world’s most advanced AI chips by 2030.

NVIDIA: Pioneering AI Chip Design

With a better understanding of the concentration issues in the semiconductors manufacturing space, we can now turn our attention to the world of chip design, where NVIDIA has established an unrivaled dominance. The company secured an overwhelming majority of the AI chip market with estimates indicating it holds over 70 percent of sales. This dominance is underscored by the impressive volume of chips sold – 2.5 million units last year, each fetching an average price of around $15,000. A testament to NVIDIA’s pivotal role in the AI industry is its clientele, which includes tech giants like Microsoft and Meta; these companies alone accounted for approximately 25% of NVIDIA’s sales in the recent two quarters. 

Clearly, the significant financial outlay to NVIDIA, coupled with a high degree of dependence on its technology, has left leading tech companies seeking alternatives. These firms are keen to reshape this dynamic, aiming for greater autonomy and reduced expenditure. However, transitioning away from NVIDIA’s ecosystem presents considerable challenges. We will explore the intricacies of this endeavor and understand the complexities involved.

The Ecosystem Advantage

NVIDIA’s GPUs have become synonymous with AI development, driving the creation and scaling of generative AI applications. The company’s success is underpinned by its CUDA platform, a software layer that enables developers to leverage NVIDIA’s hardware for AI and high-performance computing tasks. This platform has become the de facto standard for AI development, resulting in a significant barrier to entry for potential competitors.

Developers, researchers, and companies have invested heavily in software systems designed specifically for NVIDIA’s architecture. This investment encompasses code development, optimization, and workforce training, among other areas. Once these investments are made, the cost – both financial and operational – of switching to alternative platforms becomes prohibitive. This inertia benefits NVIDIA, creating a self-reinforcing loop where the more developers use NVIDIA’s chips and software, the more entrenched its position becomes.

Emerging Challenges and Competitors

Despite NVIDIA’s stronghold, the landscape is shifting. Efforts to standardize AI development across different hardware platforms are gaining traction, posing potential challenges to NVIDIA’s dominance. Initiatives like the UXL Foundation, which seeks to create an open-source software suite enabling AI code to run on any hardware, aim to reduce the industry’s dependency on a single vendor’s architecture. Such movements are backed by industry heavyweights, including Google, Intel, Qualcomm, and Arm, and strive for broad compatibility, threatening to disrupt NVIDIA’s ecosystem advantage.

Moreover, NVIDIA’s supremacy in AI chip design faces direct challenges from tech giants developing their own AI chips. Companies like Google, Amazon, Meta, and Microsoft are investing in proprietary chip technologies to reduce reliance on external suppliers and gain greater control over their AI infrastructure. 

Google stands at the forefront of AI chip development, having unveiled its Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) in 2017. This chip, designed for the specific calculations critical to AI development, has powered a vast array of Google’s AI initiatives, including the notable Google Gemini. Furthermore, Google’s TPUs have been leveraged by other organizations through its cloud services, enabling the development of advanced AI technologies, such as those by the prominent startup Cohere. Google’s investment in this endeavor is substantial, with expenditures ranging between $2 billion and $3 billion to produce approximately 1 million of these AI chips, thereby averaging the cost to about $2,000 to $3,000 per chip.

Amazon, not to be outdone, has progressed to the second iteration of its Trainium chip, engineered expressly for AI systems development, alongside another chip dedicated to deploying AI models to end-users. The company allocated $200 million for the production of 100,000 chips in the previous year, underscoring its commitment to internalizing AI chip technology.

Meta, too, has entered the arena with plans to develop an AI chip custom-fitted to its requirements. The project is still in the development phase, but the company is expected to deploy its in-house custom chips later this year. Similarly, Microsoft has made its debut in the AI chip market with Maia, a chip that will initially support Microsoft’s suite of AI products.

Traditional chip manufacturers like AMD and Intel, along with emerging startups such as Cerebras and SambaNova, are also venturing into the specialized field of AI chips. However, the scale and resources of tech behemoths like Google and Amazon afford them capabilities beyond the reach of smaller entities.

NVIDIA’s Strategic Response

In response to these challenges, NVIDIA is not standing still. The company is diversifying its offerings and exploring new business models, including launching its own cloud service where businesses can access NVIDIA’s computing resources remotely. This move not only opens new revenue streams for NVIDIA but also positions it as a direct competitor to cloud services provided by Amazon, Google, and Microsoft. Furthermore, NVIDIA continues to invest in its ecosystem, rolling out new software tools and libraries to ensure developers and partners have the most advanced resources at their disposal.

Navigating the Future: Semiconductor Industry’s Evolution

As the semiconductor industry evolves, both chip manufacturing and design face transformative shifts. TSMC’s expansion and governmental strategies to enhance production capabilities signify a move towards a more diversified and resilient supply chain, essential for the burgeoning AI sector’s growth. Concurrently, NVIDIA’s dominance in chip design is challenged by tech giants developing proprietary AI chips, heralding a trend towards autonomy and innovation. These developments, alongside efforts to foster open standards for AI development, signal a dynamic future. The industry’s trajectory, marked by innovation and strategic diversification, underscores its pivotal role in shaping next-generation technology. As it stands, the semiconductor industry is at a crucial juncture, poised to redefine the technological landscape in an era of rapid digital transformation.

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The Impact of Custom GPTs: An Overview of Their Key Applications

ChatGPT has fundamentally changed the way we can tackle a broad array of tasks, introducing unprecedented levels of automation and intelligence into our workflows. However, leveraging this technology effectively often hinges on the user’s ability to craft precise and insightful prompts – a skill not everyone possesses. Recognizing this barrier, OpenAI introduced custom GPTs last year, offering a solution that partially addresses this challenge. 

The specialized versions of GPT come pre-configured to perform specific functions, eliminating the need for intricate prompt engineering by the user. Beyond their tailored functionality, many custom GPTs are enhanced with the ability to access various knowledge bases and websites via API calls, significantly expanding their utility and application. 

As we delve into the popular use cases for the custom GPTs, we uncover the breadth and depth of their impact across different sectors, showcasing their potential to further revolutionize how we engage with artificial intelligence in our daily lives and professional activities.

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Top Use Cases Across Different Categories

Custom GPTs are specifically crafted to serve a wide range of purposes, from generating content to conducting intricate analyses. The diversity of their applications highlights the versatility and adaptability of GPT technology, providing not just innovative but also deeply practical solutions. Through examining these various categories, the profound influence of GPT technology on numerous industries becomes apparent, illustrating how it fuels improvements in efficiency, sparks creativity, and enhances personalization.


In the realm of writing, custom GPTs have become invaluable assets. By automating the creation of content, these AI tools enable writers to produce work that is not only high in quality but also diverse in scope. From generating SEO-optimized articles to crafting compelling ad copy, the application of custom GPTs in writing showcases the technology’s ability to adapt to specific linguistic styles and content requirements, ensuring that the output is both engaging and tailored to meet the audience’s needs.

  • High-quality Articles: Custom GPTs designed for writing are at the forefront of content creation, focusing on producing tailored, engaging content. They prioritize quality, relevance, and adherence to specific word counts, making them indispensable for content marketers and publishers.
  • Humanizing Content: A subset of writing GPTs excels in “humanizing” AI-generated content, ensuring the output sounds natural and not machine-generated.
  • SEO Optimization: These GPTs specialize in creating content optimized for search engines, incorporating SEO strategies seamlessly into articles, blogs, and web content to improve visibility and ranking.
  • Ad Copywriting: Tailored for marketing, these GPTs generate persuasive, brand-aligned ad copies that capture attention and drive conversions.
writing custom GPTs


The visual category of custom GPT applications brings a new dimension to creativity and design. By leveraging AI, these tools enable the creation of stunning visuals, from personalized logos to mood boards and stylized images. This not only simplifies the design process but also opens up new possibilities for visual expression, allowing for the creation of unique and captivating visual content that stands out in a crowded digital landscape.

  • Image Generators: Specialized in generating and refining images, these GPTs produce visuals for a wide range of applications, from marketing to personal projects.
  • Logo Creators: These GPTs streamline the logo design process, offering personalized, brand-centric logo designs that resonate with the target audience.
  • Stylization Tools: Transforming photos into cartoon versions, drawings into oil paintings, or digital images into real-life photos, these GPTs power creativity and enhance the productivity of artists and designers.
  • Mood Board Designers: Aiding in visual brainstorming, the GPTs can create mood boards that inspire creativity and guide projects’ visual direction.
  • AI Persona Creators: These GPTs design detailed AI personas and generate the corresponding characters in different poses, expressions, and scenes.
visual custom GPTs


Custom GPTs tailored for productivity applications are changing the way we approach tasks and project management. From designing presentations to creating complex infographics, and interacting with PDF documents, these AI tools offer solutions that streamline processes, enhance creativity, and improve efficiency. 

  • Presentation and Social Media Post Designers: Enhancing efficiency in creating visually appealing presentations and social media content, these GPTs offer design solutions that save time and improve aesthetic appeal.
  • Diagram Generators: These GPTs specialize in creating diagrams, flowcharts, and visualizations, enhancing clarity in presentations and documentation.
  • AI Video Makers: The GPTs from this category can assist with generating videos for social media, incorporating AI avatars, music, and stock footage, and streamlining content creation for digital marketing.
  • PDF Communicators: The GPTs from this category allow users to chat with their PDFs, facilitating easy access and management of documents.
  • Text-to-Speech Tools: Powered by ElevenLabs and similar tools, such GPTs can convert text to natural-sounding speech, broadening accessibility and enhancing user engagement.
productivity custom GPTs

Research & Analysis

Custom GPTs can offer unparalleled support in data interpretation, academic research, and market analysis. These AI assistants can sift through vast amounts of information, providing insights and conclusions that would take humans considerably longer to derive. Their ability to access and analyze data from diverse sources makes them invaluable for researchers, analysts, and anyone in need of deep, data-driven insights.

  • AI Research Assistants: Accessing academic papers from various sources, these GPTs synthesize and provide science-based responses, aiding in research and academic writing.
  • Computational Experts: Wolfram GPT and other similar tools offer computation, math, and real-time data analysis, supporting complex problem-solving and analysis.
  • Trading Analysis Assistants: Specializing in financial markets, these GPTs predict stock market trends and prices, aiding investors in making informed decisions.
research custom GPTs


Custom GPTs have also made a significant impact in the world of programming, offering assistance that ranges from tutoring beginners to aiding advanced developers in their projects. These AI tools can help debug code, suggest improvements, and even assist in building websites, making the process more efficient and accessible for everyone involved. The ability of these GPTs to adapt to various coding languages and frameworks showcases the versatility and depth of their programming capabilities.

  • Coding Assistants: Catering to both beginners and advanced coders, these GPTs facilitate coding, debugging, and learning, enhancing productivity and learning in software development.
  • Website Builders: Focusing on web development, these GPTs streamline website creation, offering intuitive design and development tools that simplify the web-building process.
programming custom GPTs


In the field of education, custom GPTs are revolutionizing the way knowledge is imparted and received. From providing personalized tutoring sessions to transforming digital content into comprehensive study guides, these AI tools make learning more accessible and engaging for students of all ages. Their ability to tailor educational content to individual learning styles and needs marks a significant step forward in educational technology.

  • AI Tutors: Including offerings from Khan Academy, these GPTs personalize learning, providing tutoring in various subjects to enhance education.
  • Math Solvers: Specializing in math tutoring, these assistants offer step-by-step solutions and explanations, supporting students’ learning journeys.
  • Transcripts & Notes-Taking Tools: Transforming digital content into study guides or summaries, these GPTs aid in education and personal knowledge management.
education custom GPTs


The application of custom GPTs extends into the lifestyle sector, offering personalized advice and assistance in areas such as fitness, travel, food, and dating. These AI tools help individuals make informed decisions, enhance their daily routines, and explore new experiences with confidence. From creating workout plans to crafting compelling dating messages, custom GPTs in the lifestyle category enrich lives in diverse and meaningful ways.

  • Workout Planners: Tailoring fitness plans to individual needs, these GPTs offer personalized workout routines, enhancing health and fitness.
  • Travel Guides: Offering personalized travel recommendations and guidance, these GPTs enhance the travel planning process, making it more enjoyable and informed.
  • Food Tips: From recipes to nutritional advice, these GPTs cater to culinary interests, supporting healthier eating habits and culinary exploration.
  • Dating Message Experts: Aiding in online dating, these GPTs offer advice on crafting engaging and appropriate messages, improving users’ dating experiences.
lifestyle custom GPTs

Looking Ahead: The Future Impact of Custom GPTs

The advent of custom GPTs has opened up new opportunities in the application of artificial intelligence across a multitude of sectors. These specialized tools are not just enhancing how we work, create, and learn; they are redefining the possibilities of AI-driven assistance. With their tailored functionalities and the ability to tap into vast knowledge bases, custom GPTs stand at the forefront of a technological revolution, making sophisticated tasks more accessible and streamlined than ever before. As we continue to explore and expand their capabilities, the potential of custom GPTs to transform our daily lives and professional environments is boundless.

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10 Integral Steps in LLM Application Development

In the rapidly evolving AI landscape, Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as powerful tools, driving innovation across various sectors. From enhancing customer service experiences to providing insightful data analysis, the applications of LLMs are vast and varied. However, building a successful LLM application involves much more than just leveraging advanced technology. It requires a deep understanding of the underlying principles, a keen awareness of the potential challenges, and a strategic approach to development and deployment.

In this article, we address critical aspects of the LLM application development process, such as choosing the right foundation model, customizing it for specific needs, establishing a robust ML infrastructure, and ensuring the ethical integrity and safety of the application. Our aim is to equip you with the knowledge and insights needed to navigate the complexities of LLM development and deployment, ensuring that your application not only performs optimally but also aligns with the highest standards of responsibility and user trust.

1. Decide Between a Proprietary or Open-Source Foundation Model.

When embarking on the journey of building an LLM application, one of the first and most crucial decisions is choosing the foundation model. In the first step, you need to choose between two primary options: proprietary models and open-source models. Each comes with its unique advantages and challenges, and understanding these is key to making an informed decision that aligns with your project’s goals, budget, and technical capabilities.

Proprietary Models: Efficiency at a Cost

Proprietary models, such as OpenAI’s GPT models, Anthropic’s Claude models, AI21 Labs’ Jurassic models, and Cohere’s models, are owned by specific organizations. Access to these models typically requires API calls, and usage is generally fee-based. The advantages of proprietary models are notable: they often represent the cutting edge in terms of performance and capabilities, having been developed by teams with significant resources. This makes them an attractive choice for enterprises seeking advanced, ready-to-use solutions.

However, these benefits come with trade-offs. The cost can be a barrier, especially for smaller companies or individual developers. Additionally, the closed nature of these models means less transparency and flexibility. If issues arise, troubleshooting can be challenging due to the lack of access to the underlying code.

Open-Source Models: Flexibility with Limitations

On the other end of the spectrum are open-source models like Meta’s Llama models, Falcon models by the Technology Innovation Institute in Abu Dhabi, Microsoft’s Phi models, and Stability AI’s StableLM models. These are typically free to use, fostering a collaborative environment where developers can modify and build upon the existing code. This openness is a boon for innovation, allowing for customization and a deeper understanding of the model’s inner workings.

However, open-source models often come with their own set of challenges. They may not be as regularly updated or supported as their proprietary counterparts, potentially leading to issues with performance or relevance over time. Also, while the models themselves might be free, deploying them at scale can incur significant computational costs, a factor that must be considered in project planning.

Ultimately, the decision between proprietary and open-source models involves balancing factors like cost, capability, transparency, and support. The choice depends on your project’s specific needs, resources, and long-term objectives.

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2. Create Targeted Evaluation Sets for Comparing LLM Performance in Your Specific Use Case.

To effectively compare the performance of different LLMs for your specific use case, it’s essential to build targeted evaluation sets. 

Begin by exploring general benchmarks to shortlist potential LLMs for testing. These benchmarks provide a broad understanding of each model’s capabilities and limitations, offering a preliminary filter to narrow down the models most likely to meet your needs.

Next, develop a custom evaluation set tailored to your specific use case. This set should comprise examples that accurately reflect the scenarios in which the LLM will operate. To ensure a comprehensive assessment:

  • Start Small: Begin with a manageable number of examples, such as 10. This allows for a focused and detailed analysis of each model’s response to these scenarios. Repeating these tests can provide insights into the model’s consistency and reliability.
  • Choose Challenging Examples: Select examples that truly test the model’s capabilities. These should include complex prompts, scenarios that could reveal biases, and questions demanding deep domain knowledge. The aim is not to trick the model but to prepare it for the unpredictable and varied nature of real-world applications.
  • Utilize LLMs in Evaluation Set Creation: A novel approach is using LLMs themselves to assist in building your evaluation set. For instance, an LLM can generate question-and-answer pairs from a given text, which then serve as a preliminary batch of test cases. This method can be particularly useful for applications like question-answering systems, where generating diverse and relevant queries is crucial.

By carefully constructing your evaluation set with challenging, representative examples, you can gain valuable insights into each model’s suitability for your unique requirements.

3. Select a Foundation Model Based on Performance, Alignment with Your Use Case, and Other Key Factors.

Choosing the right foundation for your LLM application is a multifaceted decision that goes beyond just performance metrics. It involves a careful assessment of how well the model aligns with your intended use case, along with other crucial considerations.

Consider the example of an LLM designed to maximize user engagement and retention; if not properly aligned, it might favor sensationalist or controversial responses, which could be detrimental for most brands. This is a classic case of AI misalignment, where the LLM’s behavior deviates from the desired objectives. Such misalignment can stem from various sources, including poorly defined model objectives, misaligned training data, inappropriate reward functions, or insufficient training and validation.

To minimize the risk of AI misalignment, consider the following strategies:

  • Define Clear Objectives and Behaviors: Articulate the goals and expected behaviors of your LLM application. This should include a mix of quantitative and qualitative evaluation criteria to ensure a balanced assessment of the model’s performance and alignment with your use case.
  • Align Training Data and Reward Functions: The data used to train the LLM and the reward functions that guide its learning process should reflect the specific needs and context of your application. This alignment is crucial for the model to develop responses and behaviors that are consistent with your objectives.
  • Implement Comprehensive Testing: Before deploying the model, conduct thorough testing using an evaluation set that covers a broad range of scenarios, inputs, and contexts. This step is vital to identify and address any potential issues in the model’s performance or alignment.
  • Establish Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation: Post-deployment, it’s essential to continuously monitor and evaluate the LLM’s performance. This ongoing assessment allows for timely detection and correction of any deviations from desired behaviors or objectives.

4. Enhance Performance by Customizing Your Foundation Model.

Customization of your chosen foundation model is key to enhancing its performance, particularly in terms of domain expertise, task specificity, and tone of voice. 

There are three primary ways to customize a foundation LLM:

  • Fine-tuning: This method involves providing the model with a domain-specific labeled dataset, leading to updated model parameters for better performance on tasks represented in the dataset.
  • Domain Adaptation: This approach uses an unlabeled dataset containing extensive domain-specific data. The model parameters are updated, enhancing its performance in the specified domain.
  • Information Retrieval: This method augments the foundation model with closed-domain knowledge without retraining the model. The model parameters remain unchanged, but it can retrieve information from a vector database containing relevant data.

While the first two methods (fine-tuning and domain adaptation) offer significant improvements, they require considerable computing resources and technical expertise, often making them viable only for large organizations. Smaller companies often opt for the third approach – using information retrieval to augment the model with domain-specific knowledge. This approach is less resource-intensive and can be effectively managed with the right tools.

5. Establish a Suitable Machine Learning Infrastructure.

A well-designed ML infrastructure not only supports the computational demands of LLMs but also ensures scalability, reliability, and efficiency. This component is especially relevant if you choose to use an open-source model or customize the model for your application. In this case, you may need significant computing resources to fine-tune the model, if necessary, and run it.

Below are key considerations for setting up an ML infrastructure tailored for LLM applications.

  • Computational Resources: LLMs require significant processing capabilities, often necessitating powerful GPUs or TPUs. Assess the computational needs of your model and choose hardware that can handle these demands. As your application grows, your infrastructure should be able to scale.
  • Networking Capabilities: Ensure your infrastructure has the networking capabilities to handle large volumes of data transfer. This is crucial for both training and deploying LLMs, especially in distributed environments.
  • Data Pipeline Management: Set up efficient data pipelines for data ingestion, processing, and management. This ensures a smooth flow of data throughout the system, vital for both training and inference phases.

Cloud platforms, such as Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, and Microsoft Azure, provide specialized services for deploying LLMs. These platforms come equipped with a variety of specific features, including pre-trained models that are customizable to suit the needs of your specific application, managed infrastructure services that handle the complexities of both hardware and software requirements, a suite of tools and services dedicated to the monitoring and debugging of your LLMs.

6. Optimize Performance with LLM Orchestration Tools.

In the realm of LLM applications, the efficient handling of user queries, such as customer service requests, is crucial. This process often involves constructing a series of prompts before the actual query reaches the language model. 

For example, when a user submits a query, such as a customer service question, the LLM application must perform several tasks before forwarding this query to the language model. This process typically involves:

  • Creating Prompt Templates: Developers hard-code these templates to guide the model in understanding and responding to various types of queries.
  • Incorporating Few-Shot Examples: These are examples of valid outputs that help the model grasp the context and expected response format.
  • Retrieving External Information: The application may need to fetch relevant data from external APIs to provide accurate and contextually rich responses.

LLM orchestration tools, offered by companies like LangChain and LlamaIndex, are designed to streamline this complex process. They provide frameworks that manage and execute these prompts in a more efficient and structured manner.

7. Safeguard Your LLM Application Against Malicious Inputs.

Securing your LLM application against malicious inputs is critical to maintain its integrity, performance, and user trust. Vulnerabilities in LLMs can arise from various sources, including prompt injection, training data poisoning, and supply chain weaknesses.

Prompt Injection

LLMs can struggle to differentiate between application instructions and external data, making them susceptible to prompt injection attacks. Here’s how to mitigate this:

  • Treat LLM as an Untrusted User: Approach interactions with the LLM as if it were an untrusted user. Avoid relying solely on the LLM for decision-making without human oversight.
  • Follow the Principle of Least Privilege: Limit the LLM’s access to only what is necessary for performing its intended tasks. Restricting its access minimizes the potential impact of a prompt injection attack.

Training Data Poisoning

The integrity of your training data is crucial. Poisoning can occur through staged conversations or toxic data injections. To combat this:

  • Verify Training Data Sources: Especially for externally sourced data, ensure thorough vetting to avoid incorporating malicious content.
  • Implement Input Filters: Use strict vetting or input filters for the training data. This helps control the volume and quality of data, reducing the risk of poisoned information.

Supply Chain Vulnerabilities

Vulnerabilities in the supply chain, including software components and third-party plugins, pose significant risks. To safeguard against these:

  • Vet Data Sources and Suppliers: Carefully evaluate the reliability and security of all data sources and suppliers.
  • Use Reputable Plugins: Opt for plugins with a proven track record of security and reliability.
  • Implement Rigorous Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of the LLM system can help detect and address vulnerabilities early.

Implementing these protective measures will not only safeguard the application but also preserve the trust and safety of its users.

8. Reduce the Risk of Harmful Outputs from Your LLM Application.

Even without malicious inputs, LLM applications can inadvertently produce harmful outputs, leading to safety vulnerabilities. These risks often stem from overreliance on the LLM’s outputs, unintentional disclosure of sensitive information, insecure handling of outputs, and providing excessive agency to the model.

To prevent harmful outputs, consider the following strategies:

  • Cross-Check LLM Outputs: Validate the outputs of your LLM application by cross-referencing them with external, reliable sources. This helps ensure accuracy and mitigate the propagation of biases or errors.
  • Apply the Rule of Least Privilege in Training: Be cautious about the information the LLM is trained on. Avoid exposing data that a high-privileged user can access to lower-privileged users through the model’s outputs.
  • Limit Permissions for LLM Agents: Grant permissions to LLM agents strictly based on necessity. This approach minimizes the risk of the LLM application overstepping its intended scope or inadvertently causing harm.
  • Human-in-the-Loop Control: For high-impact actions, incorporate human oversight. This control mechanism ensures that critical decisions or actions are reviewed and approved by humans, thereby reducing the risk of harmful autonomous actions by the LLM.
  • Clear Communication of Risks and Limitations: Regularly inform users about the potential inaccuracies and biases associated with LLMs. Providing explicit warnings about these limitations can help manage user expectations and encourage cautious reliance on LLM outputs.

By implementing these strategies, you can significantly reduce safety vulnerabilities and ensure that your LLM application remains a reliable and secure tool for users. The balance between harnessing the capabilities of LLMs and maintaining safety and reliability is key to the successful and responsible deployment of these advanced technologies.

9. Implement a Continuous Performance Evaluation System for Your LLM Application.

The evaluation process should be dynamic, adaptable to your project’s lifecycle, and incorporate user feedback. Here are key aspects to consider in developing this continuous evaluation framework:

  • Leverage the Targeted Evaluation Set: Start with the targeted evaluation set used initially for model selection. Adapt this set over time to reflect evolving user needs and feedback, ensuring your model stays attuned to current and relevant challenges.
  • Go Beyond Traditional Metrics: Relying solely on metrics for LLM evaluation can be insufficient and sometimes misleading. LLMs operate in contexts where multiple answers might be acceptable, and aggregate metrics may not accurately represent performance across different domains. The effectiveness of an LLM system also hinges on its unique characteristics. Common goals like accuracy and impartiality are crucial, but certain applications may demand different priorities. For example, a medical chatbot’s primary concern might be the safety of its responses, a customer support bot could focus on consistently conveying a friendly demeanor, or a web development tool may need to generate outputs in a particular format. To simplify evaluation, these diverse criteria can be consolidated into a unified feedback mechanism.
  • Consider Using the Hybrid Approach for Model Evaluation: Utilize automated evaluations facilitated by LLMs for immediate feedback. Then, utilize high-quality human assessments to validate the reliability of the automated feedback.

A robust and continuous performance evaluation process is vital for maintaining the efficacy of your LLM application. By combining targeted evaluation sets, multi-dimensional criteria, and a mix of automated and human evaluations, you can ensure that your LLM system remains effective, relevant, and aligned with user needs throughout its operational lifespan. 

10. Maintain Ongoing Monitoring for Model Safety in Your LLM Application.

Continuous monitoring of model safety is essential in mitigating biases and maintaining the integrity of LLM applications. Biases can stem from various sources, including training data, reward function design, bias mitigation strategies, and even user interactions. To proactively manage and prevent biases:

  • Curate Training Data: Utilize carefully chosen training data for fine-tuning your model. This data should be representative and diverse to prevent the introduction of biases.
  • Design Bias-Aware Reward Functions: When employing reinforcement learning, ensure that the reward functions are crafted to encourage unbiased outputs. This involves designing these functions to recognize and discourage biased responses.
  • Implement Bias Mitigation Techniques: Use existing mitigation techniques to identify and eliminate biased patterns within the LLM. This process is crucial in ensuring that the model does not perpetuate or amplify existing biases.
  • Use Specialized Safety Monitoring Tools: There are tools specifically designed to monitor model safety. They work by continuously scanning the model’s outputs and flagging content that may be harmful or biased.

By implementing these measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of biases and maintain the ethical integrity of your LLM application, thereby ensuring it remains a trustworthy and valuable tool for users.

In conclusion, the landscape of LLM applications is dynamic and ever-evolving. Staying informed and adaptable, while adhering to ethical and practical guidelines, is key to building applications that not only excel in performance but also earn the trust and reliance of users. As you embark on or continue this journey, keep these ten considerations in mind to guide your path towards creating LLM applications that are not just technologically advanced but also socially responsible and user-centric.

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