Call for evidence – European Robotics Flagship

Call for evidence – European Robotics Flagship

The European Commission is launching a new call for Flagships. Existing Flagships include the Human Brian Project, and the Graphene Flagship – each funded at the level of 1B EUR.

Given the excitement around the field of robotics and its potential to benefit society and the economy, we’ve brought together the robotics community to apply for a Robotics Flagship Preparatory Action. The Robotics Flagship aims to drive developments in European Robotics for the next 10 years. You can read more about it on this website.

As a first step, we’ll be submitting a request for exploratory funds to inform the preparation of the full flagship proposal.

Key to our work will be to understand the robotics community’s and the public’s view on the technology so we can develop it in a way that positively impacts society and the economy.

That’s why we need your help. By filling in a short call for evidence (max 10 minutes) you’ll be providing us with valuable input for the proposal.

If you’re from the public, fill in this call for evidence.

If you’re from the robotics community, fill in this call for evidence.

You can also follow us on twitter, and help spread the word by RTing:

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