Archive 13.07.2020

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Conveyors for AMRs are an Effective Way to Automate a Facility

This eBook covers Glide-Line’s conveyor attachments built specifically for AMRs. We go through the many variables that integrators are looking for in a cost-efficient AMR conveyor design, like: - lightweight, yet powerful - high flexibility & configurable -durability & dependability - DC-driven. At Glide-Line we solve problems that other conveyor manufacturers won’t: simplicity – easy to maintain,flexible configurability, creating an efficient, hassle-free customer experience - customizations are normal to meet your needs.

Using a quantum-like model to enable perception in robots with limited sensing capabilities

Over the past few years, researchers have been trying to apply quantum physics theory to a variety of fields, including robotics, biology and cognitive science. Computational techniques that draw inspiration from quantum systems, also known as quantum-like (QL) models, could potentially achieve better performance and more sophisticated capabilities than more conventional approaches.

Using astrocytes to change the behavior of robots controlled by neuromorphic chips

Neurons, specialized cells that transmit nerve impulses, have long been known to be a vital element for the functioning of the human brain. Over the past century, however, neuroscience research has given rise to the false belief that neurons are the only cells that can process and learn information. This misconception or 'neurocomputing dogma' is far from true.

A system for swarm robotics applications inspired by pheromone communication in insects

Nature is one of the most valuable sources of inspiration for researchers developing new robots and computational techniques. Over the past few decades, technological advances have enabled the creation of increasingly sophisticated systems replicating naturally occurring processes and phenomena, such as animal behaviors and biological mechanisms.

DIGIT: A high-resolution tactile sensor to enhance robot in-hand manipulation skills

To assist humans in completing manual chores or tasks, robots must efficiently grasp and manipulate objects in their surroundings. While in recent years robotics researchers have developed a growing number of techniques that allow robots to pick up and handle objects, most of these only proved to be effective when tackling very basic tasks, such as picking up an object or moving it from one place to another.

Researchers develop soft electromagnetic actuators with medical potential

Rigid electromagnetic actuators have a variety of applications, but their bulky nature limits human-actuator integration or machine-human collaborations. In a new report on Science Advances, Guoyong Mao and a team of scientists in soft matter physics and soft materials at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, introduced soft electromagnetic actuators (SEMAs) to replace solid metal coils with liquid-metal channels embedded in elastomeric shells. The scientists demonstrated the user-friendly, simple and stretchable construct with fast and durable programmability.
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