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Two new robots for the nursing sector
As part of the “SeRoDi” project (“Service Robotics for Personal Services”), Fraunhofer IPA collaborated with other research and application partners to develop new service robotics solutions for the nursing sector. The resulting robots, the “intelligent care cart” and the “robotic service assistant”, were used in extensive real-world trials in a hospital and at two care homes.
Not enough nurses for too many patients or residents: this is a familiar problem in the nursing sector. Service robots have the potential to help maintaining an adequate quality of care also under these challenging conditions.
Intelligent care cart
To cut down the legwork of the nursing staff and reduce the time spent keeping manual records of the consumption of medical supplies, Fraunhofer IPA in collaboration with the MLR Company developed the “intelligent care cart”. Using a smartphone, the care staff is able to summon the care cart to the desired room, whereupon it makes its own way there. A 3D sensor along with object recognition software enables the care cart to automatically register the consumption of medical supplies. Being of modular design, the care cart can be adapted to different application scenarios and practical requirements.
The care carts developed as part of the project were used in a hospital (stocked with wound treatment materials) and two nursing homes (stocked with laundry items). As the intelligent care cart is based on the navigation processes of a driverless transport vehicle, it travels primarily along fixed predefined paths. For use in public spaces, it is possible to make minor deviations from these paths in order, for example, to dynamically negotiate obstacles in the way. The real-world trials revealed that efficient navigation requires extensive knowledge of the internal processes in order, among other things, to guarantee that the desired destination is actually accessible.
The initial trials also showed that it makes a big difference whether the corridors have a single lane for both directions or separate lanes, i.e. one for each direction. For the residents and staff, using one lane made it clearer where the robot was going. In addition, restricting the care carts to a single lane ensured that they did not have to make major detours. Evaluating the real-world trials, the participating nursing staff confirmed that, by reducing the amount of legwork, along with the associated timesaving, the intelligent care cart represents a potential benefit in their day-to-day work. Also, the faster provision of care, with no interruptions for restocking the care cart, results in an improvement in quality for patients and residents.
Robotic service assistant serves drinks to residents
Alongside the intelligent care cart, the robotic service assistant is another result of the SeRoDi project. Stocked with up to 28 drinks or snacks, the mobile robot is capable of serving them to patients or residents. Once again, the goal is to reduce the workload of the staff, in addition to improving the hydration of the residents by means of regular reminders. Using the robot also has the potential to promote the independence of those in need of care.
At a nursing home, where the robotic service assistant was trialed for one week in a common room nursing home, it made for a welcome change, with many residents being both curious and interested. Using the robot’s touch screen, they were able to select from a choice of drinks, which were then served to them by the robot. Once all the supplies had been used up, the service assistant returned to the kitchen, where it was restocked by the staff before being sent back to the common room by the use of a smartphone. This robot, too, received great interest from the participating nursing staff. The synthesized voice of the robot was especially popular and even motivated the residents to converse with the robot.
Have a look at the YouTube video showing the project results.
The project received funding from the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research.
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#272: Putting Robots in the Home, with Caitlyn Clabaugh
In this episode, Audrow Nash interviews Caitlyn Clabaugh, PhD Candidate at the University of Southern California, about lessons learned about putting robots in people’s homes for human-robot interaction research. Clabaugh speaks about her work to date, the expectations in human-subjects research, and gives general advice for PhD students.
Caitlyn Clabaugh
Caitlyn Clabaugh is a PhD student in Computer Science at the University of Southern California, co-advised by Prof. Maja J Matarić and Prof. Fei Sha, and supported by a graduate research assistantship in the Interaction Lab. She received my B.A. in Computer Science from Bryn Mawr College in May 2013. Her primary research interest is the application of machine learning and statistical methods to support long-term adaptation and personalization in socially assistive robot tutors, specifically for young children and early childhood STEM.
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Drilling down on depth sensing and deep learning
By Daniel Seita, Jeff Mahler, Mike Danielczuk, Matthew Matl, and Ken Goldberg
This post explores two independent innovations and the potential for combining them in robotics. Two years before the AlexNet results on ImageNet were released in 2012, Microsoft rolled out the Kinect for the X-Box. This class of low-cost depth sensors emerged just as Deep Learning boosted Artificial Intelligence by accelerating performance of hyper-parametric function approximators leading to surprising advances in image classification, speech recognition, and language translation.
Top left: image of a 3D cube. Top right: example depth image, with darker points representing areas closer to the camera (source: Wikipedia). Next two rows: examples of depth and RGB image pairs for grasping objects in a bin. Last two rows: similar examples for bed-making.
Today, Deep Learning is also showing promise for end-to-end learning of playing video games and performing robotic manipulation tasks.
For robot perception, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), such as VGG or ResNet, with three RGB color channels have become standard. For robotics and computer vision tasks, it is common to borrow one of these architectures (along with pre-trained weights) and then to perform transfer learning or fine-tuning on task-specific data. But in some tasks, knowing the colors in an image may provide only limited benefits. Consider training a robot to grasp novel, previously unseen objects. It may be more important to understand the geometry of the environment rather than colors and textures. The physical process of manipulation — controlling one or more objects by applying forces through contact — depends on object geometry, pose, and other factors which are largely color-invariant. When you manipulate a pen with your hand, for instance, you can often move it seamlessly without looking at the actual pen, so long as you have a good understanding of the location and orientation of contact points. Thus, before proceeding, one might ask: does it makes sense to use color images?
There is an alternative: depth images. These are single-channel grayscale images that measure depth values from the camera, and give us invariance to the colors of objects within an image. We can also use depth to “filter” points beyond a certain distance which can remove background noise, as we demonstrate later with robot bed-making. Examples of paired depth and real images are shown above.
In this post, we consider the potential for combining depth images and deep learning in the context of three ongoing projects in the UC Berkeley AUTOLab: Dex-Net for robot grasping, segmenting objects in heaps, and robot bed-making.