The Zimmer Group development team also faced a tremendous challenge in developing special gripper fingers, which were intended to handle any potential type of bottle from 0.33 l up to 0.75 l by gripping the neck and body of the bottle.
The warehouse robotics have offered a more efficient, reliable, and accurate way of handling demand and supply equation by letting robots perform functions such as pick-place, packaging, transportation, and palletizing.
With the rising enhancement in technology, the autonomous car industry is flourishing day-by-day. Along with the behemoths in the automobile sector, various tech firms in the industry are brainstorming to launch their autonomous cars.
At its core, the Coapt Gen2 system uses algorithmic pattern classification to determine wearers' intuitive, real-time intent for moving the joints of a prosthetic arm and/or hand.
The good news is progress is being made as the industry's best minds address each issue when it comes up. The one thing we can say with confidence is that tomorrow's vehicle will run on data...tons and tons of data which is comforting for flash industry people.
AI is everywhere. Today it helps you find something faster using your smartphone and voice assistant. Besides that, many other sectors use AI and machine learning to improve their working processes and make them smarter.
Spot is a small four-legged robot that resembles—well, a dog. It might not fetch your slippers, but it is very versatile. It weighs about 66 pounds, about what a large dog weighs.
Student teams are developing an autonomous rover and payload-deploying drone to find and safely destroy hidden munitions that kill or maim as many as 20,000 people around the world each year.
As robots grow in popularity, expect to see them in more common, repeatable tasks – like oil changes and tire replacements and rotations – to create increased efficiencies in service operations.
Box opening robots, while on a smaller scale, can eliminate the need for workers to handle blades. Unfortunately, box opening robots are not as common as the more traditional six-axis or SCARA robot models.
Backed by True Ventures and Ubiquity Ventures, the Austin-based robotics company is announcing its first full-time hospital customer implementing the robot full-time
Local manufacturers don't want to run 1-2 parts because it interrupts their workflow. They would much rather get an order for 1,000 pieces than have to stop, load material for your job, setup the machine, cut it, ship it etc.
RoboBusiness is the robotics industry’s leading event, meeting the needs of the robotics industry, which includes robotic technology developers, component providers, robotic system manufacturers, robotic design engineers, and supply chain organizations.
The AV&R team has developed a software for our robotic machines with the mission to make robotics accessible to everyone. This software is the glue which orchestrates the interaction between the system components in a single user-friendly interface. Comparing our machines to ourselves as humans, this software would be the control center of all faculties of the body, hence its name: BrainWave.
While the robots use sensors and algorithms to safely navigate even dynamic environments, they aren’t able to apply this sensory input for advanced decision-making.