Laboratory News: For artificial systems to behave anything like living systems we need to fundamentally rethink the standard view of what behaviour is all about says Dr Rupert Young
The future of autonomous trucks is already here. Several states are laying the groundwork for these self-driving behemoths. California, Florida, Michigan and Utah have passed laws allowing autonomous trucks to drive in platoons.
Because kinetic mesh is a mobile network, radios can go on any fixed or mobile asset on a manufacturing floor and still provide constant communications.
Mike Murphy for MarketWatch: Boston Dynamics showed off its latest advanced robot Monday, which left some people wondering if it was a technological marvel or dystopian nightmare fuel.
Just automating existing processes may not be enough to stay competitive in international markets. What's needed is a complete rethink of what happens now, coupled with the imaginative application of emerging robotic innovations.
The project –which incorporates machine learning, teleoperation, and human-robot collaboration-- demonstrates what happens when you combine AUBO Robotics' commitment to building symbiotic alliances among researchers and research institutions with robotics specialists
The XtraforsPrime or FP series of slotless brushless servo motors provide improved torque and power density compared to standard brushless servo motors. They are capable of very high speeds (30,000 RPM), smooth ZERO cogging motion, high effiecency and are availble in 8 frame sizes to fit your application needs. To learn more visit our website at or contact us at or at (978) 988-9002.
Matt Simon for Wired: Today, three of these machines from Universal Robots handle the brute sanding and painting, while humans handle more complicated tasks like assembly. Some of these workers even turned into robot technicians.
Daniel Hurst for The Guardian: Japanese government wants to increase acceptance of technology that could help fill the gap in the nursing workforce
The two "fingers" of the robot gripper have built-in intelligence and advanced technology that mimics the way humans instinctively use our sense of touch when we grab things to move them.
While the vision systems of old were unreliable, clunky and expensive, today’s systems are anything but. Proper vision systems can make the difference between an efficient robotic system and one that is not working optimally.
Mariella Moon for EnGadget: While the team's UAVs are scanning the skies, their tactical plane will focus on what's happening down below. The plane is equipped with high-resolution CCTVs with facial recognition
As you can see, the continued growth in the creation of drones only shows the shocking improvement in the world of software and tech devices. Just like Artificial Intelligence, it’s another fantastic glimpse into the future!
Designing the right RTOS architecture requires delicate attention and decisions. Basic real-time operating system services such as inter-process communication, process synchronization, process management and interrupt handling must unfold efficiently.
Katie Fehrenbacher for GreenTechMedia: For drone makers, that means a drone could fly farther and longer on a single charge. For example, a drone surveying acres of crop land could fly for an hour instead of just 20 minutes with a standard battery.