Researchers applied deep-learning approaches from vehicle routing to streamline planning trajectories for robots in an e-commerce warehouse. Their method breaks the problem down into smaller chunks and then predicts the best chunks to solve with traditional algorithms.
USC has enjoyed tremendous growth over the three decades it's been in business. The company has become familiar with the hurdles intrinsic to manufacturing and distribution: supply chain disruptions, soaring labor costs, and the relentless pursuit of operational efficiency.
Hundreds of robots zip back and forth across the floor of a colossal robotic warehouse, grabbing items and delivering them to human workers for packing and shipping. Such warehouses are increasingly becoming part of the supply chain in many industries, from e-commerce to automotive production.
A radical new type of touch sensor for robotics and other bio-mimicking (bionic) applications is so sensitive it works even without direct contact between the sensor and the objects being detected. It senses interference in the electric field between an object and the sensor, at up to 100 millimeters from the object.
Stäubli’s MPS tool changer provides JAC with flexibility and minimal technician intervention during the manufacturing process, particularly during the handling and welding processes. Water, air and electrical circuits can be connected and disconnected simultaneously.
Biomimetic robots, which mimic the movements and biological functions of living organisms, are a fascinating area of research that can not only lead to more efficient robots but also serve as a platform for understanding muscle biology.
My colleagues and I have built a robot composed of many building blocks like the cells of a multicellular organism. Without a "brain" or a central controller in the system, our robot, dubbed Loopy, relies on the collective behavior of all of its cells to interact with the world.
Marc Segura, President ABB Robotics Division, identifies three drivers for robotics-driven AI solutions in 2024, as ABB continues expansion into new segments not previously served by robotic automation.
The rapid advancement of deep learning algorithms and generative models has enabled the automated production of increasingly striking AI-generated artistic content. Most of this AI-generated art, however, is created by algorithms and computational models, rather than by physical robots.
Soft robots inspired by animals can help to tackle real-world problems in efficient and innovative ways. Roboticists have been working to continuously broaden and improve these robots' capabilities, as this could open new avenues for the automation of tasks in various settings.
Construction contractors face various challenges. Fortunately, today’s mobile robots can help with many of them. The growing market offers many types of mobile robots; contractors will get the best results when they’re aware of the problems these advanced machines can solve.
Recently, the convergence of photonics and electronics, known as Silicon Photonics, has marked a significant advancement in both performance and the reduction of power consumption.
Scientists introduce what they call 'simultaneous and heterogeneous multithreading' or SHMT. This system doubles computer processing speeds with existing hardware by simultaneously using graphics processing units (GPUs), hardware accelerators for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), or digital signal processing units to process information.
Gemma is built for responsible AI development from the same research and technology used to create Gemini models.
LUCID will demonstrate the Helios2+ Time-of-Flight camera, offering two on-camera depth processing modes: High Dynamic Range Mode (HDR) and High-Speed Mode.