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TDM: From model-free to model-based deep reinforcement learning

By Vitchyr Pong
You’ve decided that you want to bike from your house by UC Berkeley to the Golden Gate Bridge. It’s a nice 20 mile ride, but there’s a problem: you’ve never ridden a bike before!To make matters worse, you are new to the Bay Area, and all you have is a good ol’ fashion map to guide you. How do you get started? Let’s first figure out how to ride a bike. One strategy would be to do a lot of studying and planning. Read books on how to ride bicycles. Study physics and anatomy. Plan out all the different muscle movements that you’ll make in response to each perturbation. This approach is noble, but for anyone who’s ever learned to ride a bike, they know that this strategy is doomed to fail. There’s only one way to learn how to ride a bike: trial and error. Some tasks like riding a bike are just too complicated to plan out in your head. Once you’ve learned how to ride your bike, how would you get to the Golden Gate Bridge? You could reuse your trial-and-error strategy. Take a few random turns and see if you end up at the Golden Gate Bridge. Unfortunately, this strategy would take a very, very long time. For this sort of problem, planning is a much faster strategy, and requires considerably less real-world experience and trial-and-error. In reinforcement learning terms, it is more sample-efficient.

Left: some skills you learn by trial and error. Right: other times, planning ahead is better.

While simple, this thought experiment highlights some important aspects of human intelligence. For some tasks, we use a trial-and-error approach, and for others we use a planning approach. A similar phenomena seems to have emerged in reinforcement learning (RL). In the parlance of RL, empirical results show that some tasks are better suited for model-free (trial-and-error) approaches, and others are better suited for model-based (planning) approaches. However, the biking analogy also highlights that the two systems are not completely independent. In particularly, to say that learning to ride a bike is just trial-and-error is an oversimplification. In fact, when learning to bike by trial-and-error, you’ll employ a bit of planning. Perhaps your plan will initially be, “Don’t fall over.” As you improve, you’ll make more ambitious plans, such as, “Bike forwards for two meters without falling over.” Eventually, your bike-riding skills will be so proficient that you can start to plan in very abstract terms (“Bike to the end of the road.”) to the point that all there is left to do is planning and you no longer need to worry about the nitty-gritty details of riding a bike. We see that there is a gradual transition from the model-free (trial-and-error) strategy to a model-based (planning) strategy. If we could develop artificial intelligence algorithms–and specifically RL algorithms–that mimic this behavior, it could result in an algorithm that both performs well (by using trial-and-error methods early on) and is sample efficient (by later switching to a planning approach to achieve more abstract goals). This post covers temporal difference model (TDM), which is a RL algorithm that captures this smooth transition between model-free and model-based RL. Before describing TDMs, we start by first describing how a typical model-based RL algorithm works. Read More

Shared autonomy via deep reinforcement learning

By Siddharth Reddy

Imagine a drone pilot remotely flying a quadrotor, using an onboard camera to navigate and land. Unfamiliar flight dynamics, terrain, and network latency can make this system challenging for a human to control. One approach to this problem is to train an autonomous agent to perform tasks like patrolling and mapping without human intervention. This strategy works well when the task is clearly specified and the agent can observe all the information it needs to succeed. Unfortunately, many real-world applications that involve human users do not satisfy these conditions: the user’s intent is often private information that the agent cannot directly access, and the task may be too complicated for the user to precisely define. For example, the pilot may want to track a set of moving objects (e.g., a herd of animals) and change object priorities on the fly (e.g., focus on individuals who unexpectedly appear injured). Shared autonomy addresses this problem by combining user input with automated assistance; in other words, augmenting human control instead of replacing it.

A blind, autonomous pilot (left), suboptimal human pilot (center), and combined human-machine team (right) play the Lunar Lander game.


The idea of combining human and machine intelligence in a shared-control system goes back to the early days of Ray Goertz’s master-slave manipulator in 1949, Ralph Mosher’s Hardiman exoskeleton in 1969, and Marvin Minsky’s call for telepresence in 1980. After decades of research in robotics, human-computer interaction, and artificial intelligence, interfacing between a human operator and a remote-controlled robot remains a challenge. According to a review of the 2015 DARPA Robotics Challenge, “the most cost effective research area to improve robot performance is Human-Robot Interaction.The biggest enemy of robot stability and performance in the DRC was operator errors. Developing ways to avoid and survive operator errors is crucial for real-world robotics. Human operators make mistakes under pressure, especially without extensive training and practice in realistic conditions.”

Master-slave robotic manipulator (Goertz, 1949)

Brain-computer interface for neural prosthetics (Shenoy & Carmena, 2014)

Formalism for model-based shared autonomy (Javdani et al., 2015)

One research thrust in shared autonomy approaches this problem by inferring the user’s goals and autonomously acting to achieve them. Chapter 5 of Shervin Javdani’s Ph.D. thesis contains an excellent review of the literature. Such methods have made progress toward better driver assist, brain-computer interfaces for prosthetic limbs, and assistive teleoperation, but tend to require prior knowledge about the world; specifically, (1) a dynamics model that predicts the consequences of taking a given action in a given state of the environment, (2) the set of possible goals for the user, and (3) an observation model that describes the user’s behavior given their goal. Model-based shared autonomy algorithms are well-suited to domains in which this knowledge can be directly hard-coded or learned, but are challenged by unstructured environments with ill-defined goals and unpredictable user behavior. We approached this problem from a different angle, using deep reinforcement learning to implement model-free shared autonomy.

Deep reinforcement learning uses neural network function approximation to tackle the curse of dimensionality in high-dimensional, continuous state and action spaces, and has recently achieved remarkable success in training autonomous agents from scratch to play video games, defeat human world champions at Go, and control robots. We have taken preliminary steps toward answering the following question: can deep reinforcement learning be useful for building flexible and practical assistive systems?

Model-Free RL with a Human in the Loop

To enable shared-control teleoperation with minimal prior assumptions, we devised a model-free deep reinforcement learning algorithm for shared autonomy. The key idea is to learn an end-to-end mapping from environmental observation and user input to agent action, with task reward as the only form of supervision. From the agent’s perspective, the user acts like a prior policy that can be fine-tuned, and an additional sensor generating observations from which the agent can implicitly decode the user’s private information. From the user’s perspective, the agent behaves like an adaptive interface that learns a personalized mapping from user commands to actions that maximizes task reward.

Fig. 1: An overview of our human-in-the-loop deep Q-learning algorithm for model-free shared autonomy

One of the core challenges in this work was adapting standard deep RL techniques to leverage control input from a human without significantly interfering with the user’s feedback control loop or tiring them with a long training period. To address these issues, we used deep Q-learning to learn an approximate state-action value function that computes the expected future return of an action given the current environmental observation and the user’s input. Equipped with this value function, the assistive agent executes the closest high-value action to the user’s control input. The reward function for the agent is a combination of known terms computed for every state, and a terminal reward provided by the user upon succeeding or failing at the task. See Fig. 1 for a high-level schematic of this process.

Learning to Assist

Prior work has formalized shared autonomy as a partially-observable Markov decision process (POMDP) in which the user’s goal is initially unknown to the agent and must be inferred in order to complete the task. Existing methods tend to assume the following components of the POMDP are known ex-ante: (1) the dynamics of the environment, or the state transition distribution $T$; (2) the set of possible goals for the user, or the goal space $\mathcal{G}$; and (3) the user’s control policy given their goal, or the user model $\pi_h$. In our work, we relaxed these three standard assumptions. We introduced a model-free deep reinforcement learning method that is capable of providing assistance without access to this knowledge, but can also take advantage of a user model and goal space when they are known.

In our problem formulation, the transition distribution $T$, the user’s policy $\pi_h$, and the goal space $\mathcal{G}$ are no longer all necessarily known to the agent. The reward function, which depends on the user’s private information, is
R(s, a, s’) = \underbrace{R_{\text{general}}(s, a, s’)}_\text{known} + \underbrace{R_{\text{feedback}}(s, a, s’)}_\text{unknown, but observed}.
This decomposition follows a structure typically present in shared autonomy: there are some terms in the reward that are known, such as the need to avoid collisions. We capture these in $R_{\text{general}}$. $R_{\text{feedback}}$ is user-generated feedback that depends on their private information. We do not know this function. We merely assume the agent is informed when the user provides feedback (e.g., by pressing a button). In practice, the user might simply indicate once per trial whether the agent succeeded or not.

Incorporating User Input

Our method jointly embeds the agent’s observation of the environment $s_t$ with the information from the user $u_t$ by simply concatenating them. Formally,
\tilde{s}_t = \left[ \begin{array}{c} s_t \\ u_t \end{array} \right].
The particular form of $u_t$ depends on the available information. When we do not know the set of possible goals $\mathcal{G}$ or the user’s policy given their goal $\pi_h$, as is the case for most of our experiments, we set $u_t$ to the user’s action $a^h_t$. When we know the goal space $\mathcal{G}$, we set $u_t$ to the inferred goal $\hat{g}_t$. In particular, for problems with known goal spaces and user models, we found that using maximum entropy inverse reinforcement learning to infer $\hat{g}_t$ led to improved performance. For problems with known goal spaces but unknown user models, we found that under certain conditions we could improve performance by training an LSTM recurrent neural network to predict $\hat{g}_t$ given the sequence of user inputs using a training set of rollouts produced by the unassisted user.

Q-Learning with User Control

Model-free reinforcement learning with a human in the loop poses two challenges: (1) maintaining informative user input and (2) minimizing the number of interactions with the environment. If the user input is a suggested control, consistently ignoring the suggestion and taking a different action can degrade the quality of user input, since humans rely on feedback from their actions to perform real-time control tasks. Popular on-policy algorithms like TRPO are difficult to deploy in this setting since they give no guarantees on how often the user’s input is ignored. They also tend to require a large number of interactions with the environment, which is impractical for human users. Motivated by these two criteria, we turned to deep Q-learning.

Q-learning is an off-policy algorithm, enabling us to address (1) by modifying the behavior policy used to select actions given their expected returns and the user’s input. Drawing inspiration from the minimal intervention principle embodied in recent work on parallel autonomy and outer-loop stabilization, we execute a feasible action closest to the user’s suggestion, where an action is feasible if it isn’t that much worse than the optimal action. Formally,
\pi_{\alpha}(a \mid \tilde{s}, a^h) = \delta\left(a = \mathop{\arg\max}\limits_{\{a : Q'(\tilde{s}, a) \geq (1 – \alpha) Q'(\tilde{s}, a^\ast)\}} f(a, a^h)\right),
where $f$ is an action-similarity function and $Q'(\tilde{s}, a) = Q(\tilde{s}, a) – \min_{a’ \in \mathcal{A}} Q(\tilde{s}, a’)$ maintains a sane comparison for negative Q values. The constant $\alpha \in [0, 1]$ is a hyperparameter that controls the tolerance of the system to suboptimal human suggestions, or equivalently, the amount of assistance.

Mindful of (2), we note that off-policy Q-learning tends to be more sample-efficient than policy gradient and Monte Carlo value-based methods. The structure of our behavior policy also speeds up learning when the user is approximately optimal: for appropriately large $\alpha$, the agent learns to fine-tune the user’s policy instead of learning to perform the task from scratch. In practice, this means that during the early stages of learning, the combined human-machine team performs at least as well as the unassisted human instead of performing at the level of a random policy.

User Studies

We applied our method to two real-time assistive control problems: the Lunar Lander game and a quadrotor landing task. Both tasks involved controlling motion using a discrete action space and low-dimensional state observations that include position, orientation, and velocity information. In both tasks, the human pilot had private information that was necessary to complete the task, but wasn’t capable of succeeding on their own.

The Lunar Lander Game

The objective of the game was to land the vehicle between the flags without crashing or flying out of bounds using two lateral thrusters and a main engine. The assistive copilot could observe the lander’s position, orientation, and velocity, but not the position of the flags.

Human Pilot (Solo): The human pilot can’t stabilize and keeps crashing.

Human Pilot + RL Copilot: The copilot improves stability while giving the pilot enough freedom to land between the flags.

Humans rarely beat the Lunar Lander game on their own, but with a copilot they did much better.

Fig. 2a: Success and crash rates averaged over 30 episodes.

Fig. 2b-c: Trajectories followed by human pilots with and without a copilot on Lunar Lander. Red trajectories end in a crash or out of bounds, green in success, and gray in neither. The landing pad is marked by a star. For the sake of illustration, we only show data for a landing site on the left boundary.

In simulation experiments with synthetic pilot models (not shown here), we also observed a significant benefit to explicitly inferring the goal (i.e., the location of the landing pad) instead of simply adding the user’s raw control input to the agent’s observations, suggesting that goal spaces and user models can and should be taken advantage of when they are available.

One of the drawbacks of analyzing Lunar Lander is that the game interface
and physics do not reflect the complexity and unpredictability of a real-world robotic shared autonomy task.
To evaluate our method in a more realistic environment, we formulated a task for a human pilot flying a real quadrotor.

Quadrotor Landing Task

The objective of the task was to land a Parrot AR-Drone 2 on a small, square landing pad at some distance from its initial take-off position, such that the drone’s first-person camera was pointed at a random object in the environment (e.g., a red chair), without flying out of bounds or running out of time. The pilot used a keyboard to control velocity, and was blocked from getting a third-person view of the drone so that they had to rely on the drone’s first-person camera feed to navigate and land. The assistive copilot observed position, orientation, and velocity, but did not know which object the pilot wanted to look at.

Human Pilot (Solo): The pilot’s display only showed the drone’s first-person view, so pointing the camera was easy but finding the landing pad was hard.

Human Pilot + RL Copilot: The copilot didn’t know where the pilot wanted to point the camera, but it knew where the landing pad was. Together, the pilot and copilot succeeded at the task.

Humans found it challenging to simultaneously point the camera at the desired scene and navigate to the precise location of a feasible landing pad under time constraints.
The assistive copilot had little trouble navigating to and landing on the landing pad, but did not know where to point the camera because it did not know what the human wanted to observe after landing. Together, the human could focus on pointing the camera and the copilot could focus on landing precisely on the landing pad.

Fig. 3a: Success and crash rates averaged over 20 episodes.

Fig. 3b-c: A bird’s-eye view of trajectories followed by human pilots with and without a copilot on the quadrotor landing task. Red trajectories end in a crash or out of bounds, green in success, and gray in neither. The landing pad is marked by a star.

Our results showed that combined pilot-copilot teams significantly outperform individual pilots and copilots.

What’s Next?

Our method has a major weakness: model-free deep reinforcement learning typically requires lots of training data, which can be burdensome for human users operating physical robots. We mitigated this issue in our experiments by pretraining the copilot in simulation without a human pilot in the loop. Unfortunately, this is not always feasible for real-world applications due to the difficulty of building high-fidelity simulators and designing rich user-agnostic reward functions $R_{\text{general}}$. We are currently exploring different approaches to this problem.

If you want to learn more, check out our pre-print on arXiv: Siddharth Reddy, Anca Dragan, Sergey Levine, Shared Autonomy via Deep Reinforcement Learning, arXiv, 2018.

The paper will appear at Robotics: Science and Systems 2018 from June 26-30. To encourage replication and extensions, we have released our code. Additional videos are available through the project website.

This article was initially published on the BAIR blog, and appears here with the authors’ permission.

Towards a virtual stuntman

Motion control problems have become standard benchmarks for reinforcement learning, and deep RL methods have been shown to be effective for a diverse suite of tasks ranging from manipulation to locomotion. However, characters trained with deep RL often exhibit unnatural behaviours, bearing artifacts such as jittering, asymmetric gaits, and excessive movement of limbs. Can we train our characters to produce more natural behaviours?

Simulated humanoid performing a variety of highly dynamic and acrobatic skills.

A wealth of inspiration can be drawn from computer graphics, where the physics-based simulation of natural movements have been a subject of intense study for decades. The greater emphasis placed on motion quality is often motivated by applications in film, visual effects, and games. Over the years, a rich body of work in physics-based character animation have developed controllers to produce robust and natural motions for a large corpus of tasks and characters. These methods often leverage human insight to incorporate task-specific control structures that provide strong inductive biases on the motions that can be achieved by the characters (e.g. finite-state machines, reduced models, and inverse dynamics). But as a result of these design decisions, the controllers are often specific to a particular character or task, and controllers developed for walking may not extend to more dynamic skills, where human insight becomes scarce.

In this work, we will draw inspiration from the two fields to take advantage of the generality afforded by deep learning models while also producing naturalistic behaviours that rival the state-of-the-art in full body motion simulation in computer graphics. We present a conceptually simple RL framework that enables simulated characters to learn highly dynamic and acrobatic skills from reference motion clips, which can be provided in the form of mocap data recorded from human subjects. Given a single demonstration of a skill, such as a spin-kick or a backflip, our character is able to learn a robust policy to imitate the skill in simulation. Our policies produce motions that are nearly indistinguishable from mocap.

Motion Imitation

In most RL benchmarks, simulated characters are represented using simple models that provide only a crude approximation of real world dynamics. Characters are therefore prone to exploiting idiosyncrasies of the simulation to develop unnatural behaviours that are infeasible in the real world. Incorporating more realistic biomechanical models can lead to more natural behaviours. But constructing high-fidelity models can be extremely challenging, and the resulting motions may nonetheless be unnatural.

An alternative is to take a data-driven approach, where reference motion capture of humans provides examples of natural motions. The character can then be trained to produce more natural behaviours by imitating the reference motions. Imitating motion data in simulation has a long history in computer animation and has seen some recent demonstrations with deep RL. While the results do appear more natural, they are still far from being able to faithfully reproduce a wide variety of motions.

In this work, our policies will be trained through a motion imitation task, where the goal of the character is to reproduce a given kinematic reference motion. Each reference motion is represented by a sequence of target poses ${\hat{q}_0, \hat{q}_1,\ldots,\hat{q}_T}$, where $\hat{q}_t$ is the target pose at timestep $t$. The reward function is to minimize the least squares pose error between the target pose $\hat{q}_t$ and the pose of the simulated character $q_t$,

While more sophisticated methods have been applied for motion imitation, we found that simply minimizing the tracking error (along with a couple of additional insights) works surprisingly well. The policies are trained by optimizing this objective using PPO.

With this framework, we are able to develop policies for a rich repertoire of challenging skills ranging from locomotion to acrobatics, martial arts to dancing.

The humanoid learns to imitate various skills. The blue character is the simulated character, and the green character is replaying the respective mocap clip. Top left: sideflip. Top right: cartwheel. Bottom left: kip-up. Bottom right: speed vault.

Next, we compare our method with previous results that used (e.g. generative adversarial imitation learning (GAIL)) to imitate mocap clips. Our method is substantially simpler than GAIL and it is able to better reproduce the reference motions. The resulting policy avoids many of the artifacts commonly exhibited by deep RL methods, and enables the character to produce a fluid life-like running gait.

Comparison of our method (left) and work from Merel et al. [2017] using GAIL to imitate mocap data. Our motions appear significantly more natural than previous work using deep RL.


Reference State Initialization (RSI)

Suppose the character is trying to imitate a backflip. How would it know that doing a full rotation midair will result in high rewards? Since most RL algorithms are retrospective, they only observe rewards for states they have visited. In the case of a backflip, the character will have to observe successful trajectories of a backflip before it learns that those states will yield high rewards. But since a backflip can be very sensitive to the initial conditions at takeoff and landing, the character is unlikely to accidentally execute a successful trajectory through random exploration. To give the character a hint, at the start of each episode, we will initialize the character to a state sampled randomly along the reference motion. So sometimes the character will start on the ground, and sometimes it will start in the middle of the flip. This allows the character to learn which states will result in high rewards even before it has acquired the proficiency to reach those states.

RSI provides the character with a richer initial state distribution by initializing it to random point along the reference motion.

Below is a comparison of the backflip policy trained with RSI and without RSI, where the character is always initialized to a fixed initial state at the start of the motion. Without RSI, instead of learning a flip, the policy just cheats by hopping backwards.

Comparison of policies trained without RSI or ET. RSI and ET can be crucial for learning more dynamics motions. Left: RSI+ET. Middle: No RSI. Right: No ET.

Early Termination (ET)

Early termination is a staple for RL practitioners, and it is often used to improve simulation efficiency. If the character gets stuck in a state from which there is no chance of success, then the episode is terminated early, to avoid simulating the rest. Here we show that early termination can in fact have a significant impact on the results. Again, let’s consider a backflip. During the early stages of training, the policy is terrible and the character will spend most of its time falling. Once the character has fallen, it can be extremely difficult for it to recover. So the rollouts will be dominated by samples where the character is just struggling in vain on the ground. This is analogous to the class imbalance problem encountered by other methodologies such as supervised learning. This issue can be mitigated by terminating an episode as soon as the character enters such a futile state (e.g. falling). Coupled with RSI, ET helps to ensure that a larger portion of the dataset consists of samples close to the reference trajectory. Without ET the character never learns to perform a flip. Instead, it just falls and then tries to mime the motion on the ground.

More Results

In total, we have been able to learn over 24 skills for the humanoid just by providing it with different reference motions.

Humanoid trained to imitate a rich repertoire of skills.

In addition to imitating mocap clips, we can also train the humanoid to perform some additional tasks like kicking a randomly placed target, or throwing a ball to a target.

Policies trained to kick and throw a ball to a random target.

We can also train a simulated Atlas robot to imitate mocap clips from a human. Though the Atlas has a very different morphology and mass distribution, it is still able to reproduce the desired motions. Not only can the policies imitate the reference motions, they can also recover from pretty significant perturbations.

Atlas trained to perform a spin-kick and backflip. The policies are robust to significant perturbations.

But what do we do if we don’t have mocap clips? Suppose we want to simulate a T-Rex. For various reasons, it is a bit difficult to mocap a T-Rex. So instead, we can have an artist hand-animate some keyframes and then train a policy to imitate those.

Simulated T-Rex trained to imitate artist-authored keyframes.

By why stop at a T-Rex? Let’s train a lion:

Simulated lion. Reference motion courtesy of Ziva Dynamics.

and a dragon:

Simulated dragon with a 418D state space and 94D action space.

The story here is that a simple method ends up working surprisingly well. Just by minimizing the tracking error, we are able to train policies for a diverse collection of characters and skills. We hope this work will help inspire the development of more dynamic motor skills for both simulated characters and robots in the real world. Exploring methods for imitating motions from more prevalent sources such as video is also an exciting avenue for scenarios that are challenging to mocap, such as animals and cluttered environments.

To learn more, check out our paper.

We would like to thank the co-authors of this work: Pieter Abbeel, Sergey Levine, and Michiel van de Panne. This project was done in collaboration with the University of British Columbia. This article was initially published on the BAIR blog, and appears here with the authors’ permission.

Learning robot objectives from physical human interaction


Humans physically interact with each other every day – from grabbing someone’s hand when they are about to spill their drink, to giving your friend a nudge to steer them in the right direction, physical interaction is an intuitive way to convey information about personal preferences and how to perform a task correctly.

So why aren’t we physically interacting with current robots the way we do with each other? Seamless physical interaction between a human and a robot requires a lot: lightweight robot designs, reliable torque or force sensors, safe and reactive control schemes, the ability to predict the intentions of human collaborators, and more! Luckily, robotics has made many advances in the design of personal robots specifically developed with humans in mind.

However, consider the example from the beginning where you grab your friend’s hand as they are about to spill their drink. Instead of your friend who is spilling, imagine it was a robot. Because state-of-the-art robot planning and control algorithms typically assume human physical interventions are disturbances, once you let go of the robot, it will resume its erroneous trajectory and continue spilling the drink. The key to this gap comes from how robots reason about physical interaction: instead of thinking about why the human physically intervened and replanning in accordance with what the human wants, most robots simply resume their original behavior after the interaction ends.

We argue that robots should treat physical human interaction as useful information about how they should be doing the task. We formalize reacting to physical interaction as an objective (or reward) learning problem and propose a solution that enables robots to change their behaviors while they are performing a task according to the information gained during these interactions.

Reasoning About Physical Interaction: Unknown Disturbance versus Intentional Information

The field of physical human-robot interaction (pHRI) studies the design, control, and planning problems that arise from close physical interaction between a human and a robot in a shared workspace. Prior research in pHRI has developed safe and responsive control methods to react to a physical interaction that happens while the robot is performing a task. Proposed by Hogan et. al., impedance control is one of the most commonly used methods to move a robot along a desired trajectory when there are people in the workspace. With this control method, the robot acts like a spring: it allows the person to push it, but moves back to an original desired position after the human stops applying forces. While this strategy is very fast and enables the robot to safely adapt to the human’s forces, the robot does not leverage these interventions to update its understanding of the task. Left alone, the robot would continue to perform the task in the same way as it had planned before any human interactions.

Why is this the case? It boils down to what assumptions the robot makes about its knowledge of the task and the meaning of the forces it senses. Typically, a robot is given a notion of its task in the form of an objective function. This objective function encodes rewards for different aspects of the task like “reach a goal at location X” or “move close to the table while staying far away from people”. The robot uses its objective function to produce a motion that best satisfies all the aspects of the task: for example, the robot would move toward goal X while choosing a path that is far from a human and close to the table. If the robot’s original objective function was correct, then any physical interaction is simply a disturbance from its correct path. Thus, the robot should allow the physical interaction to perturb it for safety purposes, but it will return to the original path it planned since it stubbornly believes it is correct.

In contrast, we argue that human interventions are often intentional and occur because the robot is doing something wrong. While the robot’s original behavior may have been optimal with respect to its pre-defined objective function, the fact that a human intervention was necessary implies that the original objective function was not quite right. Thus, physical human interactions are no longer disturbances but rather informative observations about what the robot’s true objective should be. With this in mind, we take inspiration from inverse reinforcement learning (IRL), where the robot observes some behavior (e.g., being pushed away from the table) and tries to infer an unknown objective function (e.g., “stay farther away from the table”). Note that while many IRL methods focus on the robot doing better the next time it performs the task, we focus on the robot completing its current task correctly.

Formalizing Reacting to pHRI

With our insight on physical human-robot interactions, we can formalize pHRI as a dynamical system, where the robot is unsure about the correct objective function and the human’s interactions provide it with information. This formalism defines a broad class of pHRI algorithms, which includes existing methods such as impedance control, and enables us to derive a novel online learning method.

We will focus on two parts of the formalism: (1) the structure of the objective function and (2) the observation model that lets the robot reason about the objective given a human physical interaction. Let be the robot’s state (e.g., position and velocity) and be the robot’s action (e.g., the torque it applies to its joints). The human can physically interact with the robot by applying an external torque, called , and the robot moves to the next state via its dynamics, .

The Robot Objective: Doing the Task Right with Minimal Human Interaction

In pHRI, we want the robot to learn from the human, but at the same time we do not want to overburden the human with constant physical intervention. Hence, we can write down an objective for the robot that optimizes both completing the task and minimizing the amount of interaction required, ultimately trading off between the two.

Here, encodes the task-related features (e.g., “distance to table”, “distance to human”, “distance to goal”) and determines the relative weight of each of these features. In the function, encapsulates the true objective – if the robot knew exactly how to weight all the aspects of its task, then it could compute how to perform the task optimally. However, this parameter is not known by the robot! Robots will not always know the right way to perform a task, and certainly not the human-preferred way.

The Observation Model: Inferring the Right Objective from Human Interaction

As we have argued, the robot should observe the human’s actions to infer the unknown task objective. To link the direct human forces that the robot measures with the objective function, the robot uses an observation model. Building on prior work in maximum entropy IRL as well as the Bolzmann distributions used in cognitive science models of human behavior, we model the human’s interventions as corrections which approximately maximize the robot’s expected reward at state while taking action . This expected reward emcompasses the immediate and future rewards and is captured by the -value:

Intuitively, this model says that a human is more likely to choose a physical correction that, when combined with the robot’s action, leads to a desirable (i.e., high-reward) behavior.

Learning from Physical Human-Robot Interactions in Real-Time

Much like teaching another human, we expect that the robot will continuously learn while we interact with it. However, the learning framework that we have introduced requires that the robot solve a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP); unfortunately, it is well known that solving POMDPs exactly is at best computationally expensive, and at worst intractable. Nonetheless, we can derive approximations from this formalism that can enable the robot to learn and act while humans are interacting.

To achieve such in-task learning, we make three approximations summarized below:

1) Separate estimating the true objective from solving for the optimal control policy. This means at every timestep, the robot updates its belief over possible values, and then re-plans an optimal control policy with the new distribution.

2) Separate planning from control. Computing an optimal control policy means computing the optimal action to take at every state in a continuous state, action, and belief space. Although re-computing a full optimal policy after every interaction is not tractable in real-time, we can re-compute an optimal trajectory from the current state in real-time. This means that the robot first plans a trajectory that best satisfies the current estimate of the objective, and then uses an impedance controller to track this trajectory. The use of impedance control here gives us the nice properties described earlier, where people can physically modify the robot’s state while still being safe during interaction.

Looking back at our estimation step, we will make a similar shift to trajectory space and modify our observation model to reflect this:

Now, our observation model depends only on the cumulative reward along a trajectory, which is easily computed by summing up the reward at each timestep. With this approximation, when reasoning about the true objective, the robot only has to consider the likelihood of a human’s preferred trajectory, , given the current trajectory it is executing, .

But what is the human’s preferred trajectory, ? The robot only gets to directly measure the human’s force $u_H$. One way to infer what is the human’s preferred trajectory is by propagating the human’s force throughout the robot’s current trajectory, . Figure 1. builds up the trajectory deformation based on prior work from Losey and O’Malley, starting from the robot’s original trajectory, then the force application, and then the deformation to produce .


Fig 1. To infer the human’s prefered trajectory given the current planned trajectory, the robot first measures the human’s interaction force, $u_H$, and then smoothly deforms the waypoints near interaction point to get the human’s preferred trajectory, $\xi_H$.

3) Plan with maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate of . Finally, because is a continuous variable and potentially high-dimensional, and since our observation model is not Gaussian, rather than planning with the full belief over , we will plan only with the MAP estimate. We find that the MAP estimate under a 2nd order Taylor Series Expansion about the robot’s current trajectory with a Gaussian prior is equivalent to running online gradient descent:

At every timestep, the robot updates its estimate of in the direction of the cumulative feature difference, , between its current optimal trajectory and the human’s preferred trajectory. In the Learning from Demonstration literature, this update rule is analogous to online Max Margin Planning; it is also analogous to coactive learning, where the user modifies waypoints for the current task to teach a reward function for future tasks.

Ultimately, putting these three steps together leads us to an elegant approximate solution to the original POMDP. At every timestep, the robot plans a trajectory and begins to move. The human can physically interact, enabling the robot to sense their force $u_H$. The robot uses the human’s force to deform its original trajectory and produce the human’s desired trajectory, . Then the robot reasons about what aspects of the task are different between its original and the human’s preferred trajectory, and updates in the direction of that difference. Using the new feature weights, the robot replans a trajectory that better aligns with the human’s preferences.


For a more thorough description of our formalism and approximations, please see our recent paper from the 2017 Conference on Robot Learning.

Learning from Humans in the Real World

To evaluate the benefits of in-task learning on a real personal robot, we recruited 10 participants for a user study. Each participant interacted with the robot running our proposed online learning method as well as a baseline where the robot did not learn from physical interaction and simply ran impedance control.

Fig 2. shows the three experimental household manipulation tasks, in each of which the robot started with an initially incorrect objective that participants had to correct. For example, the robot would move a cup from the shelf to the table, but without worrying about tilting the cup (perhaps not noticing that there is liquid inside).

Fig 2. Trajectory generated with initial objective marked in black, and the desired trajectory from true objective in blue. Participants need to correct the robot to teach it to hold the cup upright (left), move closer to the table (center), and avoid going over the laptop (right).

We measured the robot’s performance with respect to the true objective, the total effort the participant exerted, the total amount of interaction time, and the responses of a 7-point Likert scale survey.

cup gif

In Task 1, participants have to physically intervene when they see the robot tilting the cup and teach the robot to keep the cup upright.

table gif

Task 2 had participants teaching the robot to move closer to the table.

laptop gif

For Task 3, the robot’s original trajectory goes over a laptop. Participants have to physically teach the robot to move around the laptop instead of over it.

The results of our user studies suggest that learning from physical interaction leads to better robot task performance with less human effort. Participants were able to get the robot to execute the correct behavior faster with less effort and interaction time when the robot was actively learning from their interactions during the task. Additionally, participants believed the robot understood their preferences more, took less effort to interact with, and was a more collaborative partner.

Fig 3. Learning from interaction significantly outperformed not learning for each of our objective measures, including task cost, human effort, interaction time.

Ultimately, we propose that robots should not treat human interactions as disturbances, but rather as informative actions. We showed that robots imbued with this sort of reasoning are capable of updating their understanding of the task they are performing and completing it correctly, rather than relying on people to guide them until the task is done.

This work is merely a step in exploring learning robot objectives from pHRI. Many open questions remain including developing solutions that can handle dynamical aspects (like preferences about the timing of the motion) and how and when to generalize learned objectives to new tasks. Additionally, robot reward functions will often have many task-related features and human interactions may only give information about a certain subset of relevant weights. Our recent work in HRI 2018 studied how a robot can disambiguate what the person is trying to correct by learning about only a single feature weight at a time. Overall, not only do we need algorithms that can learn from physical interaction with humans, but these methods must also reason about the inherent difficulties humans experience when trying to kinesthetically teach a complex – and possibly unfamiliar – robotic system.

Thank you to Dylan Losey and Anca Dragan for their helpful feedback in writing this blog post. This article was initially published on the BAIR blog, and appears here with the authors’ permission.

This post is based on the following papers:

  • A. Bajcsy* , D.P. Losey*, M.K. O’Malley, and A.D. Dragan. Learning Robot Objectives from Physical Human Robot Interaction. Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2017.

  • A. Bajcsy , D.P. Losey, M.K. O’Malley, and A.D. Dragan. Learning from Physical Human Corrections, One Feature at a Time. International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2018.

Physical adversarial examples against deep neural networks

By Ivan Evtimov, Kevin Eykholt, Earlence Fernandes, and Bo Li based on recent research by Ivan Evtimov, Kevin Eykholt, Earlence Fernandes, Tadayoshi Kohno, Bo Li, Atul Prakash, Amir Rahmati, Dawn Song, and Florian Tramèr.

Deep neural networks (DNNs) have enabled great progress in a variety of application areas, including image processing, text analysis, and speech recognition. DNNs are also being incorporated as an important component in many cyber-physical systems. For instance, the vision system of a self-driving car can take advantage of DNNs to better recognize pedestrians, vehicles, and road signs. However, recent research has shown that DNNs are vulnerable to adversarial examples: Adding carefully crafted adversarial perturbations to the inputs can mislead the target DNN into mislabeling them during run time. Such adversarial examples raise security and safety concerns when applying DNNs in the real world. For example, adversarially perturbed inputs could mislead the perceptual systems of an autonomous vehicle into misclassifying road signs, with potentially catastrophic consequences.

There have been several techniques proposed to generate adversarial examples and to defend against them. In this blog post we will briefly introduce state-of-the-art algorithms to generate digital adversarial examples, and discuss our algorithm to generate physical adversarial examples on real objects under varying environmental conditions. We will also provide an update on our efforts to generate physical adversarial examples for object detectors.

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Reverse curriculum generation for reinforcement learning agents

By Carlos Florensa

Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a powerful technique capable of solving complex tasks such as locomotion, Atari games, racing games, and robotic manipulation tasks, all through training an agent to optimize behaviors over a reward function. There are many tasks, however, for which it is hard to design a reward function that is both easy to train and that yields the desired behavior once optimized.

Suppose we want a robotic arm to learn how to place a ring onto a peg. The most natural reward function would be for an agent to receive a reward of 1 at the desired end configuration and 0 everywhere else. However, the required motion for this task–to align the ring at the top of the peg and then slide it to the bottom–is impractical to learn under such a binary reward, because the usual random exploration of our initial policy is unlikely to ever reach the goal, as seen in Video 1a. Alternatively, one can try to shape the reward function to potentially alleviate this problem, but finding a good shaping requires considerable expertise and experimentation. For example, directly minimizing the distance between the center of the ring and the bottom of the peg leads to an unsuccessful policy that smashes the ring against the peg, as in Video 1b. We propose a method to learn efficiently without modifying the reward function, by automatically generating a curriculum over start positions.

ring_fail_cross ring_shapping_cross

Video 1a: A randomly initialized policy is unable to reach the goal from most start positions, hence being unable to learn.

Video 1b: Shaping the reward with a penalty on the distance from the ring center to the peg bottom yields an undesired behavior.

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Towards intelligent industrial co-robots

By Changliu Liu, Masayoshi Tomizuka

Democratization of Robots in Factories

In modern factories, human workers and robots are two major workforces. For safety concerns, the two are normally separated with robots confined in metal cages, which limits the productivity as well as the flexibility of production lines. In recent years, attention has been directed to remove the cages so that human workers and robots may collaborate to create a human-robot co-existing factory.

Manufacturers are interested in combining human’s flexibility and robot’s productivity in flexible production lines. The potential benefits of industrial co-robots are huge and extensive, e.g. they may be placed in human-robot teams in flexible production lines, where robot arms and human workers cooperate in handling workpieces, and automated guided vehicles (AGV) co-inhabit with human workers to facilitate factory logistics. In the factories of the future, more and more human-robot interactions are anticipated to take place. Unlike traditional robots that work in structured and deterministic environments, co-robots need to operate in highly unstructured and stochastic environments. The fundamental problem is how to ensure that co-robots operate efficiently and safely in dynamic uncertain environments. In this post, we introduce the robot safe interaction system developed in the Mechanical System Control (MSC) lab.

Fig. 1. The factory of the future with human-robot collaborations.

Existing Solutions

Robot manufacturers including Kuka, Fanuc, Nachi, Yaskawa, Adept and ABB are providing or working on their solutions to the problem. Several safe cooperative robots or co-robots have been released, such as Collaborative Robots CR family from FANUC (Japan), UR5 from Universal Robots (Denmark), Baxter from Rethink Robotics (US), NextAge from Kawada (Japan) and WorkerBot from Pi4_Robotics GmbH (Germany). However, many of these products focus on intrinsic safety, i.e. safety in mechanical design, actuation and low level motion control. Safety during social interactions with humans, which are key to intelligence (including perception, cognition and high level motion planning and control), still needs to be explored.

Technical Challenges

Technically, it is challenging to design the behavior of industrial co-robots. In order to make the industrial co-robots human-friendly, they should be equipped with the abilities to: collect environmental data and interpret such data, adapt to different tasks and different environments, and tailor itself to the human workers’ needs. For example, during human-robot collaborative assembly shown in the figure below, the robot should be able to predict that once the human puts the two workpieces together, he will need the tool to fasten the assemble. Then the robot should be able to get the tool and hand it over to the human, while avoid colliding with the human.

Fig. 2. Human-robot collaborative assembly.

To achieve such behavior, the challenges lie in (1) the complication of human behaviors, and (2) the difficulty in assurance of real time safety without sacrificing efficiency. The stochastic nature of human motions brings huge uncertainty to the system, making it hard to ensure safety and efficiency.

The Robot Safe Interaction System and Real-time Non-convex Optimization

The robot safe interaction system (RSIS) has been developed in the Mechanical System Control lab, which establishes a methodology to design the robot behavior to achieve safety and efficiency in peer-to-peer human-robot interactions.

As robots need to interact with humans, who have long acquired interactive behaviors, it is natural to let robot mimic human behavior. Human’s interactive behavior can result from either deliberate thoughts or conditioned reflex. For example, if there is a rear-end collision in the front, the driver of a following car may instinctively hit the brake. However, after a second thought, that driver may speed up to cut into the other lane to avoid chain rear-end. The first is a short-term reactive behavior for safety, while the second needs calculation on current conditions, e.g. whether there is enough space to achieve a full stop, whether there is enough gap for a lane change, and whether it is safer to change lane or do a full stop.

A parallel planning and control architecture has been introduced mimicking these kind of behavior, which included both long term and short term motion planners. The long term planner (efficiency controller) emphasizes efficiency and solves a long-term optimal control problem in receding horizons with low sampling rate. The short term planner (safety controller) addresses real time safety by solving a short-term optimal control problem with high sampling rate based on the trajectories planned by the efficiency controller. This parallel architecture also addresses the uncertainties, where the long term planner plans according to the most-likely behavior of others, and the short term planner considers almost all possible movements of others in the short term to ensure safety.

Fig. 3. The parallel planning and control architecture in the robot safe interaction system.

However, the robot motion planning problems in clustered environment are highly nonlinear and non-convex, hence hard to solve in real time. To ensure timely responses to the change of the environment, fast algorithms are developed for real-time computation, e.g. the convex feasible set algorithm (CFS) for the long term optimization, and the safe set algorithm (SSA) for the short term optimization. These algorithms achieve faster computation by convexification of the original non-convex problem, which is assumed to have convex objective functions, but non-convex constraints. The convex feasible set algorithm (CFS) iteratively solves a sequence of sub-problems constrained in convex subsets of the feasible domain. The sequence of solutions will converge to a local optima. It converges in fewer iterations and run faster than generic non-convex optimization solvers such as sequential quadratic programming (SQP) and interior point method (ITP). On the other hand, the safe set algorithm (SSA) transforms the non convex state space constraints to convex control space constraints using the idea of invariant set.

Fig. 4. Illustration of convexification in the CFS algorithm.

With the parallel planner and the optimization algorithms, the robot can interact with the environment safely and finish the tasks efficiently.

Fig. 5. Real time motion planning and control.

Towards General Intelligence: the Safe and Efficient Robot Collaboration System (SERoCS)

We now work on an advanced version of RSIS in the Mechanical System Control lab, the safe and efficient robot collaboration system (SERoCS), which is supported by National Science Foundation (NSF) Award #1734109. In addition to safe motion planning and control algorithms for safe human-robot interactions (HRI), SERoCS also consists of robust cognition algorithms for environment monitoring, optimal task planning algorithms for safe human-robot collaboration. The SERoCS will significantly expand the skill sets of the co-robots and prevent or minimize occurrences of human-robot collision and robot-robot collision during operation, hence enables harmonic human-robot collaboration in the future.

Fig. 6. SERoCS Architecture.

This article was initially published on the BAIR blog, and appears here with the authors’ permission.


C. Liu, and M. Tomizuka, “Algorithmic safety measures for intelligent industrial co-robots,” in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2016.
C. Liu, and M. Tomizuka, “Designing the robot behavior for safe human robot interactions”, in Trends in Control and Decision-Making for Human-Robot Collaboration Systems (Y. Wang and F. Zhang (Eds.)). Springer, 2017.
C. Liu, and M. Tomizuka, “Real time trajectory optimization for nonlinear robotic systems: Relaxation and convexification”, in Systems & Control Letters, vol. 108, pp. 56-63, Oct. 2017.
C. Liu, C. Lin, and M. Tomizuka, “The convex feasible set algorithm for real time optimization in motion planning”, arXiv:1709.00627.

FaSTrack: Ensuring safe real-time navigation of dynamic systems

By Sylvia Herbert, David Fridovich-Keil, and Claire Tomlin

The Problem: Fast and Safe Motion Planning

Real time autonomous motion planning and navigation is hard, especially when we care about safety. This becomes even more difficult when we have systems with complicated dynamics, external disturbances (like wind), and a priori unknown environments. Our goal in this work is to “robustify” existing real-time motion planners to guarantee safety during navigation of dynamic systems.

In control theory there are techniques like Hamilton-Jacobi Reachability Analysis that provide rigorous safety guarantees of system behavior, along with an optimal controller to reach a given goal (see Fig. 1). However, in general the computational methods used in HJ Reachability Analysis are only tractable in decomposable and/or low-dimensional systems; this is due to the “curse of dimensionality.” That means for real time planning we can’t process safe trajectories for systems of more than about two dimensions. Since most real-world system models like cars, planes, and quadrotors have more than two dimensions, these methods are usually intractable in real time.

On the other hand, geometric motion planners like rapidly-exploring random trees (RRT) and model-predictive control (MPC) can plan in real time by using simplified models of system dynamics and/or a short planning horizon. Although this allows us to perform real time motion planning, the resulting trajectories may be overly simplified, lead to unavoidable collisions, and may even be dynamically infeasible (see Fig. 1). For example, imagine riding a bike and following the path on the ground traced by a pedestrian. This path leads you straight towards a tree and then takes a 90 degree turn away at the last second. You can’t make such a sharp turn on your bike, and instead you end up crashing into the tree. Classically, roboticists have mitigated this issue by pretending obstacles are slightly larger than they really are during planning. This greatly improves the chances of not crashing, but still doesn’t provide guarantees and may lead to unanticipated collisions.

So how do we combine the speed of fast planning with the safety guarantee of slow planning?

Figure 1. On the left we have a high-dimensional vehicle moving through an obstacle course to a goal. Computing the optimal safe trajectory is a slow and sometimes intractable task, and replanning is nearly impossible. On the right we simplify our model of the vehicle (in this case assuming it can move in straight lines connected at points). This allows us to plan very quickly, but when we execute the planned trajectory we may find that we cannot actually follow the path exactly, and end up crashing.

The Solution: FaSTrack

FaSTrack: Fast and Safe Tracking, is a tool that essentially “robustifies” fast motion planners like RRT or MPC while maintaining real time performance. FaSTrack allows users to implement a fast motion planner with simplified dynamics while maintaining safety in the form of a precomputed bound on the maximum possible distance between the planner’s state and the actual autonomous system’s state at runtime. We call this distance the tracking error bound. This precomputation also results in an optimal control lookup table which provides the optimal error-feedback controller for the autonomous system to pursue the online planner in real time.

Figure 2. The idea behind FaSTrack is to plan using the simplified model (blue), but precompute a tracking error bound that captures all potential deviations of the trajectory due to model mismatch and environmental disturbances like wind, and an error-feedback controller to stay within this bound. We can then augment our obstacles by the tracking error bound, which guarantees that our dynamic system (red) remains safe. Augmenting obstacles is not a new idea in the robotics community, but by using our tracking error bound we can take into account system dynamics and disturbances.

Offline Precomputation

We precompute this tracking error bound by viewing the problem as a pursuit-evasion game between a planner and a tracker. The planner uses a simplified model of the true autonomous system that is necessary for real time planning; the tracker uses a more accurate model of the true autonomous system. We assume that the tracker — the true autonomous system — is always pursuing the planner. We want to know what the maximum relative distance (i.e. maximum tracking error) could be in the worst case scenario: when the planner is actively attempting to evade the tracker. If we have an upper limit on this bound then we know the maximum tracking error that can occur at run time.

Figure 3. Tracking system with complicated model of true system dynamics tracking a planning system that plans with a very simple model.

Because we care about maximum tracking error, we care about maximum relative distance. So to solve this pursuit-evasion game we must first determine the relative dynamics between the two systems by fixing the planner at the origin and determining the dynamics of the tracker relative to the planner. We then specify a cost function as the distance to this origin, i.e. relative distance of tracker to the planner, as seen in Fig. 4. The tracker will try to minimize this cost, and the planner will try to maximize it. While evolving these optimal trajectories over time, we capture the highest cost that occurs over the time period. If the tracker can always eventually catch up to the planner, this cost converges to a fixed cost for all time.

The smallest invariant level set of the converged value function provides determines the tracking error bound, as seen in Fig. 5. Moreover, the gradient of the converged value function can be used to create an optimal error-feedback control policy for the tracker to pursue the planner. We used Ian Mitchell’s Level Set Toolbox and Reachability Analysis to solve this differential game. For a more thorough explanation of the optimization, please see our recent paper from the 2017 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.

gif4 gif5
Figures 4 & 5: On the left we show the value function initializing at the cost function (distance to origin) and evolving according to the differential game. On the right we should 3D and 2D slices of this value function. Each slice can be thought of as a “candidate tracking error bound.” Over time, some of these bounds become infeasible to stay within. The smallest invariant level set of the converged value function provides us with the tightest tracking error bound that is feasible.

Online real time Planning

In the online phase, we sense obstacles within a given sensing radius and imagine expanding these obstacles by the tracking error bound with a Minkowski sum. Using these padded obstacles, the motion planner decides its next desired state. Based on that relative state between the tracker and planner, the optimal control for the tracker (autonomous system) is determined from the lookup table. The autonomous system executes the optimal control, and the process repeats until the goal has been reached. This means that the motion planner can continue to plan quickly, and by simply augmenting obstacles and using a lookup table for control we can ensure safety!

Figure 6. MATLAB simulation of a 10D near-hover quadrotor model (blue line) “pursuing” a 3D planning model (green dot) that is using RRT to plan. As new obstacles are discovered (turning red), the RRT plans a new path towards the goal. Based on the relative state between the planner and the autonomous system, the optimal control can be found via look-up table. Even when the RRT planner makes sudden turns, we are guaranteed to stay within the tracking error bound (blue box).

Reducing Conservativeness through Meta-Planning

One consequence of formulating the safe tracking problem as a pursuit-evasion game between the planner and the tracker is that the resulting safe tracking bound is often rather conservative. That is, the tracker can’t guarantee that it will be close to the planner if the planner is always allowed to do the worst possible behavior. One solution is to use multiple planning models, each with its own tracking error bound, simultaneously at planning time. The resulting “meta-plan” is comprised of trajectory segments computed by each planner, each labelled with the appropriate optimal controller to track trajectories generated by that planner. This is illustrated in Fig. 7, where the large blue error bound corresponds to a planner which is allowed to move very quickly and the small red bound corresponds to a planner which moves more slowly.

Figure 7. By considering two different planners, each with a different tracking error bound, our algorithm is able to find a guaranteed safe “meta-plan” that prefers the less precise but faster-moving blue planner but reverts to the more precise but slower red planner in the vicinity of obstacles. This leads to natural, intuitive behavior that optimally trades off planner conservatism with vehicle maneuvering speed.

Safe Switching

The key to making this work is to ensure that all transitions between planners are safe. This can get a little complicated, but the main idea is that a transition between two planners — call them A and B — is safe if we can guarantee that the invariant set computed for A is contained within that for B. For many pairs of planners this is true, e.g. switching from the blue bound to the red bound in Fig. 7. But often it is not. In general, we need to solve a dynamic game very similar to the original one in FaSTrack, but where we want to know the set of states that we will never leave and from which we can guarantee we end up inside B’s invariant set. Usually, the resulting safe switching bound (SSB) is slightly larger than A’s tracking error bound (TEB), as shown below.

Figure 8. The safe switching bound for a transition between a planner with a large tracking error bound to one with a small tracking error bound is generally larger than the large tracking error bound, as shown.

Efficient Online Meta-Planning

To do this efficiently in real time, we use a modified version of the classical RRT algorithm. Usually, RRTs work by sampling points in state space and connecting them with line segments to form a tree rooted at the start point. In our case, we replace the line segments with the actual trajectories generated by individual planners. In order to find the shortest route to the goal, we favor planners that can move more quickly, trying them first and only resorting to slower-moving planners if the faster ones fail.

We do have to be careful to ensure safe switching bounds are satisfied, however. This is especially important in cases where the meta-planner decides to transition to a more precise, slower-moving planner, as in the example above. In such cases, we implement a one-step virtual backtracking algorithm in which we make sure the preceding trajectory segment is collision-free using the switching controller.


We implemented both FaSTrack and Meta-Planning in C++ / ROS, using low-level motion planners from the Open Motion Planning Library (OMPL). Simulated results are shown below, with (right) and without (left) our optimal controller. As you can see, simply using a linear feedback (LQR) controller (left) provides no guarantees about staying inside the tracking error bound.

fig09 fig10
Figures 9 & 10. (Left) A standard LQR controller is unable to keep the quadrotor within the tracking error bound. (Right) The optimal tracking controller keeps the quadrotor within the tracking bound, even during radical changes in the planned trajectory.

It also works on hardware! We tested on the open-source Crazyflie 2.0 quadrotor platform. As you can see in Fig. 12, we manage to stay inside the tracking bound at all times, even when switching planners.

f11 f12
Figures 11 & 12. (Left) A Crazyflie 2.0 quadrotor being observed by an OptiTrack motion capture system. (Right) Position traces from a hardware test of the meta planning algorithm. As shown, the tracking system stays within the tracking error bound at all times, even during the planner switch that occurs approximately 4.5 seconds after the start.

This article was initially published on the BAIR blog, and appears here with the authors’ permission.

This post is based on the following papers:

  • FaSTrack: a Modular Framework for Fast and Guaranteed Safe Motion Planning
    Sylvia Herbert*, Mo Chen*, SooJean Han, Somil Bansal, Jaime F. Fisac, and Claire J. Tomlin
    Paper, Website

  • Planning, Fast and Slow: A Framework for Adaptive Real-Time Safe Trajectory Planning
    David Fridovich-Keil*, Sylvia Herbert*, Jaime F. Fisac*, Sampada Deglurkar, and Claire J. Tomlin
    Paper, Github (code to appear soon)

We would like to thank our coauthors; developing FaSTrack has been a team effort and we are incredibly fortunate to have a fantastic set of colleagues on this project.

Model-based reinforcement learning with neural network dynamics

By Anusha Nagabandi and Gregory Kahn

Enabling robots to act autonomously in the real-world is difficult. Really, really difficult. Even with expensive robots and teams of world-class researchers, robots still have difficulty autonomously navigating and interacting in complex, unstructured environments.

Fig 1. A learned neural network dynamics model enables a hexapod robot to learn to run and follow desired trajectories, using just 17 minutes of real-world experience.

Why are autonomous robots not out in the world among us? Engineering systems that can cope with all the complexities of our world is hard. From nonlinear dynamics and partial observability to unpredictable terrain and sensor malfunctions, robots are particularly susceptible to Murphy’s law: everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Instead of fighting Murphy’s law by coding each possible scenario that our robots may encounter, we could instead choose to embrace this possibility for failure, and enable our robots to learn from it. Learning control strategies from experience is advantageous because, unlike hand-engineered controllers, learned controllers can adapt and improve with more data. Therefore, when presented with a scenario in which everything does go wrong, although the robot will still fail, the learned controller will hopefully correct its mistake the next time it is presented with a similar scenario. In order to deal with complexities of tasks in the real world, current learning-based methods often use deep neural networks, which are powerful but not data efficient: These trial-and-error based learners will most often still fail a second time, and a third time, and often thousands to millions of times. The sample inefficiency of modern deep reinforcement learning methods is one of the main bottlenecks to leveraging learning-based methods in the real-world.

We have been investigating sample-efficient learning-based approaches with neural networks for robot control. For complex and contact-rich simulated robots, as well as real-world robots (Fig. 1), our approach is able to learn locomotion skills of trajectory-following using only minutes of data collected from the robot randomly acting in the environment. In this blog post, we’ll provide an overview of our approach and results. More details can be found in our research papers listed at the bottom of this post, including this paper with code here.

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DART: Noise injection for robust imitation learning

Toyota HSR Trained with DART to Make a Bed.

By Michael Laskey, Jonathan Lee, and Ken Goldberg

In Imitation Learning (IL), also known as Learning from Demonstration (LfD), a robot learns a control policy from analyzing demonstrations of the policy performed by an algorithmic or human supervisor. For example, to teach a robot make a bed, a human would tele-operate a robot to perform the task to provide examples. The robot then learns a control policy, mapping from images/states to actions which we hope will generalize to states that were not encountered during training.

There are two variants of IL: Off-Policy, or Behavior Cloning, where the demonstrations are given independent of the robot’s policy. However, when the robot encounters novel risky states it may not have learned corrective actions. This occurs because of “covariate shift” a known challenge, where the states encountered during training differ from the states encountered during testing, reducing robustness. Common approaches to reduce covariate shift are On-Policy methods, such as DAgger, where the evolving robot’s policy is executed and the supervisor provides corrective feedback. However, On-Policy methods can be difficult for human supervisors, potentially dangerous, and computationally expensive.

This post presents a robust Off-Policy algorithm called DART and summarizes how injecting noise into the supervisor’s actions can improve robustness. The injected noise allows the supervisor to provide corrective examples for the type of errors the trained robot is likely to make. However, because the optimized noise is small, it alleviates the difficulties of On-Policy methods. Details on DART are in a paper that will be presented at the 1st Conference on Robot Learning in November.

We evaluate DART in simulation with an algorithmic supervisor on MuJoCo tasks (Walker, Humanoid, Hopper, Half-Cheetah) and physical experiments with human supervisors training a Toyota HSR robot to perform grasping in clutter, where a robot must search through clutter for a goal object. Finally, we show how DART can be applied in a complex system that leverages both classical robotics and learning techniques to teach the first robot to make a bed. For researchers who want to study and use robust Off-Policy approaches, we additionally announce the release of our codebase on GitHub.

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