Archive 16.09.2024

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Take a Powder, Einstein

Upgraded ChatGPT Thinks at the PhD Level

OpenAI is out with a new upgrade to ChatGPT that features extremely advanced, in-depth thinking — and outperforms PhD students in physics, chemistry and biology.

The software undergirding the new upgrade — dubbed OpenAI o1 — also offers head-turning new performance highs in math and computer coding.

While the jury is still out on the upgrade’s impact on ChatGPT’s automated writing skills, people who make lots of money every day by relying heavily on writing — i.e., lawyers — will want to take a close look at this enhancement.

The reason: According to OpenAI’s in-house tests, this latest version of its AI software scored 95-out-of-100 on the Law School Admissions Test.


In other news and analysis on AI writing:

*In-Depth Guide: The Top 50 AI Writing Tools to Try: Copywriters looking for a round-up on the latest AI tools designed to make their jobs easier will want to take a look at this piece.

It offers a great overview of the most popular — and most groundbreaking AI tools — in their writing genre.

In addition to well-known AI writers, the guide also explores lesser-known, niche tools, including:

~Writerly, which includes a generative AI Chrome extension that helps users extract ideas from articles during browsing and generates content briefs for writers

~GetGenie, a WordPress plugin that uses AI to replace over 10 different apps.

~TextCortex, an AI Writer designed to accommodate your distinct writing style and singular writing requirements

*Goodbye, Ramblin’ Rose: New WordPress Tool Goes for Writing Clarity: The maker of WordPress has come out with a new AI tool designed to make your posts clearer and more succinct.

Dubbed ‘Write Brief with AI,’ the tool alerts users if their prose uses too many words — or if their wording ‘lacks confidence.’

The new tool could significantly improve writing on Web sites worldwide, given that 43% of all Web sites run on WordPress.

*ESPN AI To Cover Women’s Soccer: Because Mansplaining Wasn’t Enough: Sports news juggernaut ESPN has decided to add AI-written stories to its coverage mix.

So far, the plan is to limit AI-generation of prose to recaps of matches in the National Women’s Soccer League and the Premier Lacrosse League.

Observes writer Tom Jones: “The fear among living and breathing journalists is that this is a slippery slope, and that AI is taking their jobs.”

*Writing Career Suicide — Now With Algorithms: Writer Jack Apollo George has been granted the dubious honor of training AI to make himself obsolete.

Specifically, George is inputting examples of his own writing to help AI chatbots express themselves more eloquently.

Observes George: Working for an AI company as a writer is “a little like being told you are going to be paid a visit by Dracula — and instead of running for the hills, you stayed in and laid the table.”

*AI to College Writing Centers: Nice Knowing You: Higher education continues to struggle with its love/hate relationship with AI — including some writing centers that are offering new courses in AI-powered writing.

Observes Sherry Wynn Perdue, president, International Writing Centers Association: “I see this as a real opportunity for writing centers to show leadership if they’re given an opportunity.”

But not everyone is happy with the embrace of AI at the university level.

Observes writer Maggie Hicks: “Some writing instructors worry, though, that the new tools may tempt colleges to rely too heavily on the technology or even eliminate writing centers entirely.”

*AI-Written Academic Papers: Now Easier to Spot Than a Bad Wig?: Researcher Ahmed Abdeen Hamed has helped develop a new app designed to expose academic research papers written with AI.

Dubbed xFakeSci, the experimental tool has turned in accuracy rates of up to 94%.

Observes Hamed: “Because I work with medical publications, clinical trials, online resources and mining social media, I’m always concerned about the authenticity of the knowledge somebody is propagating.”

*Update on AI and Email Marketing: Turning ‘Unsubscribe’ Into ‘Tell Me More’: Shopify has put together a handy guide on the state-of-the-art of AI in email marketing.

Turns-out, many of the same email marketing tasks once performed by humans are now easily handled by AI, including:

*Smart segmentation

*Email personalization

*Subject line suggestions

*Content creation

*Fake Writers, Real Profits: Book Writers Plagued by AI Rip-Offs: Many writers selling their books on Amazon say they’re increasingly finding AI rip-offs of their work for sale.

The primary culprits: Suspiciously prolific ‘writers’ who pump-out hundreds of titles per year — but do not actually exist in the real world.

Observes writer Kevin Maimann: One of the most prominent suspect authors is “Mari Silva, who has 532 titles on a vast range of spiritual and cultural topics spanning world history, but no visible online presence outside of a vague Amazon author bio with a generic silhouetted photo of a woman.”

*AI Big Picture: AI — Now With Emotions: Finally, Robots That Understand Your Existential Dread: A psychologist who specializes in measuring emotion has come out with a new app that imbues AI chatbots’ voices with much more emotion.

Dubbed Hume AI, the app enables various AI chatbots to listen to queries with much greater empathy.

Observes psychologist and Hume AI co-founder Alan Cowen: “We specialize in building empathic personalities that speak in ways people would speak — rather than stereotypes of AI assistants.”

But not everyone is happy with the embrace of AI at the university level.

Observes writer Maggie Hicks: “Some writing instructors worry, though, that the new tools may tempt colleges to rely too heavily on the technology or even eliminate writing centers entirely.”

Share a Link:  Please consider sharing a link to from your blog, social media post, publication or emails. More links leading to helps everyone interested in AI-generated writing.

Joe Dysart is editor of and a tech journalist with 20+ years experience. His work has appeared in 150+ publications, including The New York Times and the Financial Times of London.

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The post Take a Powder, Einstein appeared first on Robot Writers AI.

The Ultimate Guide to Using an AI Detector

The smarter AI tools of today’s digital world get, the more educators, creators of content, and other professionals should know how to identify AI-generated submissions or publications. Making these identifications requires the use of AI detectors. Therefore, this article will […]

The post The Ultimate Guide to Using an AI Detector appeared first on TechSpective.

Teaching robots to use color in moving objects

Research at Michigan State University is focused on teaching robots to use colors to perceive, visualize, and interpret interactions when manipulating objects. A force-interpreting optical system is being developed so robots can distinguish and manipulate soft and fragile objects—which will be particularly helpful for medical and other assistive robots.

Combining existing sensors with machine learning algorithms improves robots’ intrinsic sense of touch

A team of roboticists at the German Aerospace Center's Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics finds that combining traditional internal force-torque sensors with machine-learning algorithms can give robots a new way to sense touch.

E-Signature Software Development in 8 Easy Steps

E-Signature Software Development in 8 Easy Steps 2024

E-signature software has emerged as a game changer for businesses and professionals. This digital tool offers a secure and efficient way to manage signatures, eliminating the hassles of paper-based processes. The demand for e-signature software has increased even more in recent years with the rise of remote work.

Developing your own e-signature software can be complex, but with a clear roadmap, it becomes manageable with an expert mobile app development company. This article provides comprehensive guidance for e-signature app development in eight easy steps. Whether you are a tech entrepreneur or a business executive, our step-by-step guide lets you turn your dream of developing e-signature software into reality.

What is E-Signature Software?

E-signature software is a digital tool that enables users to sign documents electronically. It offers a secure way to authenticate documents, agreements, and contracts online. This software ensures the authenticity and integrity of the signature through encryption and other security measures. E-signature software reduces paper usage and enhances convenience by allowing documents to be signed from anywhere at any time. This software is commonly used in the real estate, legal, and finance sectors.

Step-by-step process of E-Signature Software Development

  1. Research and Planning

This phase is crucial in laying out a strong foundation for developing e-signature software. Initially, you have to identify the target users and their specific needs. For this, you can conduct surveys and market analysis to understand what potential users may expect from a new e-signature software. This helps to define the main features and functionalities of the software.

The next step is to analyze the performance of your competitors’ apps. Evaluating the existing e-signature solutions would help you understand what makes them stand out in the competition and their strengths and weaknesses. This helps you come up with a unique mobile app into the market.

  1. Choosing the Right Technology Stack

This is a crucial step in developing an e-signature app for Android and iOS, as it impacts the performance and scalability of the application. The technology stack involves programming languages, tools, API integrations, and UI (User Interface) frameworks.

Based on the core features and functionalities of the software, you can decide the technology stack. For backend mobile app development, common technologies include Python, Node.js, and Java. For the frontend, consider React, Vue.js, or Angular to create an interactive user interface.

Since security also plays a crucial role, it is better to choose encryption technologies and secure communication protocols like SSL/TLS. Additionally, consider third-party integrations like cloud storage and authentication services for enhancing functionality and user experiences.

  1. Designing a User-Friendly Interface

UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface) are crucial in developing e-signature software. A well-designed interface ensures that users can effortlessly navigate the application.

Start by creating prototypes and wireframes to visualize the flow and layout of the software. While designing, focus mainly on simplicity and intuitiveness. The interface should be clean and straightforward, with clear instructions and minimal distractions.

  1. Features Development

Start by developing the features pre-defined in the planning phase of the project. Some of the core features required for e-Signature app development are signature creation, document management, and user authentication.

Signature creation tools allow users to sign the documents electronically with ease. Hence, the document management feature allows users to upload, organize, and store the documents securely. Make sure to incorporate mechanisms like multi-faction authentication to ensure transaction security. Integrate APIs for seamless connectivity with third-party applications like cloud storage services and CRM systems.

  1. Security and Compliance

For software like e-signature, security and compliance are paramount. Implement strong encryption methods, like protecting data during storage and transmission. Use secure protocols like SSL/TLS to safeguard communications.

Make sure the software complies with relevant regulations, which set standards for an electronic signature’s legal validity. Incorporate audit trails to track document history and modifications. Regularly update your software to address security vulnerabilities.

AI can do cybersecurity blo2

  1. Testing and Quality Assurance

This phase ensures the scalability and performance of the e-signature software. Start with unit testing, which focuses on individual components to ensure they function correctly in isolation. Follow this with integration testing to verify that different modules of the software work seamlessly together.

User acceptance testing (UAT) involves real users to identify usability issues and gather feedback for improvements. Security testing is important to uncover vulnerabilities and ensure robust protection against potential threats. Use automated testing tools to streamline the QA process to ensure consistent and efficient testing outcomes.

Regression testing has to be conducted after any changes or updates in the software to make sure the new code does not negatively impact existing functionalities. Comprehensive testing and QA help to resolve any bugs early, leading to a more reliable e-signature solution.

  1. Deployment Phase

Start with a comprehensive deployment plan, detailing every step to ensure a smooth transition. This includes configuring servers, the production environment, and verifying that all integrations are working correctly.

During deployment, prioritize user onboarding to facilitate a smooth adoption process. Provide detailed documentation, tutorials, and user guides to help users navigate the new e-signature software effortlessly. Additionally, establish a responsive support system to address any immediate concerns or questions from users.

Monitor the software closely post-deployment to quickly identify and resolve any issues. A well-executed deployment ensures that the software operates effectively from day one, providing users with a seamless experience.

  1. Maintenance and Support

Maintenance is an on-going process to ensure the e-signature app remains secure, functional, and up-to-date. Regular updates are important to enhance features, address security vulnerabilities, and fix issues that may arise. Implement a feedback system to continuously gather user input and use it to guide your development priorities and updates.

Security maintenance is also important to conduct periodic security audits and updates to protect against emerging threats. By staying proactive with maintenance, you can ensure that your e-signature software remains a reliable tool for end-users. Regularly updating and improving the application keeps it competitive and aligned with the evolving needs of the market. 

Must-Have Features in E-Signature Software Development

Adding user-friendly and security features would give your E signature software development project success. Here are a few significant features that you must include in your e-signature mobile app.

  • User profile and signature upload
  • Simple UX/UI for quick navigation
  • Multi-level authentication processes
  • Signature verification and validation
  • Document upload and maintenance
  • Compliance accordance
  • Third-party integration
  • AI-chatbot assistance
  • Notifications and alerts

These are a few must-haves features that mobile app development companies must consider during e-Signature software development. Integrating these features will ensure success and keep your app standing out from the crowd.

Similarly, technology stack will also play a key role in the success of your e-signature app development.  Choosing the right frontend technologies, backend technologies, API integrations, and database will contribute to the success and performance of your mobile application.

How much does it cost for E-signature app development?

What is the cost of e-signature software development? If you are searching for this question, you are not alone. Being an expert mobile app development company with best practices in e-signature software development, we estimated that:

The best E-signature app development cost with basic features will range from $25,000 to $30,000. The average cost of e-signature app development with advanced Artificial intelligence features will reach $45,000 and beyond. So, based on your budget constraints, go ahead with the e-signature application development.


Benefits of E-Signature software development in this digital age is high. E-signature apps have become crucial for many businesses to handle documentation and signing. Developing such an important software application involves a well-defined process that covers everything from understanding market needs to deployment and maintenance.

By following the eight steps mentioned in this article, you can create a robust and user-centric e-signature solution that meets the demands of modern businesses. With careful planning and execution, your e-signature software can become an indispensable tool for digital transformation and operational efficiency.

Get in touch!



Multimodal ultra-thin soft robots can explore narrow spaces for inspection and maintenance

Researchers at Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre (UTC) in Manufacturing and On-Wing Technology at the University of Nottingham have developed ultra-thin soft robots, designed for exploring narrow spaces in challenging built environments. The research is published in the journal Nature Communications.
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