European Robotics Forum 2023 was a success!

Earlier this spring, the largest robotics event in Europe – The European Robotics Forum 2023 (ERF23) – was held in Odense, Denmark. As one of the most influential gatherings of the robotics community in Europe, the event brought together researchers, engineers, managers, entrepreneurs, businesspeople, and public funding officers to explore the latest trends and themes in the field of robotics. With more than 1100 registered participants and 65 sponsors and exhibitors, this was ‘the largest ERF in recorded history – on all parameters’, say the organizers.

During the four-day forum, RI4EU robotics DIHs network, together with agROBOfood and Rima Network, hosted a booth at the event, where they showcased a range of robotics initiatives. These also included TRINITY Robotics DIHs, agROBOfood, DIH-HERO, and DIH² robotics networks.

One of the highlights of the conference for RI4EU was their workshop – “Supporting SMEs in Bringing Robotics Solutions to Market“. The aim was to have an interactive discussion on how robotics Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) networks can create a greater impact for SMEs and facilitate a broad uptake and integration of robotics technologies in the industry. The question comes in the context where a group of 5 EU-funded robotics projects – robotics DIHs networks (agROBOfood, Rima Network, TRINITY, DIH-HERO, and DIH²) – under the umbrella of RI4EU, have provided financial support of 40M EUR and additional services to more than 180 European robotics SMEs, to help them bring their solutions to the market. So now, when these projects are ending after a period of 4 years, it is only natural to discuss the impact they have created, challenges and lessons learned.

The session featured five expert speakers: Minna Lanz, Coordinator of TRINITY Robotics DIHs, Christophe Leroux, Coordinator of Rima Network, Françoise Siepel, Coordinator of DIH-HERO, Ali Muhammad, Coordinator of DIH², and Tsampikos Kounalakis, Robotics Researcher-agROBOfood. Maurits Butter, RI4EU Gateway to EU Robotics Initiatives, was a moderator, ensuring a productive and engaging conversation.

Building trusting relationships is key

There is massive potential for robotic applications in the industry, for example, to increase productivity, improve safety, etc. but the total market size of robotics is still negligible in relation to the overall market size. The feedback received during the workshop indicated that one of the major issues robot SMEs face is the effort needed to develop Proof of concepts and run tests. Along the same line of reasoning, companies agreed that the 4 most important services they need from DIHs are:

  • Technological support, to provide technological infrastructure and expertise to develop the innovation.
  • Ecosystem services, aiming at the provision of support to create a dynamic ecosystem.
  • Business support, to provide more single customer support on developing an innovation-based business
  • Skills and educational support, to enhance the expertise, skills and human resources with the network partners.

However, there was a common key element that companies recognized to have great impact on their activity: the trusted business connections that were facilitated by the DIHs. Building a community of interconnected experts in the many robotics fields requires strategic planning, resources, and determination. So in this sense, DIHs networks can provide opportunities that cannot be found elsewhere. Moreover, scouting for new regional network connections, seeking to connect the value chain, etc. can be a daunting and time-consuming task but then the DIHs networks really bring added value through their connections with other projects or professionals within niche markets, which provide the robotics ecosystem with an entire list of contacts to seeks guidance from or do business with.

Long-term growth

But now, the 5 robotics projects, agROBOfood, Rima Network, TRINITY, DIH-HERO, and DIH², are coming to an end, as they have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 so far. So what will be the future of these DIHs networks? Will they stop their activity once the EU funding will have ended or will they continue to provide their services in the future? When asked these questions during the workshop, all networks made it clear that they ‘will continue to live’, as one of the speakers said. They are well-established networks in the field of robotics and although their new business models are not officialized yet, the DIHs networks are planning to grow in the future.
So far, the Rima Network has made its announcement: it is now transforming into the RIMA Alliance, to keep providing services and seize all good practices in just one-stop-shop, to keep working towards the uptake of robotics in inspection and maintenance. As for the other 4 networks, follow their pages and RI4EU network to hear fresh news and subscribe to the newsletter on their website.

Through participation in the ERF23, the RI4EU team was able to learn from experts in the field, make new connections, and promote their work to a wider audience. By partnering with their innovation actions/DIHs networks, they were able to showcase their initiatives and inspire others to join them in their mission to accelerate innovation in robotics.

TRINITY, the European network for Agile Manufacturing

The fast-changing customer demands in modern society seek flexibility, innovation and a rapid response from manufacturers and organisations that, in order to respond to market needs, are creating tools and processes in order to adopt an approach that welcomes change.

That approach is found to be Agile Manufacturing – and the Trinity project is the magnet that connects every segment of agile with everyone involved, creating a network that supports people, organisations, production and processes.

The main objective of TRINITY is to create a network of multidisciplinary and synergistic local digital innovation hubs (DIHs) composed of research centres, companies, and university groups that cover a wide range of topics that can contribute to agile production: advanced robotics as the driving force and digital tools, data privacy and cyber security technologies to support the introduction of advanced robotic systems in the production processes.

Trinity network

The Trinity project is funded by Horizon 2020 the European Union research and innovation programme.

Currently, Trinity brings together a network of 16 Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) and so far has 37 funded projects with 8.1 million euros in funding.

The network starts its operation by developing demonstrators in the areas of robotics it identified as the most promising to advance agile production, e.g. collaborative robotics including sensory systems to ensure safety, effective user interfaces based on augmented reality and speech, reconfigurable robot workcells and peripheral equipment (fixtures, jigs, grippers, …), programming by demonstration, IoT, secure wireless networks, etc.

These demonstrators will serve as a reference implementation for two rounds of open calls for application experiments, where companies with agile production needs and sound business plans will be supported by TRINITY DIHs to advance their manufacturing processes.

Trinity services

Besides technology-centred services, primary laboratories with advanced robot technologies and know-how to develop innovative application experiments, the TRINITY network of DIHS also offers training and consulting services, including support for business planning and access to financing.

All the data (including the current network list with partners, type of organisation and contact information) is available to everybody searching for the right type of help and guidance. The list also contains information regarding the Trinity funded projects and can be found on the website.

Robotics solution catalogue

Discover a wide range of Trinity solutions – from use cases like Predictable bin picking of shafts and axles, Robotic solution for accurate grinding of complex metal parts, End-to-end automatic handling of small packages and many more, to modules such are Additive TiG welding, Depth-sensor Safety Model for HRC, Environment Detection, Mobile Robot Motion Control and other, all that can be found in robotics solution catalogue on Trinity website.

Each of the solutions is followed up by a video that shows what made them successful, so whether it‘s about catalogue, modules, training materials, SME results, webinars or Trinity-related topics, the Trinity YouTube channel is where you will find it all.

Join us

Trinity wants to expand its current community made of more than 90 SMEs and around 20 organisations. If you are a Digital Innovation Hub, an innovative SME, a technical university, or a research centre focused on agile manufacturing, do not hesitate to contact us and exploit all the opportunities that Trinity offers.

You will be on board an ecosystem full of sectoral industry experts, facilities to put in practice your innovative ideas, and several partners with whom to develop new projects. Everything is on a user-centric platform and you will receive continuous support from the community!

Discuss with us

Be a part of the Trinity world by joining in on the discussions on agile production on social media or stay in touch with the latest news by signing in for the newsletter or simply by visiting the Trinity website.

Whatever your preferred type of communication is, all the contact information can be found here – so let‘s stay in touch!

RIMA, the European robotics network for Inspection and Maintenance

Project BladeBug. Photo credits: RIMA Network

The Inspection and Maintenance (I&M) Industry represents a large economic activity spanning across multiple sectors such as energy, oil & gas, water supply, transport, civil engineering, and infrastructure. RIMA project aims at bringing together Digital Innovation Hubs and Facilitators operating under a common network that allow them to join forces and competences in promoting I&M robotics in Europe.

The BIS Research projects’ analysis of the Inspection and Maintenance Robot Industry forecasts that the I&M market will grow at a significant CAGR of 12.73% on the basis of value from 2020 to 2025. In 2019, Europe dominated the 40% of the global inspection and maintenance robot market (BIS322A, Mar 2020). Although the European Union hosts most of the I&M robotics offer – being France, Germany, and Spain (and U.K. until 2021 Brexit) the leading manufacturing countries, there is still a bottleneck connecting this offer to the market and high potential applications. Therefore, it is the aim of RIMA Network to bridge that gap and improve the connection between key stakeholders.

The RIMA Network

RIMA (Robotics for Inspection and MAintenance) started in 2019 as a European Union’s Horizon2020 initiative for bringing together Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) and Facilitators operating under a common network to join forces and competences in promoting I&M robotics. The project consortium consists of 23 partners including Universities, Industry associations and research institutes.

The RIMA project received € 16 Million for establishing a network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) and industry associations to support the uptake of robotics – and help European small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) to develop novel solutions for different industry sectors.

The Digital Innovation Hubs offer key acceleration services for companies. Linked to organisations involved in research and innovation activities, they offer expertise in robotics, equipment, and services applicable for, in this case, I&M operations. The Facilitator organisations have the connections and network to reach a broad set of industries in their domains of expertise.

The RIMA Network consists of 13 Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) with a vast experience in the field of robotics and is now accepting new DIHs with the purpose to expand the network. All the information and contact points are available on the RIMA Network community platform.

Training courses

The RIMA training framework focuses on increasing the use of digital skills and knowledge of robotics within the I&M domain, amongst a wide range of people – from students, through the current workforce or managers who need to understand the importance and effect of digitisation, and start-up technology development companies that need specific information and support for getting their technology to market.

RIMA offers special trainings on the field of I&M in topics such as financing, current and upcoming robotics technologies, optimisation, innovation management, and working with robots or with virtual reality (VR) and simulation.

Information on existing and future training courses is accessible in the RIMA community and soon in the RIMA YouTube Channel.

Cross-border experiments

RIMA has supported financially and technically 50 cross-border experiments involving European Small and Medium-sized enterprises through two Open Call rounds – the first one in 2019 and the second one in 2020 – with a total amount of 8.1M€.

The successful candidates have received equity-free funding for Technology transfer and development in I&M robotic applications. We will present in future articles some examples of success stories funded through RIMA such as INOWATT, Pipeye RIE, TANGO, ROBUCLEAN, RPIMUS, ACIDRONES, and RAHIP. Stay tuned!

Project GreenBee. Photo credits: RIMA Network

RIMA Network at the European Robotics Forum 2022

The European Robotics Forum (ERF) is one of the most influential events for the robotics and artificial intelligence community in Europe. This year the event takes place from the 28th to the 30th of June in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

In the session of the 29th of June, “DIH as driver for innovative experimentation: The RIMA Network case”, the RIMA project will offer a holistic approach on the field of DIH-supported experimentation in robotics to allow the audience to gather best practices, inspiration, robotic at I&M literacy, connection with the EU DIH Network, and value propositions to incorporate to their service catalogue.

More information can be found on the ERF2022 website or you can contact RIMA’s Communication lead Juan Antonio Pavón Losada.

Join the RIMA Network community

The RIMA Network offers a global online community that brings together technology providers, service providers, asset owners and operators, with Digital Innovation Hubs and Facilitators. The RIMA Network community platform is a place to collaborate, share information on I&M robotics and keep up to date on RIMA activities. You can join the RIMA community for free here.

RIMA, the European robotics network for Inspection and Maintenance

Project BladeBug. Photo credits: RIMA Network

The Inspection and Maintenance (I&M) Industry represents a large economic activity spanning across multiple sectors such as energy, oil & gas, water supply, transport, civil engineering, and infrastructure. RIMA project aims at bringing together Digital Innovation Hubs and Facilitators operating under a common network that allow them to join forces and competences in promoting I&M robotics in Europe.

The BIS Research projects’ analysis of the Inspection and Maintenance Robot Industry forecasts that the I&M market will grow at a significant CAGR of 12.73% on the basis of value from 2020 to 2025. In 2019, Europe dominated the 40% of the global inspection and maintenance robot market (BIS322A, Mar 2020). Although the European Union hosts most of the I&M robotics offer – being France, Germany, and Spain (and U.K. until 2021 Brexit) the leading manufacturing countries, there is still a bottleneck connecting this offer to the market and high potential applications. Therefore, it is the aim of RIMA Network to bridge that gap and improve the connection between key stakeholders.

The RIMA Network

RIMA (Robotics for Inspection and MAintenance) started in 2019 as a European Union’s Horizon2020 initiative for bringing together Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) and Facilitators operating under a common network to join forces and competences in promoting I&M robotics. The project consortium consists of 23 partners including Universities, Industry associations and research institutes.

The RIMA project received € 16 Million for establishing a network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) and industry associations to support the uptake of robotics – and help European small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) to develop novel solutions for different industry sectors.

The Digital Innovation Hubs offer key acceleration services for companies. Linked to organisations involved in research and innovation activities, they offer expertise in robotics, equipment, and services applicable for, in this case, I&M operations. The Facilitator organisations have the connections and network to reach a broad set of industries in their domains of expertise.

The RIMA Network consists of 13 Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) with a vast experience in the field of robotics and is now accepting new DIHs with the purpose to expand the network. All the information and contact points are available on the RIMA Network community platform.

Training courses

The RIMA training framework focuses on increasing the use of digital skills and knowledge of robotics within the I&M domain, amongst a wide range of people – from students, through the current workforce or managers who need to understand the importance and effect of digitisation, and start-up technology development companies that need specific information and support for getting their technology to market.

RIMA offers special trainings on the field of I&M in topics such as financing, current and upcoming robotics technologies, optimisation, innovation management, and working with robots or with virtual reality (VR) and simulation.

Information on existing and future training courses is accessible in the RIMA community and soon in the RIMA YouTube Channel.

Cross-border experiments

RIMA has supported financially and technically 50 cross-border experiments involving European Small and Medium-sized enterprises through two Open Call rounds – the first one in 2019 and the second one in 2020 – with a total amount of 8.1M€.

The successful candidates have received equity-free funding for Technology transfer and development in I&M robotic applications. We will present in future articles some examples of success stories funded through RIMA such as INOWATT, Pipeye RIE, TANGO, ROBUCLEAN, RPIMUS, ACIDRONES, and RAHIP. Stay tuned!

Project GreenBee. Photo credits: RIMA Network

RIMA Network at the European Robotics Forum 2022

The European Robotics Forum (ERF) is one of the most influential events for the robotics and artificial intelligence community in Europe. This year the event takes place from the 28th to the 30th of June in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

In the session of the 29th of June, “DIH as driver for innovative experimentation: The RIMA Network case”, the RIMA project will offer a holistic approach on the field of DIH-supported experimentation in robotics to allow the audience to gather best practices, inspiration, robotic at I&M literacy, connection with the EU DIH Network, and value propositions to incorporate to their service catalogue.

More information can be found on the ERF2022 website or you can contact RIMA’s Communication lead Juan Antonio Pavón Losada.

Join the RIMA Network community

The RIMA Network offers a global online community that brings together technology providers, service providers, asset owners and operators, with Digital Innovation Hubs and Facilitators. The RIMA Network community platform is a place to collaborate, share information on I&M robotics and keep up to date on RIMA activities. You can join the RIMA community for free here.