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The Internet of Robotic Things: How IoT and Robotics are Evolving to Benefit the Supply Chain

The Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT) is a rapidly evolving technology. In just a few decades, industrial robots have become commonplace in factory settings across the world, and they only continue to gain popularity for their productivity and profitability.

Robotic House Construction—Sekisui Heim’s Pursuit in Combating a Housing Industry Labor Shortage

The way the production line is set up is said to be inspired by car factories. The industrial robots from Kawasaki are utilized on the unit assembly line, working on gable frame assembly, and overall assembly to connect the ceiling, floor and gable frames.

Robot Sensor Market is set to surpass USD 4 billion by 2026

A vast majority of manufacturers are integrating robotic systems in production facilities to enhance production capacity, boost profit margins, and cut operational costs. These trends have created a substantial demand for robotic components, including robot sensors like 3D vision.

The Drive for Reliable Data: Using Real-World Inputs to Test MicroStrain Inertial Sensors

Inertial measurement units (IMUs) are essential tools for manufacturers of off-road heavy-duty vehicles and machinery. They provide critical information that is used to control, monitor and manage the equipment, but also to ensure operator safety during use.
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